
I'm setting up an Linux Server for codetesting an routing, but it takes
about one week now to configure this s**t.

I could make the routing working. But some Daemons don't start at bootup.
Such as Apache, Squid, MySQL and so on. The only way I'm able to surf in the
Internet is to start Squid after booting manually from Commandline via SSH.

I've read somewhere that if the DNS isn't configured right squid is not able
to run at bootup. So I believe it has something to do with this.

I need really help on this. So please write me if you are willing and able
to help me.

I can give you the IP and the Root Acount information, or you describe me
how i can solve my problem.

The Server runs SuSE 8.0.

Another Problem is, that I don't know where to setup or start the FTPD

Please, please Help!!!!


Sascha Braun
Iltisstrasse 24
24143 Kiel

Postfach 6345
24124 Kiel

fon 0431 - 739 47 50
hdy 0175 - 458 73 74

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