Re: [PHP] [php] read/write error

2009-06-12 Thread Robin Vickery
Hello Mr HELP!

2009/6/12 HELP!

 I can not get the stream_get_contents() to work.  it's returning empty.

Is that simply because there's nothing to read from the socket?

 If you have a login details ALOGINPASS 1A cant you just fwrite($ft, 
 ALOGINPASS 1A); or do you need to add other things

You've not told us what protocol you're using, but a quick google
search seems to indicate that you're trying to send a login request
message for a market data stream.

You appear to using the character 'A' as the request terminator,
whereas market data streams generally use 0x0A, which is a linefeed

If the stream hasn't realised you've finished sending your login
request, then it won't send a response.

 what is the meaning of this string GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n

It's a HTTP 1.0 GET request, but that doesn't seem to be consistent
with the rest of the data you've mentioned.


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Re: [PHP] order by what?

2009-06-11 Thread Robin Vickery
2009/6/11 PJ

 How can order by be forced to order alphabetically and ignore accents
 without stripping the accents for printout? This is a problem for both
 caps  normal letters.

Depends on the database.

If you're using mysql, the order is governed by the collation used. To get
the order you want, you need a case-insensitive and accent-insensitive
collation. Exactly which one you use will depend on the character set that
you're using, but if you're character set is utf8, then the utf8_general_ci
collation should work:

SELECT fieldname FROM tablename ORDER BY fieldname COLLATE utf8_general_ci;


Re: [PHP] order by what?

2009-06-11 Thread Robin Vickery
2009/6/11 PJ

 Robin Vickery wrote:
  2009/6/11 PJ
  How can order by be forced to order alphabetically and ignore accents
  without stripping the accents for printout? This is a problem for
  caps  normal letters.
  Depends on the database.
  If you're using mysql, the order is governed by the collation used. To
  get the order you want, you need a case-insensitive and
  accent-insensitive collation. Exactly which one you use will depend on
  the character set that you're using, but if you're character set is
  utf8, then the utf8_general_ci collation should work:
  SELECT fieldname FROM tablename ORDER BY fieldname COLLATE
 Nice thought, Robin. My collation is already uft8_general_ci.
 Adding that condition to the query changes nothing; and specifying
 another collation return a blank or null and the list is not echoed.
 Even changing the collation in the db does not change anything. Same
 wrong results.
 Thanks anyway.


Well the mysql docs confirm that utf8_general_ci is accent-insensitive and
case-insensitive (
Which implies that maybe you don't actually have utf8 text in that field.

If you do a SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%'; what do you get for
character_set_client, character_set_results and character_set_connection?


Re: [PHP] [php] read/write error

2009-06-10 Thread Robin Vickery
2009/6/8 HELP!

 opening of the sorket is ok and writting LOGIN packet to the sorket is also
 ok but reading the response to know if the login is accepted or rejected is
 a not OK.

Don't use fread() to read from sockets, use stream_get_contents(). Example 3
on the fread() manual page tells you why.


Re: [PHP] Show the entire browser request

2009-06-10 Thread Robin Vickery
2009/6/10 Dotan Cohen

  Just checked your site in Elinks (works like Lynx) and I'm getting the
  headers come back to me. I'm assuming you changed your site code before
  me sending this and after you sent the original message?

 The individual headers are as they always were. It's the entire
 request verbatim (valid or not) that I'd like to add.

Is installing the pecl_http extension on your server an option?


Re: [PHP] Show the entire browser request

2009-06-10 Thread Robin Vickery
2009/6/10 Robin Vickery

 2009/6/10 Dotan Cohen

  Just checked your site in Elinks (works like Lynx) and I'm getting the
  headers come back to me. I'm assuming you changed your site code before
  me sending this and after you sent the original message?

 The individual headers are as they always were. It's the entire
 request verbatim (valid or not) that I'd like to add.

 Is installing the pecl_http extension on your server an option?

Oh.. ignore that, sorry. I'm an idiot.


Re: [PHP] PCI compliance issue

2009-06-02 Thread Robin Vickery
2009/6/2 Skip Evans

 Hey all,

 The original programmer created the following in the system's .htaccess

 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
 RewriteRule .* index.php

 ...which sends any incorrect URL to the home page, correct?

It rewrites any request for a non-existent file or directory to index.php.

The first url  ( requests the cgi-bin
directory. Presumably this directory exists in some form which would prevent
your rewrite rule from firing, but access to the directory is denied - hence
the 403 FORBIDDEN.

The second url ( requests a file
called /cgi-bin/?D=A. This file genuinely doesn't exist so the url gets
rewritten to index.php - hence your 200 OK response.


Re: [PHP] return language of a word

2008-09-29 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/9/29 shahrzad khorrami [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 hi all,

 is there any function to return us the lanuage of a word in the sentence?

 for example : My name is شهرزاد .

 when it sees شهرزاد notice that is a persian language.

As others have said, you can check what unicode block the characters are from.

For segments of text that are a little longer (one or two sentences),
you can use n-gram based language identification, which can sometimes
be spookily accurate. If you want to give that a go, there's a Pear
package called Text::LanguageDetect which will do that
[]. It doesn't have
trigrams for Persian in the lang.dat, but I don't imagine it would be
too hard to add them, if that's what you need.


Re: [PHP] Re: What's with the Rx symbol?

2008-09-01 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/8/30 Per Jessen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 tedd wrote:

 What some browser developers did was to NOT make the conversion from
 PUNYCODE to the correct code-points but rather show the PUNYCODE
 as-is, which was never the intent of the IDNS WG. This act defeated
 the entire process of allowing non-English people to have non-English
 domain names. This like throwing the baby out with the bath water.

 But that's not what FF does though - it has no problem with other domain
 names with international characters.  For instance, the normal Danish,
 German, French, Spanish and Icelandic characters work just fine. I have
 a testing domain which contains an 'ë' - also no problem. It seems to
 be just somewhat limited to those (and others I'm sure).


Firefox holds a whitelist of toplevel domains that are allowed to
display unicode (to see the list go to about:config and enter
IDN.whitelist into the filter box).

It does not allow .com domains to contain unicode for obvious phishing
reasons, but if I temporarily add it to the whitelist, I can see tedds
yin-yang domain in all its glory. Although not, for some reason which
I can't be bothered investigating, the rx-2 domain.


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Re: [PHP] If Column Exists

2008-08-13 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/8/12 VamVan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I am working on data migration for one mysql db to another using PHP. How do
 I check if a particular table has a particular column. If not alter...


Use the information_schema:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS column_exists FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE
TABLE_SCHEMA='db_name' AND TABLE_NAME='table_name' AND


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Re: [PHP] Math Weirdness

2008-07-15 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/7/15 tedd [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I said:

 Round-off errors normally don't enter into things unless your doing
 multiplication and division operations.

 And that is not Bull -- it's true. You can add and subtract all the
 floating point numbers (the one's we are talking about here) you want
 without any rounding errors whatsoever.

$ php -r 'echo 0.7 - 0.2 == 0.5 ? true\n : false\n;'

The operation you do isn't important. You just can't represent certain
numbers exactly in binary, just as you can't represent 1/3 exactly in
decimal. They have to be rounded internally.


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Re: [PHP] What font/size do you use for programming?

2008-07-09 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/7/9 Aschwin Wesselius [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 tedd wrote:

 Hi gang:

 I'm running a Mac (so I know mine is a bit different size wise) but I'm
 currently using Veranda at 14 point for coding.

 Just out of curiosity, what font and size do you ppls use for your



 6pt Terminal font on Windows, using UltraEdit on a 22 Dell flatscreen.

 I'd rather use Linux and probably monospace as small as possible.

 In PuTTY I use 6pt Proggy's OptiSmall to hack away in Nano on the

Wow! I know a Windows 6pt is bigger than the rest of the world's 6pt,
but still...

I use 14pt Terminus on Linux. I use the same font in terminals
(xfce4-terminal), editors (vim and emacs) and non-work email (gmail
with the aid of firefox's 'stylish' extension).


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Re: [PHP] Inspiration for a Tombstone.

2008-06-27 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/6/27 Brice [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:31 PM, tedd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi gang:

 For a break in our normal serious thinking, I suggested tombstone wit of:

 Always on the edge of greatness

 Dan offered:

 /cruelWorld or /Dan or

function dan($dateOfDeath) {
return Daniel P. Brown: 01-01-1970 - .$dateOfDeath;

 What would you like on your Tombstone? (-- that's actually a trademarked

 A classical :
 echo So long and thanks for all the PHP;

echo PHP_EOL;

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Re: [PHP] UK PHP Host/Developer Required

2008-06-16 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/6/14 Iv Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Robin Vickery wrote:

 Out of hours technical support often gets billed at a punitive rate.
 Which is a bugger if their out of hours is your working day.

 It seems you haven't tried Rackspace (UK) yet.

 And while you might get tech support out of hours, accounts and
 billing usually keep normal office hours.


 But if you pay your bills on time, you will never talk to these.

When a minute's downtime can cost you tens of thousands of
pounds worth of transactions, you can often find quite pointed
questions to ask your account handler. Like how the hell did
both independent power rails AND fail at once? Why didn't the
backup generators start? and what are you doing to 1. ensure
that it never happens again and 2. dissuade us from moving to
a hosting facility that exhibits some competence?

Having to do an emergency failover to a secondary hosting
facility on one of you busiest days of the year can put you in
a really bad mood.


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Re: [PHP] UK PHP Host/Developer Required

2008-06-13 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/6/13 Iv Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 2. It's useful if the host company and the client keep the same office

 If you have a hosting company with 9 to 5 office hours, you are dead, even
 if it is next door.

Out of hours technical support often gets billed at a punitive rate.
Which is a bugger if their out of hours is your working day.

And while you might get tech support out of hours, accounts and
billing usually keep normal office hours.


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Re: [PHP] validating # sign in php

2008-05-30 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/5/29 Sudhakar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 my question is about validation using php. i am validating a username which
 a user would enter and clicks on a image to find

 if that username is available. example if a user enters abc#123 php file is
 reading this value as abc ONLY which i do not

 want instead the php file should read as abc#123. following is the sequence
 of pages. please advice the solution.

You've asked this question at least three times now that I've seen,
and you've already had the answer.

The problem is not in PHP, it's in your javascript:

 var useri = document.registrationform.username
 var valueofuseri = document.registrationform.username.value
 titleforavailabilityi, width=680,  height=275, status=1,

You must urlencode valueofuseri.


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Re: [PHP] looking a regular expresion

2008-05-28 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/5/27 Manuel Pérez López [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I need to include a pair of negations with two complete word into a regular
 expresion for preg_replace. How to do this?
 I want to replace I want to be a SUN and a SIR with FRIKI FRIKI FRIKI

 ie. the words are: SUN and SIR. And the replacement word is: FRIKI

 $st = preg_replace (\b([^S][^U][^N])|([^S][^I][^R]\b), FRIKI,$st);

with a negative lookahead assertion:

$st = preg_replace('/\b(?!SUN\b|SIR\b)\w+/', 'FRIKI', $st);


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Re: [PHP] Re: Re: A Little Something.

2008-05-22 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/5/21 Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I was going to ignore this, but I'm in a confrontational mood today, so
 please accept my apologies for the noise.

 On 21 May 2008, at 14:08, Michelle Konzack wrote:

 Am 2008-05-12 15:40:54, schrieb Stut:
 Note:  I am working for the french Ministry of Defense.

 Ooh, give 'em a peanut. I live and work in the UK and every site I work on
 that uses Google Analytics has nothing specific about Google Analytics in
 the privacy policy. They all talk about use of cookies, IP addresses and
 server logs and I've never had any complaints.

7. PRIVACY . You will not (and will not allow any third party to) use
the Service to track or collect personally identifiable information of
Internet users, nor will You (or will You allow any third party to)
associate any data gathered from Your website(s) (or such third
parties' website(s)) with any personally identifying information from
any source as part of Your use (or such third parties' use) of the
Service. You will have and abide by an appropriate privacy policy and
will comply with all applicable laws relating to the collection of
information from visitors to Your websites. You must post a privacy
policy and that policy must provide notice of your use of a cookie
that collects anonymous traffic data.

So yeah, you don't need to specifically mention google-analytics. And
you're definitely
not allowed to link it to any personally identifying information. On
pain of Lawyers.

 But, at risk of labouring the point, I don't have an issue if you decide to
 worry about inconsequential things like websites gathering anonymous usage
 data so they can improve the experience for you. I couldn't care less if you
 disable Javascript to prevent evil popup ads. I don't really give a damn if
 you decide to use lynx as the ultimate surfer condom.

Really, I've no problem with sites gathering anonymous usage data. I only get
a little more wary when it's a third-party collecting the data as I
have no relationship
with them.

On the other hand, it really does depend who the third party is: I'm not that
bothered about Google. But I would block anything and everything from
Phorm or the like without a second thought.

 My issue is purely and simply that if someone decides to remove half the
 code for something they should not feel they have the right to complain to
 the developers when they see errors. You wouldn't expect a car to work if
 you removed all the cylinders, would you? But I'd love to see the persons
 face when you take it back and complain.

I don't think that's an accurate metaphor. In this case they were
allowing all the
code from the originating web server to run, but were blocking an independent
third party server.

It's more like expecting a car to work when you remove the trailer.

 Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

Pure contrariness? That's certainly my major motivation.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Re: A Little Something.

2008-05-22 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/5/22 Philip Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'm sure Stut (and others) have said enough, but I can no longer resist...

 On May 21, 2008, at 8:08 AM, Michelle Konzack wrote:

 Am 2008-05-12 15:40:54, schrieb Stut:

 I do not know, what this urchinTacker() does,  but  since  it  is  named
 Tracker, I asume it is a tool, which collect infos about Websiteusers.
 A thing I do not like since it is violation of my privacy.

 This statement appears to be one of ignorance. You claim that because you
 don't know what it does and it has a certain name, it MUST be a violation of
 your privacy. A violation of your privacy would be gaining
 *personally-identifiable* information w/o your knowledge - G.A. can't tell a
 web admin my first, middle, last names and DOB from my browser. Do some
 reading about the product and then make an educated statement.

Playing devils advocate here:

Firstly, you're mischaracterising her statement. She says she's
assuming it's a tool which collects information about users (which is
true) and she says she doesn't like such tools because she sees them
as a violation of her privacy (which is a matter of her opinion). She
does not say that it must be a violation of her privacy *because* she
doesn't know what it does and has a certain name.

Secondly, personally identifiable information doesn't have to be as
obvious as firstname/lastname/dob as Brian Clifton (European Head of
Web Analytics at Google) wrote in his book 'Advanced Web Metrics with
Google Analytics':

Note: On the internet, IP addresses are classed as personally
identifiable information.

And Google Analytics is most definitely getting IP addresses, even if
they say they discard them when they no longer need them.

  If you use such tools, you have to warn users of your website, that  you
  are collecting data otherwise you could be run into trouble...

 These statements are what really made me want to respond. From this
 statement, you are basically saying that a majority of the sites out there
 would have to have disclaimers.

Well, actually section 7 of their terms of service with google
analytics requires them to have notices.

 I know! Why don't we just require web
 developers to reveal the secrets!(TM) of their sites and give the source
 code so we can verify that they're not trying to find the name of my cat
 when I was 8? I mean, come on. [W]arn users of your website?? Don't get me
 wrong - I am all about security, but this appears to be taking it a bit far.
 As a web surfer, one should be aware of the potential risks and prepare
 reasonably!(TM) However, I must question if you should even be on the web...
 how do you sleep at night with all those javascript functions and cookies
 just parading around the 'net?!

Have you had a little too much coffee today?


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Re: [PHP] how do I stop Firefox doing a conditional get?

2008-05-15 Thread Robin Vickery
On 15/05/2008, Al [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Make certain your steam is compressed

Compressed steam can be dangerous:


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Re: [PHP] Working with internal data formats

2008-05-15 Thread Robin Vickery
On 15/05/2008, John Gunther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Iv Ray wrote:

  John Gunther wrote:
What technique can I use to take an 8-byte double precision value, as
stored internally, and assign its value to a PHP float variable without
having the bytes misinterpreted as a character string.
  Does it get misinterpreted, or do you just want to be sure?
  The documentation says -
  Some references to the type double may remain in the manual. Consider
 double the same as float; the two names exist only for historic reasons.
  Does this cover your case?

  Example: I extract the 8 bytes 40 58 FF 5C 28 F5 C2 8F from an external
 file, which is the internal double precision float representation of the
 decimal value 99.99. Starting with that byte string, how can I create a PHP
 variable whose value is 99.99?

Reversing the order of bytes then using unpack('d') works for me.

$bytes = pack('H*', '4058FF5C28F5C28F');

$output = unpack('d', strrev($bytes));
print array_shift($output) . \n;
// 99.99

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Re: [PHP] how do I stop Firefox doing a conditional get?

2008-05-14 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/5/14 Per Jessen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  not really PHP related, but I figured someone here would already
  have solved this problem.
  I've got a page with a single img.  I change the src attribute
  dynamically using javascript.  Although the images being served all
  have long expiry times, Firefox still does a conditional get to which
  apache says 304 as it should.

  The issue is - I'd like this page to appear to be as real time as
  possible, and the occasional delay caused by the conditional get is a
  nuisance.  My images are clearly cached, so how do I prevent Firefox
  from doing the conditional get ?  There must be some HTTP header I can

You can use either or both of 'Expires' or  'Cache-Control'


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Re: [PHP] Re: A Little Something.

2008-05-13 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/5/13 Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On 13 May 2008, at 09:04, Peter Ford wrote:

  I think the onus is on the coders of Urchin to document how to avoid
 errors when Javascript is disabled, not the site developer who uses it.

  Just to repeat a point I made yesterday which was clearly either
 misunderstood or ignored... Urchin *will not* cause Javascript errors if
 Javascript is disabled. Odd though it may seem, it's actually not possible
 to write Javascript code that will cause Javascript errors if Javascript is

  If you choose to use an addon that disables some Javascript but not all of
 it you need to be willing to live with the errors that may cause.

While I completely agree with everything you say there, I do think there is a
point to the other side side of the argument as well; It *is* sloppy
practice to
assume that some resource has already been initialised without checking,
especially when you're relying on a third-party script.

This is a pretty trivial case, but it is a really good habit to get into.


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Re: [PHP] Re: A Little Something.

2008-05-13 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/5/13 Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On 13 May 2008, at 10:32, Robin Vickery wrote:

  2008/5/13 Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   On 13 May 2008, at 09:04, Peter Ford wrote:
I think the onus is on the coders of Urchin to document how to avoid
   errors when Javascript is disabled, not the site developer who uses it.
   Just to repeat a point I made yesterday which was clearly either
   misunderstood or ignored... Urchin *will not* cause Javascript errors if
   Javascript is disabled. Odd though it may seem, it's actually not
   to write Javascript code that will cause Javascript errors if Javascript
   If you choose to use an addon that disables some Javascript but not all
   it you need to be willing to live with the errors that may cause.
  While I completely agree with everything you say there, I do think there
 is a
  point to the other side side of the argument as well; It *is* sloppy
  practice to
  assume that some resource has already been initialised without checking,
  especially when you're relying on a third-party script.

  I agree to a certain extend, but the Javascript spec specifies that it's
 executed in the order it's found on the page. So if you include an external
 file before calling the code it contains it's perfectly acceptable to assume
 that code has already been included, parsed and is available to you.

There's so many things that are out of your control when you include a
third-party script that could stop it loading; misconfigured servers
on their end, network outages, corporate firewalls blocking their
server, etc. You can't stop any of that. But you can check for it very

But hey, we basically agree. So I'm going to stop there, before I
start getting too involved in arguing the point.


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Re: Re[2]: [PHP] equivalent to perl shift function

2008-05-01 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/5/1 Richard Luckhurst [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi Chris,

  In perl ther is the concept of @_  which is the list of incoming parameter 
 to a
  subroutine. It is possible to have something like

  my $sock = shift;

  As I understand this the first parameter of the @_ list would be shifted.

  I see for array_shift there must be an argument, the array name to shift, 
  in perl if the array name is omitted the @_ function list is used. Is ther a 
  equivalent to the @_ list or how might I use array_shift to achieve the same
  result as in perl?

I''ve no idea why you want to handle arguments in the same way as perl does -
but func_get_args() returns the array of arguments to the function and you can
shift that with array_shift() if you like.


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Re: [PHP] check if any element of an array is not empty

2008-05-01 Thread Robin Vickery
2008/4/30 Nathan Nobbe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 2:58 PM, Richard Heyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   but I was thinking if there is the function does that.
   array_filter(). Note this:
   If no callback is supplied, all entries of input equal to FALSE (see
   converting to boolean) will be removed.

  i dont really see how that gets him the answer without at least checking the
  number of elements in the array after filtering it w/ array_filter;

Because an empty array evaluates to false when cast to bool (which is
implicit in a conditional).

So this should work fine:

if (array_filter($myArray)) {
  // only do this if there's stuff worth bothering with in myArray

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Re: [PHP] What is the practical use of abstract and interface?

2008-04-17 Thread Robin Vickery
On 16/04/2008, Tony Marston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   -Original Message-
   From: Robin Vickery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 16 April 2008 17:23
   To: Jay Blanchard
   Cc: Tony Marston;
   Subject: Re: [PHP] What is the practical use of abstract
   and interface?
   On 16/04/2008, Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What about encapsulation?
 Interfaces have nothing to do with encapsulation for the
   smple reason
that I  can have encapsulation without using interfaces.
   Unique use of logic there.
   By similar reasoning; swimming trunks have nothing to do with
   swimming for the simple reason that I can swim without trunks.

 Correct. Encapsulation and polymorphism can be achieved without interfaces,
  therefore interfaces are not necessary.

You've switched positions from have nothing to do with to not
necessary. Prefacing your statement with Correct makes it appear
that you're merely re-affirming your original position.

  There is nothing I can achieve with interfaces that I cannot achieve without
  them, therefore they are not necessary. Not only are they not necessary,
  because they do not add value they are totally useless.

There's nothing that you can achieve with PHP5 that you can't achieve
with PHP/FI either. Maybe it's time to scrap all this needless
complexity and return to our roots.

I've already given an example of how formally defined interfaces add
value and you chose to dismiss it on the grounds that there's no need
to check interfaces if you don't use interfaces. *Every* modular
system uses interfaces whether they're formally defined or not.

  Some people seem to use them simply because they are there, or that
  was how they were taught.

Some people don't use them because they weren't there when they
learnt, or they weren't taught how. What's your point?

You are still missing the fundamental point. There is absolutely
nothing I can do WITH interfaces that I cannot do WITHOUT them,
therefore they are redundant.
   How about compile-time checking that the interface has been
   correctly implemented?

 If you don't use interfaces there is no need for such checking.

ok, s/interface/api/ if that makes you happier.

If you need a concrete example, lets say your app has a nifty
plugin system so third-parties can extend it. You have an API for
plugins to register themselves, and each plugin exposes a set of
methods that your application calls when necessary.

If you define an 'interface' for your API and each plugin implements
that interface, then if there's a plugin that doesn't implement it
properly you'll know as soon as the plugin loads.

If you don't formally define the interface, you're not going to know
that the plugin's wrong until the badly implemented method gets
called. And even then it might just introduce a hard to diagnose bug
rather than an obvious failure.


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Re: [PHP] What is the practical use of abstract and interface?

2008-04-16 Thread Robin Vickery
On 16/04/2008, Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What about encapsulation?

  Interfaces have nothing to do with encapsulation for the smple reason
  that I
  can have encapsulation without using interfaces.

Unique use of logic there.

By similar reasoning; swimming trunks have nothing to do with swimming
for the simple reason that I can swim without trunks.

 You are still missing the fundamental point. There is absolutely
 nothing I can do WITH interfaces that I cannot do WITHOUT them,
 therefore they are redundant.

How about compile-time checking that the interface has been correctly


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Re: [PHP] Evaluating math without eval()

2008-04-11 Thread Robin Vickery
On 10/04/2008, Jason Norwood-Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 13:15 +0100, Richard Heyes wrote:

   First post to this list! I'm trying to figure out how to evaluate a
string with a mathematical expression and get a result, but without
using eval() as I'm accepting user input into the string. I don't just
want addition, subtraction, multiplication and division - I'd like to
take advantage of other functions like ceil, floor etc.

 In reply to my own question, I came up with the following function based
  on a comment on
  ( I had a look at
  the array returned by get_defined_functions() and the maths functions
  seem mostly to be grouped (with the exception of the random number
  stuff). It works on my installation but there's nothing in the
  documentation about get_defined_functions() returning in a particular
  order - it would be safer to list each math function but I'm lazy.

  protected function safe_eval($s) {
 if (empty($s)) {
 return 0;
 } else {
 try {
 return $s;
 } catch(Exception $e) {
 return 0;


That kind of thing is pretty dangerous.

In this case the regex is broken - you're putting all the function
names within the character class. That means that any character
contained within one of the allowed function names may be used in the
eval. So you can use any function that consists entirely of the


which means you can include() malicious content like this:


which evaluates to include('')


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Re: [PHP] PHP GD library installing

2008-04-10 Thread Robin Vickery
On 10/04/2008, Thijs Lensselink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Luca Paolella [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  How do I install/activate the GD library with my existing PHP version?
  I'm quite sure it isn't already, since I got this error:
  Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreate() in
  line 6
  Please forgive my ignorance, and thanks for your help

  On windows it's as easy as downloading the dll from

  But from your directory structure i presume you have some sort of *nix
  So you have to reconfigure and rebuild PHP.

Ouch... first try installing the php gd module through whatever
package manager your *nix distribution uses. For instance, on Ubuntu
linux you'd do:

sudo aptitude install php5-gd


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Re: [PHP] PHP GD library installing

2008-04-10 Thread Robin Vickery
On 10/04/2008, Thijs Lensselink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Robin Vickery [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  On 10/04/2008, Thijs Lensselink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Quoting Luca Paolella [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
How do I install/activate the GD library with my existing PHP version?
I'm quite sure it isn't already, since I got this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreate() in
line 6
Please forgive my ignorance, and thanks for your help
On windows it's as easy as downloading the dll from
But from your directory structure i presume you have some sort of *nix
So you have to reconfigure and rebuild PHP.
  Ouch... first try installing the php gd module through whatever
  package manager your *nix distribution uses. For instance, on Ubuntu
  linux you'd do:
  sudo aptitude install php5-gd

  Ouch? That's exactly what i added to my post Make sure GD is installed
  on the system.

Making sure GD is installed on the system is a very sensible thing to do.

The ouch was aimed at the suggestion that if you're on a *nix
system, the course of action is to recompile php. Normally these days
you'd just install the gd module (the equivalent of your windows dll)
through your package manager.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Quick email address check

2008-03-28 Thread Robin Vickery
On 28/03/2008, Bastien Koert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:23 PM, Bill Guion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   At 1:28 PM -0400 3/26/08, Al wrote:
   I'm scripting a simple registry where the user can input their name
   and email address.
   I'd like to do a quick validity check on the email address they just
   inputted. I can check the syntax, etc. but want check if the address
   exists.  I realize that servers can take a long time to bounce etc.
   I'll just deal with this separately.
   Is there a better way than simply sending a test email to see if it
   I've had pretty good success from the following:
   after checking the syntax (exactly one @, at least one . to the right
   of the @, etc.), if it passes the syntax check, I then set $rhs to
   everything to the right of the @. Then I test:
   if (!checkdnsrr($rhs, 'MX'))
-= Bill =-
   You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the track.
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 I have used this to good effect

  function isEmail($email)
   return TRUE;
   } else {
   return FALSE;
  }//end function

I often have a '+' in my email address (which is perfectly valid) and
it really annoys me when a site refuses to accept it.


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Re: [PHP] array_filter function

2008-03-28 Thread Robin Vickery
On 28/03/2008, Bagus Nugroho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If I have an array like this
  $dataArray = array(0=array('type'='da'), 1=array('type'='wb'), 

  How I can filtering to get only 'da' only, like this

  $newDataArray = array(0=array('type'='da'),2=array('type'='da'))

$newDataArray = array_filter($dataArray, create_function('$a','return
$a[type] == da;'));

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Re: [PHP] Possible using XPath?

2008-03-27 Thread Robin Vickery
On 27/03/2008, Christoph Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let's say I have the following structure:

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 child id=c1
 child id=gc1
 child id=ggc1/
 child id=ggc2/
 child id=gc2
 child id=ggc3/
 child id=ggc4/
 child id=c2
 child id=gc3
 child id=ggc5/
 child id=ggc6/
 child id=gc4
 child id=ggc7/
 child id=ggc8/

  By using the following XPath query

  //[EMAIL PROTECTED]gc3]/child

  I can get the child nodes of gc1.  But what I'd really like to get
  is the sub branch/path going back to the root.  So instead of just
  returning the two nodes

  child id=ggc5/
  child id=ggc6/

  I'd like to be able to return the sub branch/path

   child id=c2
 child id=gc3
   child id=ggc5/
   child id=ggc6/

  Is that possible?  Or is this something I'd have to do programatically
  using the nodes returned by the XPath query?  Basically, I'm just
  trying to get a fragment of the larger xml document...

//[EMAIL PROTECTED]'gc3']/child/ancestor-or-self::*


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Re: [PHP] Possible using XPath?

2008-03-27 Thread Robin Vickery
On 27/03/2008, Christoph Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is that possible?  Or is this something I'd have to do programatically
  using the nodes returned by the XPath query?  Basically, I'm just
  trying to get a fragment of the larger xml document...
//[EMAIL PROTECTED]'gc3']/child/ancestor-or-self::*

 Thanks for the response.  However, I must be doing something wrong
  here.  The test script below isn't doing what I'm expecting:

   $xml = '?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?rootchild
  id=c1child id=gc1child id=ggc1Great Grand Child
  1/childchild id=ggc2Great Grand Child 2/child/childchild
  id=gc2child id=ggc3Great Grand Child 3/childchild
  id=ggc4Great Grand Child 4/child/child/childchild
  id=c2child id=gc3child id=ggc5Great Grand Child
  5/childchild id=ggc6Great Grand Child 6/child/childchild
  id=gc4child id=ggc7Great Grand Child 7/childchild
  id=ggc8Great Grand Child 8/child/child/child/root';

   $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
   $doc-loadXML( $xml );

   $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
   $nodeList = $xpath-query(//[EMAIL 

   echo 'Got list list of [' . $nodeList-length . '] nodes:br';
   for ($i = 0; $i  $nodeList-length; $i++) {
   echo $nodeList-item($i)-nodeValue . br\n;

Only the nodes specified are in the list, but the *values* of the
those nodes include children that aren't in the list.

change your for-loop to this and you'll see just the expected nodes:

foreach ($nodeList as $node) {
  echo $node-tagName, ' : ', $node-getAttribute('id'), br\n;

does that make sense?


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[PHP] Playing around with strings

2008-03-20 Thread Robin Vickery

Here's a trick you can use to evaluate expressions within strings. It
may not be particularly useful, but I thought it was interesting.

It exploits two things:

1. If you interpolate an array element within a string, the index of
the element is evaluated as a php expression.

2. You can can make your own magic arrays by extending arrayObject.

class identityArrayObject extends arrayObject
  public function offsetGet($index)
return $index;

$eval = new identityArrayObject;

print The square root of {$eval[pow(2,2)]} is {$eval[sqrt(4)]} \n;

print Price: $price GBP ({$eval[$price * 1.175]} GBP including tax) \n;


You can extend it to add your own formatting elements:

class uppercaseArrayObject extends arrayObject
  public function offsetGet($index)
return strtoupper($index);

$U = new uppercaseArrayObject;
$city = 'edinburgh';

print The capital of Scotland is $U[$city] \n;

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Re: [PHP] why use {} around vraiable?

2008-03-20 Thread Robin Vickery
On 20/03/2008, Lamp Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I saw several times that some people use this

  $parameters = array(
   'param1' = {$_POST[param1]},
   'param2' = {$_POST[param2]}


   $query = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id='{$session_id}');

  I would use:

  $parameters = array(
   'param1' = $_POST[param1],
   'param2' = $_POST[param2]


   $query = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id=' .$session_id. ' );

  does it really matter? is there really difference or these are just two 

yes, it matters when you're trying to include a complex variable

this is a $variable; # ok
this is an $array[12]; # ok
this is an $array[word]; # warning under E_STRICT
this is an $array[two words]; # not ok, can't have whitespace
this is an {$array[two words]}; # not ok, indexes should be quoted
this is an {$array['two words']}; # ok
this is an $object-property; # ok if you're after the property
this is an {$object}-property; # but you need brackets if you want
the object as a string


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[PHP] Re: Playing around with strings

2008-03-20 Thread Robin Vickery
On 20/03/2008, Robin Vickery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Here's a trick you can use to evaluate expressions within strings. It
  may not be particularly useful, but I thought it was interesting.

  It exploits two things:

  1. If you interpolate an array element within a string, the index of
  the element is evaluated as a php expression.

  2. You can can make your own magic arrays by extending arrayObject.

  class identityArrayObject extends arrayObject
   public function offsetGet($index)
 return $index;

  $eval = new identityArrayObject;

  print The square root of {$eval[pow(2,2)]} is {$eval[sqrt(4)]} \n;

  print Price: $price GBP ({$eval[$price * 1.175]} GBP including tax) \n;


  You can extend it to add your own formatting elements:

  class uppercaseArrayObject extends arrayObject
   public function offsetGet($index)
 return strtoupper($index);

  $U = new uppercaseArrayObject;
  $city = 'edinburgh';

  print The capital of Scotland is $U[$city] \n;

More generic:


class transformArrayObject extends arrayObject
  protected $transform;

  public function __construct($transform = null)
$this-transform = is_null($transform) ? array($this, 'identity')
: $transform;

  public function offsetGet($index)
return call_user_func($this-transform, $index);

  public function identity($index)
return $index;

$eval = new transformArrayObject;
$U= new transformArrayObject('strtoupper');
$u= new transformArrayObject('ucfirst');
$L= new transformArrayObject('strtolower');
$GBP  = new transformArrayObject(create_function('$index', 'return
money_format(%n, $index);'));

$price = 50;
$tax = 1.175;
$city = 'EdInBurGH';

print A ticket to $U[$city] is: $GBP[$price] ({$GBP[$price * $tax]}
including VAT)\n;
// A ticket to EDINBURGH is: £50.00 (£58.75 including VAT)


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Re: [PHP] reverse string without strrev();

2008-02-28 Thread Robin Vickery
On 28/02/2008, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 12:39 +, Nathan Rixham wrote:
   Aschwin Wesselius wrote:
Stut wrote:
Just because it works doesn't mean it's right.
What I meant was that I tested the script and it worked, so I didn't
spot the flaw (wich is obvious and you were right).
No big deal.
   should it not use curlies?
   $tmp = '';
   $str = 'abcdef';
   for ($i = strlen($str)-1; $i = 0; $i--) {
 $tmp.= $str{$i};
   echo $tmp;
   here's the overkill way to do it:
   $str = 'abcdef';
   $rev = implode(array_flip(array_reverse(array_flip(str_split($str);
   echo $rev;

 There's always a tradeoff between speed and memory. Here's the low
  memory version:


  $str = '1234567';
  str_reverse_in_place( $str );
  echo 'Reversed: '.$str.\n;

  function str_reverse_in_place( $str )
 $a = 0;
 $z = strlen( $str ) - 1;

 while( $a  $z )
 $t = $str[$a];
 $str[$a] = $str[$z];
 $str[$z] = $t;



every byte counts :-)

function str_reverse_in_place( $str )
   $a = -1;
   $z = strlen($str);

   while( ++$a  --$z )
   $str[$a] = $str[$a] ^ $str[$z];
   $str[$z] = $str[$a] ^ $str[$z];
   $str[$a] = $str[$a] ^ $str[$z];

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Re: [PHP] Copying specific fields from table to table

2008-02-25 Thread Robin Vickery
On 25/02/2008, Rob Gould [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got 2 tables.  One table which contains a series of barcodes assigned to 
 product id #'s, and another table with JUST product id #'s.

  I need to somehow transfer all the barcodes from the first table into the 
 second table, but only where the id #'s match.


This will update every row in table 2 to have the barcode from table 1.

UPDATE table2 INNER JOIN table1 USING (id) SET table2.barcode = table1.barcode;

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Re: [PHP] fail on preg_match_all

2008-02-21 Thread Robin Vickery
On 21/02/2008, Nathan Rixham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The regex looks incorrect to me in a few places:
  -\d+] {1,4}
  for example.

That's ok, albeit confusing:

* The ']' is a literal ']' not the closing bracket of a character class.
* The {1,4} applies to the space character.


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Re: [PHP] Opinion about the using $GLOBALS directly

2007-12-19 Thread Robin Vickery
On 19/12/2007, js [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jochem,

 Sorry, I missed static.
 So, getDB() would works like singleton, right?
 I agree that's better method to manage dbh.

The technique is called memoization (


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Re: [PHP] Generating Random Numbers with Normal Distribution

2007-12-12 Thread Robin Vickery
On 12/12/2007, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 12, 2007 9:00 AM, tedd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 3:04 PM -0500 12/10/07, Daniel Brown wrote:
   Unfortunately, because computers are logical, there's no such
  thing (at least as of yet) as a truly random number being generated by
  a machine.

  Unless the computer is tied to a peripheral that samples nature.

 In which case the random number is not being generated by the
 computer, but rather derived from data interpreted from nature.

Can you define for me where the machine stops and nature starts?

I mean, if I make a clock that uses the physical properties of a
pendulum to demarcate units of time then the pendulum is obviously
part of the machine.

But if I make a computer that uses the physical properties of a
radio-isotope to generate random numbers, you seem to be be saying
that the radio-isotope is not part of the machine, but instead part of


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Re: [PHP] Generating Random Numbers with Normal Distribution

2007-12-11 Thread Robin Vickery
On 10/12/2007, Nathan Nobbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 10, 2007 5:29 PM, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 14:22 -0600, Jay Blanchard wrote:
   Can you say for certain nature is truly random? Just because the seed
   may have occurred 13.7 billion years ago and we don't know what that
   initial state was and we couldn't possibly calculate all the
   interactions since, doesn't mean that everything since hasn't been
   happening in accordance with some universal formula and in absence of
   randomness. We know that there appear to be certain laws in physics,
   would they not have applied to that initial state in a non random
   manner? It may just be that due to the hugantic sample space from which
   to draw arbitrary values that we think things are random.
   Food for thought :)
   Without order there cannot be randomness.
  But is the reverse true?

 i would have to say randomness came before order.  but i suppose thats a
 and egg problem..

In the worlds before Monkey, primal chaos reigned. Heavens sought
order. But the phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown.

The four worlds formed again and yet again, as endless aeons wheeled
and passed. Time and the pure essence of Heaven, the moisture of the
Earth, the powers of the Sun and the Moon all worked upon a certain
rock, old as creation. And it became magically fertile. That first egg
was named Thought.

Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said, With our thoughts, we make
the World. Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch. From it came a
stone monkey.

The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!



[I'll get my coat...]

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Re: [PHP] Should I put pictures into a database?

2007-11-29 Thread Robin Vickery
On 28/11/2007, AmirBehzad Eslami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 21 November 2007 03:14:43 Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
  I have an application, where I use pictures. The size of the picture is
  about 90kB and to speed up the preview, I made a thumbnail of each
  picture which is about 2.5 to 5kB.
  I use now a directory structure of   ../$a/$b/$c/pictures

 I rather to store images on the file-system, since database is another
 level over the file-system. However, I still need to store a pointer for
 every image into the database. This leads to storing the file names
 twice: one time in file-system, and one time in db.
 Isn't this redundancy?

Think of it as a foreign key.


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Re: [PHP] Tree-like structure in PHP?

2007-11-16 Thread Robin Vickery
On 16/11/2007, Paul van Haren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to use arrays to implement a sort of data tree. For the code to
 work, it is essential that the nodes can be edited after they have become
 part of the tree. That would require that the array elements are pushed
 by reference rather than by value.


 $arr1 = array ();
 $arr2 = array ();

 array_push ($arr1, 1);
 array_push ($arr1, $arr2);  // -- the important line

 array_push ($arr1, $arr2);
 $arr1[] = $arr2;


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Re: [PHP] Need a hint how to track an error

2007-11-13 Thread Robin Vickery
On 12/11/2007, Ronald Wiplinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris wrote:
  Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
  My php program is working with Firefox, but not with Internet Explorer.
  Nothing to do with php, your problem is javascript.
  Is there a tool to find the problem?
  For IE, try

 Why do you guys assume javascript

You gave no reason to think otherwise, given you only posted a javascript error

 I am disappointed that after switching totally from XP to Ubuntu to
 suggest me a Windows tool! I installed in a VirtualBox XP again and
 above tool helped me to find the mistake:

Didn't you say that the problem occured in Internet Explorer?

My php program is working with Firefox, but not with Internet Explorer.

I think it's reasonable for Chris to suggest a debugger for the
platform which you said had the problem.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Help with preg_replace

2007-11-08 Thread Robin Vickery
On 08/11/2007, Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Al wrote:
  Delimiters needed.  Can use about anything not already in your pattern.
  / is very commonly used; but I like #  or % generally; but, you
  can't use % because your pattern has it.
  $html = preg_replace(#%ResID#,$bookid,$html);

 wont a str_replace() do just fine in this case?

 // and we can do backticks too ;-)
 $html = str_replace(%ResID, $bookid, `cat htmlfile`);

As Jochem said.

But don't use backticks, use file_get_contents(). It's portable and
you don't start up a new process just to read a file.

$html = str_replace('%ResID', $bookid, file_get_contents('htmlfile'));


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Re: [PHP] enhanced_list_box, 2 tables from a database

2007-11-07 Thread Robin Vickery
On 07/11/2007, kNish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A newbie question. I have more than one table to access from a database.

 When I use the code as below, it gives no response on the web page.

 What may I do to run more than one table from the same database into the

Firstly, turn error reporting on, or at least look in your logs for
error messages.

Secondly, you're defining the enhanced_list_box() function twice.
That's not allowed.


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Re: [PHP] stftime differences on Windows/Linux platforms

2007-11-06 Thread Robin Vickery
On 06/11/2007, Neil Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm experiencing some differences in in the return values of strftime
 on Windows  Linux platforms on PHP 5.2.1. I've knocked up a test case
 to demonstrate the bug:


 $UNIX_TIME = mktime(0,0,0,5,31,2008);
 echo Time Made for 31-05-2008:  $UNIX_TIME\n;
 echo Expected Time for 31-05-2008:  1212188400\n;
 echo Formated generated: .
 strftime(%d-%m-%Y, $UNIX_TIME) . \n;
 echo Formated expected:  .
 strftime(%d-%m-%Y, 1212188400) . \n;
 echo Difference between expected and generated:  . ($UNIX_TIME - 
 echo \n\n;


 C:\php -e c:\test.php
 Time Made for 31-05-2008:  1212188400
 Expected Time for 31-05-2008:  1212188400
 Formated generated:31-05-2008
 Formated expected: 31-05-2008
 Difference between expected and generated: 0


 Time Made for 31-05-2008:  1212192000
 Expected Time for 31-05-2008:  1212188400
 Formated generated:31-05-2008
 Formated expected: 30-05-2008
 Difference between expected and generated: 3600

 Development Config:
 PHP Version 5.2.1
 PHP API 20041225
 PHP Extension 20060613
 Zend Extension 220060519

 Production Config:
 PHP Version 5.2.1
 Build Date Apr 25 2007 18:04:12
 PHP API 20041225
 PHP Extension 20060613
 Zend Extension 220060519

 Am I missing something obvious here? Any help gratefully received.

Well, either the clocks on your dev and production servers are exactly
6 hours out or there's a difference in their locale settings such that
one thinks it's in a timezone 6 hours ahead of the other.


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Re: [PHP] stftime differences on Windows/Linux platforms

2007-11-06 Thread Robin Vickery
On 06/11/2007, Neil Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Robin,

 Thanks for your reply. The times are exactly synchronized. I'm looking
 at the date section in the output of phpinfo(), and get the following:

 Default timezoneEurope/London

 Default timezoneUTC

 Although the timezones are different, my understanding is the UTC is a
 synonym for GMT, which is based in London. This appears to be
 confirmed by looking at the default latitudes and longitudes and they
 match up.

 Either way, setting the timezone to Europe/London in production fixed
 the issue. Thanks again for your help.

Aye, sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, when I said six hours;
the difference is of course 60 minutes.

The Dev server is in Europe/London, which is adjusted by an hour
during British Summer Time.

The production server was using UTC.

Because the date (31 May) was within BST, there was an hour difference
between the two.


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Re: [PHP] How to replace define in a require file with mysql?

2007-11-05 Thread Robin Vickery
On 05/11/2007, Zoltán Németh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2007. 11. 5, hétfő keltezéssel 06.10-kor Ronald Wiplinger ezt írta:
  Jim Lucas wrote:
   Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
   I have a file linked with require into my program with statements like:
   I would like to replace this with a mysql table with these two fields
   (out of many other fields).
   How can I do that?
   Well, if you have all the settings in a DB already, then what I would
   do is this.
   SELECT param_name, param_value FROM yourTable;
   while ( list($name, $value) = mysql_fetch_row($results_handler) ) {
   define($name, $value);
   put this in place of your existing defines and you should be good.
  Thanks! Works fine!
  I need now a modification for that.
  Two values:
  SELECT param_name, param_value1, param_value2 FROM yourTable;
  IF param_value1 is empty, than it should use param_value2

 try something like this sql:

 SELECT param_name, IF ((param_value1  '') AND NOT
 ISNULL(param_value1), param_value1, param_value2) AS param_value FROM

or use COALESCE()


SELECT param_name, COALESCE(param_value1, param_value2) AS param_value
FROM yourTable;


Re: [PHP] while-do +array

2007-10-31 Thread Robin Vickery
On 31/10/2007, Steven Macintyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the following code ... which only seems to result in one item ...
 which is incorrect ... can anyone spot my problem?

 if ($armbase != ) {
 $options = explode(,, $armbase);
 $text .=  'table tr';
 $get_endRow = 0;
 $get_columns = 8;
 $get_hloopRow1 = 0;

 do {
 if($get_endRow == 0   $get_hloopRow1++ != 0) {
 $text .= 'tr';
 $text .= 'td valign=top width=60';
 $text .= img
 $text .= '/td';
 if($get_endRow = $get_columns) {
 $text .=  '/tr';
 $get_endRow = 0;
 } while(list($key,$value) = each($options));

The first time around the loop, both $key and $value are undefined, as
you're not setting them until the end condition.

But that's not a big deal as nothing gets done first time through the
loop except for $get_hloopRow1 getting incremented.

The next time through the loop, because $get_hloopRow1 is now not
zero, the first conditional gets executed. You add some html and the
first value from the array to $text to the string and incremenent

All subsequent times through the loop, nothing gets done because the
$get_endRow == 0 condition fails. $get_endRow never gets incrememented

that help at all?


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Re: [PHP] Not Null?

2007-10-31 Thread Robin Vickery
On 31/10/2007, Steve Marquez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a script that looks for the variable to be NULL and then execute. Is
 there a way for the script to look for anything or something in the variable
 and then execute?


 If (Œ$a¹ == Œ ANYTHING¹) {

oh dear, krazee quotes... at least I presume that's what those wierd
characters are.

Look in the manual for isset() ( and empty()


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Re: [PHP] REGEX: grouping of alternative patterns

2007-10-30 Thread Robin Vickery
On 30/10/2007, Stijn Verholen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey list,

 I'm having problems with grouped alternative patterns.
 The regex I would like to use, is the following:


 It matches this statement:


 But not this:


 However, if I switch the alternatives, the first statement doesn't
 match, but the second does.
 FYI: In both cases, the column name and data type are matched, as expected.
 It appears to be doing lazy evaluation on the pattern, even though every
 resource I can find states that every alternative is tried in turn until
 a match is found.

It's not lazy.

Given alternate matching subpatterns, the pcre engine choses the
leftmost pattern, not the longest. For instance:

  preg_match(/a|ab/, abbot, $matches);

[0] = a

This isn't what you'd expect if you were familiar with POSIX regular
expressions, but matches Perl's behaviour.

Because each of your subpatterns can match an empty string, the
lefthand subpattern always matches and the righthand subpattern might
as well not be there.

The simplest solution, if you don't want to completely rethink your
regexp might be to replace \s with [[:space:]], remove the delimiters
and the i modifier and just use eregi(). like so:

$pattern = 

eregi($pattern, $column1, $matches); print_r($matches); // match
eregi($pattern, $column2, $matches); print_r($matches); // match


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Re: [PHP] moving over to php 5

2007-10-30 Thread Robin Vickery
On 30/10/2007, Per Jessen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Larry Garfield wrote:

  On Monday 29 October 2007, Per Jessen wrote:
  Cristian Vrabie wrote:
   Hmm 117,223 hosts with php4 only support. Did you actually checked
   how many have php5 support? Many more.
  There are 178.112 hosters that have PHP5 support.  I checked.
  Where and how did you check?

 Well, I didn't.  I just provided a silly answer to an impossible
 question.  There is no way anyone could possibly come up with a
 remotely accurate number of how many hosters have this or that.  So I
 made the numbers up.  $RANDOM.

  I have a hard time believing that there are 300,000 different
  commercial web hosting companies out there.  That many servers, sure,
  but companies?

 300,000 is probably a lot, yes. Still, Switzerland alone has roughly
 335.000 companies.  About 400 of those are members of a Swiss
 association for ISPs, but there's probably another couple of hundred
 that aren't.  Extrapolating from e.g. 500 webhosters for a population
 of 7million, that would make roughly 35,000 in the EU (pop. 480mill).

Besides, the set of fictitious companies that support PHP4 and the set
of fictitious companies that support PHP5 probably intersect to a
large extent. In fact, I researched the matter thoroughly a couple of
minutes ago and found that 108,064 companies support both versions of
PHP, so there's only a total of 187,271 PHP hosting companies.

Anyone still do PHP/FI?


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Re: [PHP] Limitations of preg_replace?

2007-10-25 Thread Robin Vickery
On 25/10/2007, Werner Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are there any limitations of preg_replace and is there
 a way to change them (for example with ini_set)?

 I got a php 4.4.7 on a linux-webhoster which crashes
 without error-message on this script:
 $txt = ;
 for ($i = 0; $i  2000; $i++)
 {   $txt .= a href=\helloworld.htm\ title=\my
 title\img src=\/mypic.jpg\/abr /\n;
 $txt =
 a$1href=, $txt);
 print $txt;
 If I loop only 1000 times or don't use (.*)-$1 on the
 regular expression, it works. It works as well on a
 local WAMP-Installation.

 Any ideas about that?

Yeah, the backtrack limit.

   1. it's not configurable in PHP 4
   2. You'd be better off writing your regexp so it doesn't have to
backtrack all the way
   through a 150KB string.

Try replacing .* with [^]*


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Re: [PHP] problem calling functions

2007-10-20 Thread Robin Vickery
On 19/10/2007, afan pasalic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Robin Vickery wrote:
  On 19/10/2007, afan pasalic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a problem with calling functions:
  function solution1($var1){
  // some code
  function solution2($var2){
  // some code
  function solution3($var3){
  // some code
  if ($function == 'solution1' or $function == 'solution2' or $function ==
  $my_solution = $function($var); # this supposed to call one of
  solution functions, right?
  suggestions for what?
  What is your problem? If you set $function to 'solution1' and run your
  code, it will indeed execute solution1().

 the problem is that this code doesn't work. and I was asking where is
 the problem, or can I do it this way at all.

Firstly, the code you posted does indeed work fine.

Secondly,  you need to learn to ask questions properly: What do you
expect the code to do? What is it actually doing? Are there any error
messages, if so what are they?


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Re: [PHP] problem calling functions

2007-10-19 Thread Robin Vickery
On 19/10/2007, afan pasalic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a problem with calling functions:

 function solution1($var1){
 // some code

 function solution2($var2){
 // some code

 function solution3($var3){
 // some code

 if ($function == 'solution1' or $function == 'solution2' or $function ==
 $my_solution = $function($var); # this supposed to call one of
 solution functions, right?


suggestions for what?

What is your problem? If you set $function to 'solution1' and run your
code, it will indeed execute solution1().


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Re: [PHP] Looking for help with a complex algorithm

2007-10-10 Thread Robin Vickery
On 09/10/2007, Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good afternoon gurus and guru-ettes!

 I am searching for an algorithm that will take a list of monetary values
 and determine which of these values totals a value supplied to the

 1. I supply a value to the application and give a date range
 2. The application will query for all of the values in the date range
 3. The application will determine which of the values will total the
 supplied value
 a. if the total values in the date range do not add up to the
 supplied value the application will return that info. (I have this done
 4. The application will return the records comprising the total value

 For instance I supply 10.22 and a date range of 2007-10-01 to 2007-10-05

 Values in the range;

 Values comprising the total;

 It is possible to have duplicate values, so we will have to assume that
 the first one of the dupes is correct, the records will be sorted by
 date. I have been working with a recursive function, but so far the
 results are not pretty and it is getting too complex.

 FYI, this is very similar to the knapsack problem in dynamic

it is a special case of the knapsack problem - the subset sum problem.

You'll need to be aware that it's of exponential complexity. So make
sure your lists of possible values don't get big. Anyway, here's my


function subsetSum ($target, $list) {

  $partition = (int) (sizeof($list)/2);
  $listA = powerset(array_slice($list, 0, $partition));
  $listB = powerset(array_slice($list, $partition));

  krsort($listA, SORT_NUMERIC);
  ksort($listB, SORT_NUMERIC);

  $target = round($target, 2);

  foreach (array_keys($listA) as $A) {
foreach (array_keys($listB) as $B) {
  $sum = round($A + $B, 2);
  if ($sum  $target) continue 1;
  if ($sum  $target) continue 2;
  return array_merge($listA[$A], $listB[$B]);

  return false;

function powerset($list) {
  if (empty($list)) return array();
  $value = array_pop($list);
  $A = powerset($list);
  $B = array();
  foreach ($A as $set) {
$set[] = $value;
$B[(string) array_sum($set)] = $set;
  return array_merge(array($value = array($value)), $A, $B);


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Re: [PHP] Case insensitive ksort

2007-09-18 Thread Robin Vickery
On 18/09/2007, Christoph Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I looked in the docs but didn't see anything regarding case
 insensitivity and I fear the functionality doesn't exist.  I'm just
 hoping I'm looking in the wrong place.

 Is there a way to get ksort to work without regard to case?  When I
 sort an array using ksort, all the upper case keys end up at the top
 (sorted) and all the lower case keys end up at the bottom (sorted).
 Ideally, I'd like to see all the keys sorted (and intermixed)
 regardless of case.  Am I going to have to do this manually?  Or is
 there an internal php command that will do it for me?

uksort($array, 'strcasecmp');


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Re: [PHP] Validating Email Conditional

2007-08-03 Thread Robin Vickery
On 02/08/07, CK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please see the notes below keeping in mind this RegEX is being used
 to validate emails for a newsletter signup form. It may not be
 possible, accommodating some of the formats you provided. If you have
 the Holy Grail of RegEx please share.

Can you reply to the list please?

It's exactly the kind of situation that's most annoying - when you try
and sign up for a
newsletter or register with a site and it refuses to let you because
it reckons your email address is invalid, despite the fact you've been
sending and receiving mail with it for years.

The best advice for validating email addresses is don't do it with a
regexp. Send an email to the address with a link in it for them to
confirm their registration.

 On Aug 1, 2007, at 11:08 PM, Robin Vickery wrote:

  On 02/08/07, CK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Would you point out why?  As I've tested a range of email address,
  and have not found one rejected that is formatted correctly.
  ok, here's a few perfectly valid email addresses off the top of my
  head. The first one's especially annoying as I use it a lot. The last
  one's not so common but can be useful if you've got broken dns.
 (would you give a hand in accommodating this format?)

Yeah, get rid of the regexp completely. Simple eh?

 (should be invalid as the domain does not exist)

Of course it doesn't - it's an example. that's why
 the domain is reserved - to
use in examples like this.

The point is your regexp won't let anyone with
a perfectly valid .museum (or .travel) domain
register with your newsletter.

 (should be invalid as the domain does not exist)

Of course it doesn't - it's an example. that's why
 the domain is reserved - to use in
examples like this.

The point is that your regexp won't allow anyone
with an apostrophe in their name: o'reilly, o'rourke, o'malley etc.

 (would you give a hand in accommodating this format?)


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Re: [PHP] Validating Email Conditional

2007-08-02 Thread Robin Vickery
On 02/08/07, CK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Would you point out why?  As I've tested a range of email address,
 and have not found one rejected that is formatted correctly.

ok, here's a few perfectly valid email addresses off the top of my
head. The first one's especially annoying as I use it a lot. The last
one's not so common but can be useful if you've got broken dns.



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Re: [PHP] How can I get a list of object vars?

2007-08-02 Thread Robin Vickery
On 02/08/07, js [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi list.

 I'm trying to write a ORM  in PHP.
 I want the ORM to have metadata mapping, which have a list of  properties name
 and the value, without using any external file.
 (I like simple one, not want messy XML)

 I'm thinking PHP's reflective functions might help me to do that
 and treid  get_object_vars but it  doesn't  return properties name
 and even value itself when it  haven't been assigned any value.

 Is there  any good way to get a list of properties name  and the value?

$properties = (array) $myObject;



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Re: [PHP] Validating Email Conditional

2007-08-01 Thread Robin Vickery
On 01/08/07, CK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My script is working,
 $regexp = ^([_a-z0-9-]+)(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+)(\.[a-z0-9-]

If your script is using that regular expression to validate email addresses
then your script is most definitely not working.


(who is fed up with websites that reject perfectly good email
addresses for no good reason)

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Re: [PHP] Array difficulty

2007-07-31 Thread Robin Vickery
On 31/07/07, Carlton Whitehead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have an array like this:

 $chance = array(lowercase = 27, uppercase = 62, integer = 46);

 The values for each of the keys are randomly generated. I want to find the 
 key name of the one which has the highest value. Currently, I'm doing this as 

 foreach ($chance as $type = $value)
 $result = $type;

Assuming $chance is non-empty.

$result = array_search(max($chance), $chance);

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Re: [PHP] Array difficulty

2007-07-31 Thread Robin Vickery
On 31/07/07, Alister Bulman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 31/07/07, Carlton Whitehead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Couldn't you just do
  $lastItem = chance[( count( $chance ) - 1 )];

  I tried that earlier, but the problem is:
  count( $chance ) - 1 ); returns an integer, so I would be asking for 
  something like $chance[1] or $chance[0], neither of which exist in the 
  array.  Keep in mind $chance only has keys with string names:

 $chance = array(lowercase = 27, uppercase = 62, integer = 46);

max() returns the maximum value of an array.
array_search() finds the key for a value

So all that's needed to find the key of the maximum value is:

$result = array_search(max($chance), $chance);

I'd pretty much guarantee it'll be about an order of magnitude faster
than any solution that relies on sorting the array.


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Re: [PHP] Unexpected values in an associative array[Solved]

2007-07-31 Thread Robin Vickery
On 31/07/07, Ken Tozier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Turns out that objects returned from SQL queries contain two parts
 for every field, one with a string key and one with an index key.
 Adding an is_numeric test on the keys allows you to filter out the
 numeric keys if you want to. For example:

Or don't get numeric keys in the first place:

foreach ($this-db-query($query, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row)


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Re: [PHP] Problem iterating over an array with foreach and a reference variable

2007-07-25 Thread Robin Vickery

On 24/07/07, Chris Mika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug.

Very simply: I created an array with values 1-5. I use a foreach loop to
iterate over it to add 1 to the values. It correctly iterates over the
array except for the last value.


$test = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

print original: br;
foreach ($test as $part) {
   print ($part) ;
print br changing: br;

foreach ($test as $part) {
   print ($part - ;
   $part ++;
   print $part) ;

At this point $part is a reference to the last element of $test,
so every time you change $part, you also change that last element.

print brfinal:br;
foreach ($test as $part) {
   print ($part) ;

So if you did a var_dump of $test inside this loop you'd see the last
element changing each time a new value's assigned to $part, probably
something like this:

array(5) { [0]= int(2) [1]= int(3) [2]= int(4) [3]= int(5) [4]= ?(2) }
array(5) { [0]= int(2) [1]= int(3) [2]= int(4) [3]= int(5) [4]= ?(3) }
array(5) { [0]= int(2) [1]= int(3) [2]= int(4) [3]= int(5) [4]= ?(4) }
array(5) { [0]= int(2) [1]= int(3) [2]= int(4) [3]= int(5) [4]= ?(5) }
array(5) { [0]= int(2) [1]= int(3) [2]= int(4) [3]= int(5) [4]= ?(5) }

Does that make sense?


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Re: [PHP] Array Question

2007-07-11 Thread Robin Vickery

On 11/07/07, kvigor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a php function similar to in_array that can detect if a partial
value is in an array value or not:


$var1 =  big horse;$var2 =  small yellow;$var3 =  red hydrant;

$theArray = array(big blue horse, small yellow bird, giant red hydrant);

Is there a way to find out if $var1 in $theArray or $var2 etc.?

There's not a built in function, but it's not hard to write one:

function partial_in_array($needle, $haystack) {
 if (!is_array($needle)) { $needle = array($needle); }

 $needle = array_map('preg_quote', $needle);

 foreach ($needle as $pattern) {
   if (count(preg_grep(/$pattern/, $haystack))  0) return true;

 return false;

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Re: [PHP] Array Question

2007-07-11 Thread Robin Vickery

On 11/07/07, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 2007-07-11 at 09:46 +0100, Robin Vickery wrote:
 On 11/07/07, kvigor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a php function similar to in_array that can detect if a partial
  value is in an array value or not:
  $var1 =  big horse;$var2 =  small yellow;$var3 =  red hydrant;
  $theArray = array(big blue horse, small yellow bird, giant red hydrant);
  Is there a way to find out if $var1 in $theArray or $var2 etc.?

 There's not a built in function, but it's not hard to write one:

 function partial_in_array($needle, $haystack) {
   if (!is_array($needle)) { $needle = array($needle); }

You can reduce the above statement to the following:

$needle = (array)$needle;

Conversion to array creates an array with one element... the value

Fair enough. I very rarely type cast in PHP, so it never occurred to
me to try that.


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Re: [PHP] Disadvantages of output buffering

2007-06-26 Thread Robin Vickery

On 26/06/07, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 2007-06-26 at 14:09 +0100, Stut wrote:
 Robert Cummings wrote:
  On Tue, 2007-06-26 at 14:33 +0200, Emil Edeholt wrote:
  My php project would get a much cleaner code if I could set cookies
  anywhere in the code. So I thought of output buffering. But I can't find
  any articles on the cons of output buffering. I mean it most be a reason
  for it being off by default?
  Cons of output buffering:
  - tncy weency time overhead

 Compared to the time taken to flush to the client more often? This is
 incorrect in most cases, and even when it's not it really really is
 tncy weency.

  - memory overhead since buffered content remains in memory
until flushed.

 Indeed, but memory is cheap and you're likely to run out of memory for
 other reasons way before output buffering causes it.

Agreed, I was hard pressed to come up with cons in the first place :)

Modern browsers often start partially rendering HTML as soon as it
arrives rather than waiting for the page to load completely.
Obviously, if you're waiting until the end of the script before
actually sending any HTML, they can't do that so your page might
appear less responsive.


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Re: [PHP] Byte conversion

2007-06-25 Thread Robin Vickery

On 25/06/07, Eric Butera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've been trying to figure out a way to do this all day and I'm afraid
I might need a bit of help.  Basically I am trying to port over
something from Java to PHP and I'm stuck on one particular piece of

if ((ba[i + 0] == (byte)0xa7)  (ba[i + 1] == (byte)0x51)) {


I tried


if ($char == 0xa7  $char == 0x51) {


but it never matches.  Any pointers?

$char can't have two values at once...


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Re: [PHP] Counting Capital Letters

2007-06-21 Thread Robin Vickery

On 21/06/07, Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've written a short regexp which will *count* how many capital letters
are in a given string (the woefully simple: '/[A-Z]/')

Although it's an English language web site, I'm curious how you'd
count capital letters that span beyond just the standard A-Z.

For example characters such as the Latin capital letter S with Acute.
I'm not interested in covering all possible character sets, but I
don't want to piss-off any Europeans who may register on the site and
want to use one of their own capital letters.

Anyone approached this before?

It'd probably be a good start to use [[:upper:]] rather than [A-Z].
There's also \p{Lu} if you use utf-8 mode which matches utf-8
characters with the uppercase letter property.


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Re: Re[2]: [PHP] Comparing string to array

2007-06-20 Thread Robin Vickery

On 19/06/07, Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Robin,

Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 8:28:50 PM, you wrote:

 On 19/06/07, Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $userparam = test['sam'][];

 //  How to check if $userparam exists in the $_POST array
 //  and get all the values from it?

 full_key_exists(test['sam'][], $_POST) // returns true if key is set

 full_find_key(test['sam'][], $_POST) // returns value of key or undef.

 function full_key_exists ($key, $array) {
   preg_match_all('/[^][]+/', $key, $branch);

   if (!sizeof($branch[0])) false;

This should of course have a 'return' before the 'false'.

I should really test things before I post.


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Re: [PHP] Comparing string to array

2007-06-19 Thread Robin Vickery

On 19/06/07, Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

$userparam = test['sam'][];

//  How to check if $userparam exists in the $_POST array
//  and get all the values from it?

full_key_exists(test['sam'][], $_POST) // returns true if key is set

full_find_key(test['sam'][], $_POST) // returns value of key or undef.

function full_key_exists ($key, $array) {
 preg_match_all('/[^][]+/', $key, $branch);

 if (!sizeof($branch[0])) false;

 foreach ($branch[0] as $index) {
   if (!(is_array($array)  isset($array[$index]))) return false;
   $array = $array[$index];

 return true;

function full_find_key ($key, $array) {
 preg_match_all('/[^][]+/', $key, $branch);

 if (!sizeof($branch[0])) return;

 foreach ($branch[0] as $index) {
   if (!(is_array($array)  isset($array[$index]))) return;
   $array = $array[$index];

 return $array;

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Re: Re[6]: [PHP] Need a more elegant way of bitwise ORing values

2007-06-17 Thread Robin Vickery

On 13/06/07, Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Robert,

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 3:15:39 PM, you wrote:

 It's terribly verbose and inefficient...


 $filter['flags'] = 0;

 if( $allow_fraction )
 $filter['flags'] |= FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION;

 if( $allow_thousand )
 $filter['flags'] |= FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND;

 if( $allow_scientific )
 $filter['flags'] |= FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_SCIENTIFIC;


I don't think it's *terribly* verbose, as it has good sentence structure
to it, but your version is certainly more efficient, hence I've
swapped to that. Any other takers? ;)

lose the conditionals?

$filter['flags'] = 0;
$allow_fraction  $filter['flags'] |= FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION;
$allow_thousand  $filter['flags'] |= FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND;
$allow_scientific  $filter['flags'] |= FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_SCIENTIFIC;

or keep the conditionals and just do one assignment?

$filter['flags'] = ($allow_fraction ? FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION : 0)
 | ($allow_thousand ? FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND : 0)
 | ($allow_scientific ? FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_SCIENTIFIC : 0);

as the perl motto says, there's more than one way to do it.



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Re: [PHP] Going from simple to super CAPTCHA

2007-06-14 Thread Robin Vickery

On 13/06/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, June 13, 2007 3:36 am, Robin Vickery wrote:
 On 12/06/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, June 12, 2007 9:33 am, Tijnema wrote:
  I meant reverse order :P

 That would be pretty broken.

 There's no guarantee that browsers will present the inputs in any
 order at all, even though they all seem (so far) to follow the
 convention of presenting them in the order they appear in the form.

 If, however, one browser decides tomorrow to use the tab order
 instead, and your code breaks because of that, it's your fault, not
 the browser's.

 The HTML spec says that form elements should be presented in the order
 they appear in the document. If the browser doesn't conform to spec,
 it's not his fault.

 From the HTML 4.01 Specification:

 The control names/values are listed in the order they appear in the
 document. The name is separated from the value by `=' and name/value
 pairs are separated from each other by `'.


I wonder if that came about as a result of HTML 3.x issues... :-)

Might be where I remembered the ordering issue from.

I guess it's okay to require HTML 4.01 or higher now, eh?...

Well, it'd be pretty safe to require HTML 2.0 or higher.

From the HTML 2.0 Spec [RFC-1866]

8.2.1 part 2

The fields are listed in the order they appear in the
document with the name separated from the value by `=' and
the pairs separated from each other by `'. Fields with null
values may be omitted.


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Re: [PHP] Going from simple to super CAPTCHA

2007-06-13 Thread Robin Vickery

On 12/06/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, June 12, 2007 9:33 am, Tijnema wrote:
 I meant reverse order :P

That would be pretty broken.

There's no guarantee that browsers will present the inputs in any
order at all, even though they all seem (so far) to follow the
convention of presenting them in the order they appear in the form.

If, however, one browser decides tomorrow to use the tab order
instead, and your code breaks because of that, it's your fault, not
the browser's.

The HTML spec says that form elements should be presented in the order
they appear in the document. If the browser doesn't conform to spec,
it's not his fault.

From the HTML 4.01 Specification:

The control names/values are listed in the order they appear in the
document. The name is separated from the value by `=' and name/value
pairs are separated from each other by `'.


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Re: [PHP] Going from simple to super CAPTCHA

2007-06-12 Thread Robin Vickery

On 10/06/07, Dave M G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

PHP General List,

With a little help from the web, and help from this list, I have a
simple CAPTCHA image that works within the content system I'm building.

But it's *really* simple. Basically white text on a black background,
with a couple of white lines to obscure the text a little.

I'm pretty sure that in its current state, my CAPTCHA image could be
cracked by OCR software from the 1950s.

So I'm hoping to take it up to the next level.

How about using the spammers' own tricks against them? They try hard
to make image spam pass through filters and resist OCR analysis.


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Re: [PHP] Parse domain from URL

2007-06-07 Thread Robin Vickery

On 06/06/07, Brad Fuller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Daniel Brown wrote:
 On 6/6/07, Brad Fuller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to strip out a domain name from a URL, and ignore subdomains
 (like www)

 I can use parse_url to get the hostname. And my first thought was to
 take the last 2 segments of the hostname to get the domain.
  So if the
 URL is
 Then the domain is   If the URL is then the domain is

 This seemed to work perfectly until I come across a URL like My script thinks the domain is

 So I added a bit of code to account for this, basically if the 2nd to
 last segment of the hostname is co then take the last 3 segments.

 Then I stumbled across a URL like

 So it occurred to me that this is not the best solution, unless I
 have a definitive list of all exceptions to go off of.

 Does anyone have any suggestions?

 Any advice is much appreciated.

 Well, it's not very clean, but if you just need to remove
 the subdomain/CNAME from the domain

 $hostname = parse_url($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
 $domsplit = explode('.',$hostname['path']);
 for($i=1;$icount($domsplit);$i++) {
 $i == (count($domsplit) - 1) ? $domain .= $domsplit[$i] :
 $domain .= $domsplit[$i]..; }
 echo $domain;

 There's probably a much better way to do it, but in the
 interest of a quick response, that's one way.

Yes, that's basically what my code already does.

The problem is that what if the url is; (note the lack
of a subdomain)

Your script thinks that the domain is  Just like my existing code

So we can't count on taking the last 2 segments.  And we can't count on
ignoring the first segment.  (The subdomain could be anything, not just www)

In that case you can't do it just by parsing alone, you need to use DNS.

function get_domain ($hostname) {
 dns_get_record($hostname, DNS_A, $authns, $addt);
 return $authns[0]['host'];

print get_domain( . \n;
print get_domain( . \n;
print get_domain( . \n;
print get_domain( . \n;
print get_domain( . \n;
print get_domain( . \n;
print get_domain( . \n;

/* result

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Re: [PHP] checking the aspect ratio of an images

2007-06-06 Thread Robin Vickery

On 06/06/07, blueboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to force users to insert landscape rather portrait images. I don't
want to be too pedantic about it but they do need to have an approximate 4x3
aspect ratio.

This is my code so far.

$max_height = 500; // This is in pixels
$max_width = 500; // This is in pixels

list($width, $height, $type, $w) =

if($width  $max_width || $height  $max_height)


$ratio = 4/3;
$tolerance = 0.1;

if (abs($ratio - $width/$height)  $tolerance) {
 // not approximately the right aspect ratio

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Re: [PHP] local v remote

2007-05-31 Thread Robin Vickery

On 31/05/07, blueboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On my localhost this works fine

$result= mysql_query(SELECT date_format(date, '%d/%m/%Y') as date, title, id, 
display FROM NEWS);

1. check return values, $result should not be false unless there's a problem.
2. if $result is false, check mysql_error() it'll tell you more about
what's gone wrong.

for example:

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());


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Re: [PHP] convert numerical day of week

2007-05-23 Thread Robin Vickery

On 22/05/07, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 13:47 -0500, Greg Donald wrote:
 On 5/22/07, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nothing said it was important, but why implement a half-assed solution
  when you can implement a superior solution in as much time?

 Your solution contains overhead you don't even know you need.  Coding
 for locales is an edge case since most PHP installs will find the
 server settings sufficient.

  I'll accept ignorance and sloppiness as reasons... albeit not good

 You assume too much and your solution is bloated.  Accept that.

No, your solution is bloated. Mine may run a tad slower, but it consumes
less memory since it uses the weekday names already defined in the
locale. Yours redefines the strings thus requiring that much extra
storage. Yours is redundant with information already available in the
locale. The YAGNI claim is irrelevant here since I'm producing the
requested functionality that the poster obviously needs. Whether I use
your method or my method is irrelevant to YAGNI.

they're all bloated:

print jddayofweek($day_number, 1);


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Re: [PHP] IE7 = end tag?

2007-05-18 Thread Robin Vickery

On 18/05/07, Jim Moseby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The extra comma at the end of the array definition is still
 valid syntax in
 PHP. Try for yourself:

  php -r '$a = array(a = foo, b = bar,); print_r($a);'

Interesting.  Do you mean 'Valid Syntax' in that it 'works without error',
or 'Valid Syntax' in that 'it was designed to work that way'?

It was designed to work that way (see the 'possible_comma' rule in

If the latter, then I have learned something new,
and I'd like to know more about why it is designed to work that way, and how
I could use it to my advantage.

Probably because

 1. People often remove or comment out elements from lists and forget
to remove the
 comma from the new last entry eg:

 $config = array(
foo = bar,
 // baz = wibble

 2. Perl already made the final comma optional for similar reasons.


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Re: [PHP] Mysqli insert / OO Design Problem - Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in...

2007-05-17 Thread Robin Vickery

On 16/05/07, Lee PHP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

/** Insert record. */
public function insert() {
$sql = INSERT INTO table ( .
field_1,  .
field_2,  .
field_3)  .
?,  .
?,  .
echo Server version:  .  self::$conn-server_info;
$stmt = self::$conn-prepare($sql);

Server version: 5.0.21-Debian_3ubuntu1-log
Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in

You've missing an open bracket in your INSERT statement. This is
causing your prepare() to fail, returning FALSE rather than a
statement object. You then call bind_param() on that and because it's
not an object you get the fatal error.


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Re: [PHP] Remove domain: What do think of this approach?

2007-05-16 Thread Robin Vickery

On 16/05/07, Micky Hulse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks, I hope everyone is having a good week. :)

Let me cut to the chase... Basically, I need to get this:

To work like this:


For use with getimagesize() and a few other functions (trying to avoid
possible open_basedir restrictions.) Here is what I got so far:

# Determine http type:
$http_s = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == on) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
# Get root path:
$from_root = str_replace($http_s.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '',;
** Output:
** /web1/httpd/htdocs/blogs/images/uploads

So, do you think I can rely upon the above script? I have a feeling the
answer will be no Or, anyone have any tips/improvements?

use parse_url()

then append the 'path' part to document root ?

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Re: [PHP] sloppy use of constants as strings. WAS: What does mean?

2007-05-01 Thread Robin Vickery

On 01/05/07, Daevid Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   echo EOF
  Isn't that form (sans quote marks) deprecated and frowned upon?


 error_reporting( E_ALL );

 echo EOF

 Why would cleaner, perfectly error free code be frowned upon?
A key may be either an integer or a string. If a key is the standard
representation of an integer, it will be interpreted as such (i.e. 8 will
be interpreted as 8, while 08 will be interpreted as 08).

I was always under the impression that using:

$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT] or $foo[myindex]

Was bad compared to the proper way of:

$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] or $foo['myindex']

True, but notice he's using it inside a heredoc string and the rules
are slightly different for string parsing.

Whereas outside a string, $foo[myindex] will give you a notice and
$foo['myindex'] is OK; Inside a string, $foo[myindex] will give you no
notice and $foo['myindex'] will give you a parse error.

The manual suggests that $foo[myindex] is treated the same inside a
string as outside - if 'myindex' is defined as a constant then that is
what's used as the index. This doesn't seem to be born out by reality.


$test = array(
 'FOO' = 'Bareword',
 'BAR' = 'Constant'

define( 'FOO', 'BAR');

print \$test[FOO]: FOO is interpreted as a $test[FOO]\n;
print {\$test[FOO]}: FOO is interpreted as a {$test[FOO]}\n;
print {\$test['FOO']}: FOO is interpreted as a {$test['FOO']}\n;


$ php5 test.php

$test[FOO]: FOO is interpreted as a Bareword
{$test[FOO]}: FOO is interpreted as a Constant
{$test['FOO']}: FOO is interpreted as a Bareword

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Re: [PHP] slow performance

2007-04-26 Thread Robin Vickery

On 25/04/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, April 25, 2007 5:09 am, Zoltán Németh wrote:
 2007. 04. 25, szerda keltezÃ(c)ssel 11.53-kor Henning Eiben ezt írta:
 Zoltán NÃ(c)meth schrieb:

 not exactly. it pre-compiles them to opcodes and stores the opcode
 blocks. the interpreter normally first pre-compiles the code to
 then runs the opcode. this pre-compilation can be cached with
 accelerators, that's how they increase performance.

Please, please, please stop misinformation. :-)

The accelerators *ALL* make their dramatic performance boost by
CACHING the hard drive into RAM.

Caching PHP Source would do *almost* as well.

This statement seems a bit suspicious to me - what OS are you using
that doesn't already cache the disk accesses into RAM? (for example
the Linux VFS buffer cache).


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Re: [PHP] Separating words based on capital letter

2007-04-25 Thread Robin Vickery

On 25/04/07, Dotan Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 25/04/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, April 24, 2007 4:16 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:
  I have some categories named in the database as such:
  I'd like to add a space before each capital letter, ideally not
  including the first but I can always trim later if need be. As I'm
  array_walking the database, I have each value at the moment I need it
  in a string $item. Other than pregging for A-Z how can I accomplish
  this? I haven't been able to get it down to less than 54 lines of
  code, which in my opinion means that I'm doing something wrong.

 Why rule out PCRE, which is probably the best weapon for the job?

 $string = ltrim(preg_replace('([A-Z])', ' \\1', $string));

 You can wrap that in a function or even use create_function for
 something that simple, in your array_walk.

$string = preg_replace('/(?=\w)([[:upper:]])/', ' $1', $string);

turns this is OpenSourceCode to this is Open Source Code


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Re: [PHP] Security Best Practice: typecast?

2007-04-02 Thread Robin Vickery

On 01/04/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So, after a recent thread on data filtering, I'm wondering...

Is this good enough in ALL possible Unicode/charset situations:

$foo_id = (int) $_POST['foo_id'];
$query = insert into whatever(foo_id) values($foo_id);

Or is it possible, even theoretically possible, for a sequence of:
to somehow run afoul of ANY charset?

Depends how standard you want to get: '--' is the SQL comment
character, so if you have something like:

SELECT ... WHERE column-$foo  3 AND password='$password'

and foo is a negative integer, then in ANSI SQL, you've just commented
out everything after 'column', leaving you with:

SELECT ... WHERE column

Mysql protects you from that by demanding a space after the comment sequence.


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Re: [PHP] Show Filename using Wildcards

2007-03-30 Thread Robin Vickery

On 29/03/07, Rahul Sitaram Johari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a script where I have to provide a Download Link to a file associated
with a record. The common thing between the record  filename is the phone
number. But the filenames have dates  other symbols besides the phone
number as well. They all do begin with a phone number though.

How can I match a filename with a record using wildcards?
For example, let¹s say someone pulls up a record for phone field: 515515515
The files associated with this record could be 515515515031307 or

So you can see the filenames do begin the phone number in the record, but
they contain additional chars. What I need is something that can pull up all

Can I do this in PHP?

yeah, you use glob()

foreach (glob(${phone}*.ext) as $filename) {

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Re: [PHP] Language detection with PHP

2007-03-28 Thread Robin Vickery

On 28/03/07, Satyam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if you find accented letters, it is a sure sign that it is not English

That's a rather naïve approach. Written accents in English may be
rather passé, but they do exist.


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Re: [PHP] What is wrong with this function please?

2007-03-25 Thread Robin Wilson

Thanks for the help

The line returns are specified as \r\n but in the echo they seem to all be 
on one line. Could that be related to the problem. Also the addresses are 
specified but seem to have been removed???

This is what I specified:

 # Common Headers
 $headers .= 'From: '.$fromName.''.$fromaddress.''.$eol;
 $headers .= 'Reply-To: '.$fromName.''.$fromaddress.''.$eol;
 $headers .= 'Return-Path: '.$fromName.''.$fromaddress.''.$eol;// 
these two to set reply address

 $headers .= Message-ID: .time().@.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']..$eol;
 $headers .= X-Mailer: PHP v.phpversion().$eol;  // These two to 
help avoid spam-filters

I followed some tutorials and they all seemed to tell me to do it this way.

The emails seem to work with other clients and only Exchange doesn't like 

Tested with Squirrel Mail and they were recieved with the attachment etc.

Do you have any more ideas please?
Thanks for the help


Jake McHenry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

No sorry, both messages are the same.
Didn't mean to post it twice. Sorry.

Below is what prints out when I echo the message:


Proposal Submission

From: 2HostMe Mailer Reply-To: Robin Wilson Return-Path:
2HostMe Mailer
Message-ID: X-Mailer: PHP v4.4.2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:
multipart/related; boundary=d49718178131ebc038c576f007a40642

Are these all on the same lines just because of echo? Or are they on their
own lines? Like this:

From: 2HostMe Mailer
Reply-To: Robin Wilson
Return-Path: 2HostMe Mailer
Message-ID: X-Mailer: PHP v4.4.2
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=d49718178131ebc038c576f007a40642

From: should have a from email address, same with reply-to and return-path

--d49718178131ebc038c576f007a40642 Content-Type: image/gif;
name=betaresource.gif Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=betaresource.gif

Same with these, are there any line returns?


Re: [PHP] What is wrong with this function please?

2007-03-25 Thread Robin Wilson

Thanks I'll have a look at this.


Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - a mailing class for php that does everything
you need, there are other alternatives - definitely beats fiddling with
all the required headers yourself.

save yourself a big headache. :-)

Robin Wilson wrote:


I'm trying to do a function that emails users and sends an attachment.
But I think something is in the wrong order or something as when I send
it Exchange discards it.

This is the function which I have put together from various sources:

I would really appreciate any help as I have been up half the night and
got nowhere!

function sendMail($to, $toName, $from, $fromName, $subject, $message,
$uploadfile, $fileName, $fileType, $fileSize) {

 # Common Headers
 $headers .= 'From: '. $fromName .' '. $from .''.$eol;
 $headers .= 'Reply-To: '. $toName .' '. $to .''.$eol;
 $headers .= 'Return-Path: '. $fromName.' '. $from .''.$eol;//
these two to set reply address
 $headers .= Message-ID:
 $headers .= X-Mailer: PHP v.phpversion().$eol;  // These two
to help avoid spam-filters

 # Boundry for marking the split  Multitype Headers
 $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'.$eol;
 $headers .= Content-Type: multipart/related;

$msg =  ;

if ($uploadfile != ) {
 # File for Attachment
  $file_name = substr($uploadfile, (strrpos($uploadfile, /)+1));

  $handle=fopen($uploadfile, 'rb');
  $f_contents=fread($handle, $fileSize);
The Data For Transition using base64_encode();

  # Attachment
  $msg .= --.$mime_boundary.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Type: .$fileType.; 

  $msg .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Disposition: attachment;
filename=\.$file_name.\.$eol.$eol; // !! This line needs TWO end of
lines !! IMPORTANT !!
  $msg .= $f_contents.$eol.$eol;

# Setup for text OR html
  $msg .= Content-Type: multipart/alternative.$eol;

  # Text Version
  $msg .= --.$mime_boundary.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit.$eol;
  $msg .= strip_tags(str_replace(br, \n, $message)).$eol.$eol;

  # HTML Version
  $msg .= Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit.$eol;
  $msg .= $message.$eol.$eol;

  # Finished
  $msg .= --.$mime_boundary.--.$eol.$eol;  // finish with two eol's
for better security. see Injection.

// Mail it
mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers);

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Re: [PHP] What is wrong with this function please?

2007-03-24 Thread Robin Wilson

No sorry, both messages are the same.
Didn't mean to post it twice. Sorry.

Below is what prints out when I echo the message:


Proposal Submission

From: 2HostMe Mailer Reply-To: Robin Wilson Return-Path: 2HostMe Mailer 
Message-ID: X-Mailer: PHP v4.4.2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: 
multipart/related; boundary=d49718178131ebc038c576f007a40642

--d49718178131ebc038c576f007a40642 Content-Type: image/gif; 
name=betaresource.gif Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=betaresource.gif 

[PHP] What is wrong with this function please?

2007-03-23 Thread Robin Wilson


I'm trying to do a function that emails users and sends an attachment. But I 
think something is in the wrong order or something as when I send it 
Exchange discards it.

This is the function which I have put together from various sources:

I would really appreciate any help as I have been up half the night and got 


function sendMail($to, $toName, $from, $fromName, $subject, $message, 
$uploadfile, $fileName, $fileType, $fileSize) {


 # Common Headers
 $headers .= 'From: '. $fromName .' '. $from .''.$eol;
 $headers .= 'Reply-To: '. $toName .' '. $to .''.$eol;
 $headers .= 'Return-Path: '. $fromName.' '. $from .''.$eol;// these 
two to set reply address
 $headers .= Message-ID: 
 $headers .= X-Mailer: PHP v.phpversion().$eol;  // These two to 
help avoid spam-filters

 # Boundry for marking the split  Multitype Headers
 $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'.$eol;
 $headers .= Content-Type: multipart/related; 

$msg =  ;

if ($uploadfile != ) {
 # File for Attachment
  $file_name = substr($uploadfile, (strrpos($uploadfile, /)+1));

  $handle=fopen($uploadfile, 'rb');
  $f_contents=fread($handle, $fileSize);
  $f_contents=chunk_split(base64_encode($f_contents));//Encode The 
Data For Transition using base64_encode();


  # Attachment
  $msg .= --.$mime_boundary.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Type: .$fileType.; name=\.$file_name.\.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Disposition: attachment; 
filename=\.$file_name.\.$eol.$eol; // !! This line needs TWO end of 
lines !! IMPORTANT !!

  $msg .= $f_contents.$eol.$eol;

# Setup for text OR html
  $msg .= Content-Type: multipart/alternative.$eol;

  # Text Version
  $msg .= --.$mime_boundary.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit.$eol;
  $msg .= strip_tags(str_replace(br, \n, $message)).$eol.$eol;

  # HTML Version
  $msg .= Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit.$eol;
  $msg .= $message.$eol.$eol;

  # Finished
  $msg .= --.$mime_boundary.--.$eol.$eol;  // finish with two eol's for 
better security. see Injection.

// Mail it
mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers);

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[PHP] What is wrong with this function please?

2007-03-23 Thread Robin Wilson


I'm trying to do a function that emails users and sends an attachment. But I 
think something is in the wrong order or something as when I send it 
Exchange discards it.

This is the function which I have put together from various sources:

I would really appreciate any help as I have been up half the night and got 


function sendMail($to, $toName, $from, $fromName, $subject, $message, 
$uploadfile, $fileName, $fileType, $fileSize) {


 # Common Headers
 $headers .= 'From: '. $fromName .' '. $from .''.$eol;
 $headers .= 'Reply-To: '. $toName .' '. $to .''.$eol;
 $headers .= 'Return-Path: '. $fromName.' '. $from .''.$eol;// these 
two to set reply address
 $headers .= Message-ID: 
 $headers .= X-Mailer: PHP v.phpversion().$eol;  // These two to 
help avoid spam-filters

 # Boundry for marking the split  Multitype Headers
 $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'.$eol;
 $headers .= Content-Type: multipart/related; 

$msg =  ;

if ($uploadfile != ) {
 # File for Attachment
  $file_name = substr($uploadfile, (strrpos($uploadfile, /)+1));

  $handle=fopen($uploadfile, 'rb');
  $f_contents=fread($handle, $fileSize);
  $f_contents=chunk_split(base64_encode($f_contents));//Encode The 
Data For Transition using base64_encode();


  # Attachment
  $msg .= --.$mime_boundary.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Type: .$fileType.; name=\.$file_name.\.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Disposition: attachment; 
filename=\.$file_name.\.$eol.$eol; // !! This line needs TWO end of 
lines !! IMPORTANT !!

  $msg .= $f_contents.$eol.$eol;

# Setup for text OR html
  $msg .= Content-Type: multipart/alternative.$eol;

  # Text Version
  $msg .= --.$mime_boundary.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit.$eol;
  $msg .= strip_tags(str_replace(br, \n, $message)).$eol.$eol;

  # HTML Version
  $msg .= Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1.$eol;
  $msg .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit.$eol;
  $msg .= $message.$eol.$eol;

  # Finished
  $msg .= --.$mime_boundary.--.$eol.$eol;  // finish with two eol's for 
better security. see Injection.

// Mail it
mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers);

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Re: [PHP] How do I force my script to exit after 5 seconds?

2007-02-22 Thread Robin Vickery

On 22/02/07, Aaron Gould [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I tried this earlier, but it does not seem to work...  It appears to
just hang when no data is returned from the networked device.  It seems
as if the loop stops, and is waiting for something.

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Re: [PHP] array_pop() with key-value pair ???

2007-02-16 Thread Robin Vickery

On 16/02/07, Eli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Why isn't there a function that acts like array_pop() returns a pair of
key-value rather than the value only ?

Reason is, that in order to pop the key-value pair, you do:
$arr = array('a'=1,'b'=2,'c'=3,'d'=4);
$arr_keys = array_keys($arr);
$key = array_pop($arr_keys);
$value = $arr[$key];

I benchmarked array_keys() function and it is very slow on big arrays
since PHP has to build the array.

benchmark this:

list($key, $value) = each($arr);


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