[PHP] International Addresses and Telephones

2003-12-04 Thread Rankin, Randy
I have a form which captures US addresses ( address, city, state ) and
telephone numbers ( 10 digit ) and am writing this data to a MySQL table. I
need to expand this to capture non-US info, so I was hoping for some
guidance on forms and table structures. I have googled this to death and
still haven't come up with anything. 


2003-08-14 Thread Rankin, Randy
I am setting up a new Redhat Linux 9 box for use as a non-production test
server. I prefer to use source files v. RPM's. Anyone know which of the
newest versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP will play together nicely. 


Randy Rankin

[PHP] PHP, MySQL and Flash

2003-07-09 Thread Rankin, Randy
Does anyone know of any articles on integrating PHP, MySQL and Flash to
perform a drag and drop routine for updating a db?

Specifically, I have a client who is _INSISTING_ that I integrate a drag and
drop feature into his railcar storage application. He wants to be able to
view two railcar storage tracks, Track A and Track B, then drag and drop
cars from Track A to Track B ( or Track B to Track A ). Once he positions (
orders ) all the cars properly on each track, I need to update a MySQL db to
reflect the changes. 

I have already developed the above feature so that he can do this
'textually', but he is _determined_ that he must have the graphic 'drag and
drop' feature. 

There may be another method ( Javascript ? ) to accomplish the same effect.
I am certainly open to any advice and/or opinions. Any pointers would be
_greatly_ appreciated.


Randy Rankin

RE: [PHP] connecting to mysql db

2003-03-25 Thread Rankin, Randy
Place the code in a file ( ie; dbcon.php ) and include that file in any page
which may need it using an include statement: include(dbcon.php); 


-Original Message-
From: Iggy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 7:50 AM
Subject: [PHP] connecting to mysql db

I am trying to play and learn php along with mysql and I have a question
about connecting to a db.
Is the following code necessary on every php page where I am retrieving some
data from a db or is there any way to connect once (something like
index.php) and have that connection open through subsequent pages?
the code
$link = mysql_connect(localhost, , )
or die(Could not connect:  . mysql_error());
print (Connected successfully);

or die(Could not select database:  . mysql_error());


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RE: [PHP] Limit the amount of returns in a MySQL query

2003-02-07 Thread Rankin, Randy
select * from mailaddresses where id  10 LIMIT 10;

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Page [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 2:53 PM
Subject: [PHP] Limit the amount of returns in a MySQL query

Hi All,

Imagine I have a giant database table tracking email addresses (I don't but
it is the first example that jumps to mind after my recent antispam

If i do a
 select * from mailaddresses;
I will get all of the table.
If i do a
 select * from mailaddresses where id  10;
I will get all the records where the id is less than 10...

The problem is that I want 10 records, period, so if id is not a primary
key, I could have 60 records that match... or if it is a P.K., but I delete
2 to 8, it will only return 2 records (1 and 9...)

How can I structure the query to only return only 10 records ? the idea
being able to construct a query where if there are more than 10 (or x)
results on a page, you click on a link 'page 2' and so on, and the next
query will return the next 10 (or x) records...


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[PHP] RE: [PHP-DB] Broken Links 2

2002-10-24 Thread Rankin, Randy
Thanks to everyone for the help. 

For those interested, I have posted the final code below. It functions
beautifully with one exception: the resized image quality is rather poor. I
am now reading through the php manual and newsgroups for a solution, but if
anyone knows how to handle this it would be great to hear from you.

Thanks again for all your help!



if( $image_id ) 
 $sql=SELECT image_bin_data from IMAGES where image_id='$image_id';
 $result=db_query ( $sql );
 $record=db_fetch_object ( $result );
 Header(Content-type: image/png);
 $dst_img=ImageCreate($new_w, $new_h);


RE: [PHP] php/frontpage

2002-10-17 Thread Rankin, Randy

Yes. Frontpage can edit php files ( albeit not very gracfully ). So, if you
must ...

Open Front Page
Select Tools | Options
Select the Configure Editors tab and add the .php extension.



-Original Message-
From: Shaun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 8:50 AM
Subject: [PHP] php/frontpage

Hi ,

I used ms frontpage 2000 to make a website. When
i comepleted the site , i had to study php to enable database
capabilities. When i changed my login.htm file into login.php,
ms frontpage did not recognize the .php file. All the navigational
links/views were removed from the login.php file. Can i enable frontpage
to work with php.

if not , what program would you use ?

Thanks ,Shaun

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[PHP] Confused

2002-09-23 Thread Rankin, Randy

I have two MySQL tables, groups and users:

groups: group_id, group_name

users: user_id, user_name, group_id, etc.

I would like to produce one table for each group which will list all the

members for that particular group. For example:

Blue (group_id 1)

Tom (group_id 1)

Nancy (group_id 1)

Jim (group_id 1)

Red (group_id 2)

Bob (group_id 1)

Susan (group_id 1)

James (group_id 1)


My question is, do I need to run 2 queries? The first to select all the

groups and the second to select all the users in each group based on the

group_id? How would I loop through to create a table for each group? 

Thanks in advance for any help.

Randy Rankin

[PHP] Date Concat?

2002-09-20 Thread Rankin, Randy

I have two fields of type date in a MySQL table called training:

I can format the date using a select, for example

DATE_FORMAT(start_date, '%M %d, %Y') as start_date,
DATE_FORMAT(end_date, '%M %d, %Y') as end_date
FROM training
This produces the following:

start_date: September 16, 2002
end_date: Sepetember 20, 2001
Based on the above, I would like to echo out something like this:
You will be in training September 16 - 20, 2002.
Is this possible? 
Thanks in advance,