[PHP] Anybody have a sucessfull use of ADO and php together ?

2002-09-02 Thread Saci

I tried to use , and have a lot of trouble.

For example I can't read  fields who is Date  time type
I can't read memo fields
I can't update using the recordtset.updated methode.

The only thing I haven't trouble is to show a read only set of characters

Anybody know where I can find more information on use PHP and ADO together.

The Php.net manual contain near nothing ( only few notes about ADO in  COM
section some writed by myself)

Am I the unique trying to use Php and ADO together.?

Since I'm making a migration of a working system from Visual Foxpro To
Interbase I must USE ADO to acess the VFP databases.

Until now the unique solution I found is to mix asp and php, since ASP do
everthing that php didn't with ADO, but this isn't what i want, I'm tried to
founf a way in php but my resources are near end.

Anybody have experience and advanced examples to use ADO and PHP together.

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Re: [PHP] Anybody have a sucessfull use of ADO and php together ?

2002-09-02 Thread Saci

Could you please show-me a sample of  php code with ODBC to get a data field
and a blob field (Memo) ?

ODBC and ADO are the very similar , and have both the same problems with

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Re: [PHP] Replicate string or something similar

2002-08-19 Thread Saci

Thank you

That's it.

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[PHP] odbc sql php

2002-08-16 Thread Saci

This question is more on odbc sql than on php, since I'm sure everthing is
working on php side

I have a php form who fills on ODBC database ( Visual Foxpro) , everthing is
working except with one detail, I have a text area field on  my form and
when the user fill this area with to many characters the sql query  isn't
accepted, I found that the problem is due to the length of the data.

The field is a memo field who means they can accept any length,

This works ok

But this crash

789y123456789z123456789a123456789b123456789' WHERE KEYUNICA = 3941

The question is How is the write way to write a query when I need to updated
a field of type memo  with information from a Textarea or even any big array
of letters ?

Any tip ?

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Re: [PHP] Win PHP Editor...

2002-08-11 Thread Saci

Try this one 1st http://www.phpedit.com

And you will know by yourself.

Maxim Maletsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu na mensagem
  But why not use notepad.

 Because it reduces your production speed and time is money. So, what
 costs you more?

 Maxim Maletsky

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Re: [PHP] Checking Var's passed via URL

2002-08-09 Thread Saci

Thank you for your reply

Believe or not the code today works , without any change.

I guess is somethhhing related to browser cache., who probably was holding
one old version.

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[PHP] Re: Getting information of a client

2002-08-09 Thread Saci

$mensagem = $mensagem.Remote_addr  : .$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].\n;
$mensagem = $mensagem.Remote_host  : .$_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'].\n;
$mensagem = $mensagem.Remote_agent : .$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].\n;
$mensagem = $mensagem.Host : .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].\n;
echo $mensagem;

Jan Souman [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu na mensagem
 I would like to get information of a person who is browsing my site. Does
 anyone know how to get this information?

 Kind regards,


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[PHP] Some suggestions

2002-08-02 Thread Saci

If you want a serius one , not the cheaper one try pair.com

I use they services for more than 5 years and are very happy, the main issue
is reliability.

If you are more interested on price try dreamhost.com

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Re: [PHP] Re: passing variable via url ( newbye question)

2002-07-31 Thread Saci

The obvius and easy think is alwaiss the hard to find

My problem vas the  of the BR tag, that I forgot, dummy issue but I made

The right adn working one now are


and to get

echo $_GET['modo'].BR;
echo $_GET['color'].BR;
echo $_GET['size'].BR;

Leif K-Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu na mensagem
 PLEASE don't tell the newbies to mess up their code!  That is not
 compatible with all versions of php!  DO NOT USE THOSE!!! STICK TO YOUR
 CURRENT GOOD CODE!  Bother with them for security and compatibly.

 Lord Loh. wrote:

  is fine!
  you can now use these variables like
  $modo $color and $size;
  Why bother with $_GET['modo']; ?

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[PHP] Re: passing variable via url ( newbye question)

2002-07-31 Thread Saci

Besides my newbye status, I guess you are not update.

the $_GET is a must have when you use set globals to off, ( this is default
after 4.2.1), and must be maintained for security reasons.

Since I'm newbye I play with new and fresh version, and I can get details
that older phpers  does not take care since the are still using older

By the way thank you for your try.

Lord Loh. [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu na mensagem

 is fine!

 you can now use these variables like
 $modo $color and $size;

 Why bother with $_GET['modo']; ?

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[PHP] $row and alias

2002-07-30 Thread Saci

I would like to show some fields based on a Interbase database, everthing is
working when i type the fields name usinf $row- field

 something like this

while ($row = ibase_fetch_object($sth)) {
  echo TRTD$row-RAZAO_SOCI/TD;
  echoTD$row-ENDERECO/TD/TR\n ;

But I would like to make a generic output without declaring the field name
in code.

I discover that the code bellow show-me the field names and alias for any
feetched database

while ($row = ibase_fetch_object($sth)) {
  for ($i=0; $i  $coln; $i++) {
$col_info = ibase_field_info($sth, $i);
echo name: .$col_info['name']. ;
echo alias: .$col_info['alias'].;


How can I output the data field content based on field alias  (
.$col_info['alias'].; )

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[PHP] passing variable via url ( newbye question)

2002-07-30 Thread Saci

I can pass one variable using the url on this way


and to read i have the code

echo $_GET['modo'].BR;

That's work fine on 4.21

How can I pass  and read 3 variables instead of one ?

I nedd to pass
 mode = 123
color= red

 using the url

I tried

and to get

echo $_GET['modo'].BR;
echo $_GET['color'].BR;
echo $_GET['size'].BR;

but does not work

How can i do that

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[PHP] file_name

2002-07-28 Thread Saci

I'm using php 4.21 on WIN xp.

I 'm trying to work with file upload, I already  read several sites who
refer that php will set the variable file_name automaticly,.

I made 2 tries one on line 6 and other on line 7  of the atached code, but
both does not work.

Why I receive the folowing errors, and how can I correct

Notice: Undefined index: file_name in
d:\inetpub\wwwroot\impac\php\upfile.php on line 6

Successfully uploaded
Notice: Undefined variable: file_name in
d:\inetpub\wwwroot\impac\php\upfile.php on line 7

if (isset($_POST['file'])){
echo Successfully uploaded ,$_POST['file'], BR\n;
echo Successfully uploaded ,$_POST['file_name'], BR\n;
echo Successfully uploaded ,$file_name, BR\n;
echo unccessfully uploaded , BR\n;
FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=upfile.php enctype='multipart/form-data'
input type=hidden name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value=20

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[PHP] Self Answer for file upload

2002-07-28 Thread Saci

The help other's with the same problem I made that self answer.

The tip here is to use $_FILES instead of $_POST

if (isset($_FILES['file'])){
echo Successfully uploaded , BR\n;
echo File Name ,$_FILES['file']['name'], BR\n;
echo File Type ,$_FILES['file']['type'], BR\n;
echo File tmp ,$_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], BR\n;
echo File errors ,$_FILES['file']['error'], BR\n;
echo File size ,$_FILES['file']['size'], BR\n;
echo unccessfully uploaded , BR\n;
FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=upfile.php enctype='multipart/form-data'
input type=hidden name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value=20

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[PHP] PHP, JAva history

2002-07-14 Thread Saci

I would like to see from where visitor come from mypage i need a function
who return the last visited page prior to mine.

I didn't found any function on php for that purpose and I'm thinking in mix
Java and php for that purpose, using the browser history, Can someone
show-me how can I do that.

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[PHP] Does not work

2002-07-14 Thread Saci

I tried this simple code

Page refered by
echo $HTTP_REFERER.'br';
echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].'br';

and I receive blank reply even if referenced from a link from other site.

What am i doing wrong ? Or perhaps my server does not have referer enabled?

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Re: [PHP] Does not work

2002-07-14 Thread Saci

// HTTP_REFERER as a feature. In  short, it cannot really be trusted.

Anybody know how to do that using JAva history with PHP together , or any
other methode that works and can be trusted.

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Re: [PHP] Does not work

2002-07-14 Thread Saci

To say the minumum yor reply does not help in nothing.

Who cares about privacy on my own company Intranet ?

Alberto Serra [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu na mensagem

 Saci wrote:
  // HTTP_REFERER as a feature. In  short, it cannot really be trusted.
  Anybody know how to do that using JAva history with PHP together , or
  other methode that works and can be trusted.

 Thank god no method can be trusted :) History even less the the
 referrer. Just think of the frequency at which people in their offices
 clear it to avoid bosses seeing where they surfed while they were
 supposed to work...

 You'll never get a secure method, and if you do I'll personally report
 you to the authority for protection of privacy :) Marketing dotcoms
 would just love to do it, but fortunately it cannot be done :) Relax,
 you can live without knowing where some of the guys came from. Most
 won't mind telling you. But I just cleared my history immediately after
 reading your msg :) Pavlovian reaction ;)



 LoRd, CaN yOu HeAr Me, LiKe I'm HeArInG yOu?
 lOrD i'M sHiNiNg...
 YoU kNoW I AlMoSt LoSt My MiNd, BuT nOw I'm HoMe AnD fReE
 tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
 ThE tEsT, yEs It Is
 tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
 ThE tEsT, yEs It Is...

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Re: [PHP] Does not work

2002-07-14 Thread Saci

I agree, I made a mistake on my last reply , and I apologize for that.

Thank you also for you for your coments, but my main question still open
without any related reply.

  To say the minumum yor reply does not help in nothing.
  Who cares about privacy on my own company Intranet ?

 1. I don't believe you specified this was a company intranet, but you may

 2. Generally it's a good idea to get things right the first time, rather
 than assuming that something will always remain in it's current state.  I
 tend to copy-and-paste a lot of code from one project to another, or
 assemble libraries of code.  It might be okay for you to say this code
 works for a limited environment, and i'm happy with that, but will you
 remember this when:

 a) you copy it across to another project
 b) the status of the project changes or is extended
 c) the project is no longer in your control

 If you insist on sticking with this limitation, do yourself and your
 co-workers a favour, and ensure you:

 a) comment your code well, pointing out the limitation
 b) do some minimal (at least) error handling to deal with the fact that it
 may not be there

 3. The reply WAS helpful, raised some important issues, and IMHO you
 have thanked the poster for being kind enough to point out issues you may
 not have thought of.  You could have easily replied with thanks for those
 pointers, but I'm less concerned with privacy, since this is a corporate

 I'm not sure I'd ever help you again, if I'd received a reply such as

 Justin French

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