[PHP] error: input in flex scanner failed

2001-08-18 Thread PeterOblivion

anyone got any inside info on waht this error means?

I changed one line of code.. and caboom.. 

- Peter

[PHP] Help with weird error..

2001-08-18 Thread PeterOblivion

Hey guys,

anyone know what
Fatal error: input in flex scanner failed in /home/k/kyle/public_html on line 



[PHP] looking for a class that handles cookies and sessions

2001-06-26 Thread PeterOblivion

I need a class that can quickly help me set cookies and sessions, and check 
up against them

anyone have an idea where i can get one like this?

- Peter

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[PHP] mysql error, dont see why.. please help

2001-05-22 Thread PeterOblivion

Here is the command.

mysql_query(UPDATE user_polls WHERE uid = '$UserName' AND type = '$type' SET 
url = '$file_name') or die(mysql_error());

You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE uid = 'Oblivion' AND type = 
'music' SET url = 'test'' at line 1

This is SOOO weird.

- Peter

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[PHP] mysql: dumping data

2001-05-17 Thread PeterOblivion

anyone have a CGI scipt/compiled linux cgi that will dump the contents of a 
file somewhere on the net into my mysql database?

I dont have telnet nor ftp access to my mysql server, and phpMyAdmin has 
failed everytime.


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[PHP] phpMyAdmin: dumping problem

2001-05-13 Thread PeterOblivion

i got a 1.21 txt file worth of backup data on my HD.
I need to get it up and running on my new mysql server asap.

2 problems tho
i dont have ftp or telnet access, and two phpMyAdmin always gives me a syntax 
error.. this is most likely because HTML is included in the contexs of the 

Anyone know of a compile cgi script or someting else that might help me?


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[PHP] mysql: UPDATE statment

2001-05-10 Thread PeterOblivion

why isnt this working

i need to get 5 values updated in a table called 'user_polls' 

how do I do this?
i have

UPDATE user_polls WHERE id = '$id' VALUES($1, $2. and so on

im getting a SQL error


- Peter

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[PHP] how to search the list's archives?

2001-04-09 Thread PeterOblivion

I asked a few questions a few weeks ago, and got some very good anwers. too 
bad i didnt save them.

Anyone know how to search the archives of this list (if there are any) ?


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[PHP] need some help..

2001-03-13 Thread PeterOblivion

Im moving servers within the week.. and I got about 600mbs worth of stuff on 
there, and me being on 56K its nearly an impossible tasks.

I thought up of a solution, but need to get it implemented. Have a script 
open a directory and fopen all the files from the remote server and transfer 
it to my new one. Anyone ever done something similar to this? is it possible?

- Thanks

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[PHP] image resize

2001-03-08 Thread PeterOblivion

My goal.. 
Take an image (gif,jpg) from a remote server, resize it into 200x150 and then 
save it on my local server.
My friend gave me a premade script but that doesnt work. Anyone have 
something like this already done or know where to find it?

- Thanks

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[PHP] config question

2001-03-05 Thread PeterOblivion

My server admin is being stupid... magic_quotes_gpc have been turned off 
unexpectadly so phpMyAdmin aint working, as well as half my scripts. He says 
nothing has been changed so it must be my fault, is there a command in php to 
displays the PHP config options so i can show this mofo that they are off

- Peter

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[PHP] quote problem

2001-03-02 Thread PeterOblivion


Wondering if any of you can help me with a problem

im trying to get something like this into $var  :

titleblah "blah" blah/title

How can I do it if its multi lined

Someone suggested
content =  END 

but that doesnt seem to work with quotes

- Peter

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[PHP] quick file question

2001-02-17 Thread PeterOblivion

I have $File, and I want the context of hello.txt to be stored in $file, 

Is there a function for this or do I use fopen?

- peter

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[PHP] strings

2001-01-29 Thread PeterOblivion

How can i make http://www.something.com/blah/blah.zip into 


http://www.somethingcom is a constant.. always the same thing

how can i cut it out?


- Peter

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[PHP] simple division.. but how?

2001-01-15 Thread PeterOblivion

if you want to do
10 / 3 
i want it to show 3 and not 3.3

how do I control that?

- Thanks

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[PHP] Templates

2001-01-12 Thread PeterOblivion

I looked around the web for templates and founf FastTemplates. Not exactly 
what i was looking for thoug
lets say I have 
$file = "111"
and there is a template "template.txt"
and it contains 
"file #$file is blahlah"

how can I make that a template?

- Peter

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