[PHP] PHP implementation of something like Apache's mod_speling?

2002-07-31 Thread Tim Luoma

As I assume most of you know, mod_speling (sic) is a feature of the 
Apache httpd that will suggest possible corrections to URLs.

i.e. if you look for /sidebar/ on my site you'll get a 404 because the 
actual URL is /sidebars/

The problem is that some sites don't enable mod_speling and some don't 
use Apache ;-)

Before I reinvent the wheel, I thought I'd ask if anyone had written 
some PHP to cover this... I didn't find anything useful in Google or 


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[PHP] Re: Q:What is the easiest way to test my PHP+Html pages?

2002-07-27 Thread Tim Luoma

Marcus Unlimited wrote:

> "What is the easiest way to test locally (on my desktop) without having to
> upload?"

If you follow the route that several folks suggest and go with one of 
the 'install everything' routes, be sure to install the same versions 
... for example, some of them install older versions of PHP which may 
change some things (ala register_globals) so your scripts may work on 
your local development machine but not on the actual server.


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[PHP] Re: Q:What is the easiest way to test my PHP+Html pages?

2002-07-27 Thread Tim Luoma

Marcus Unlimited wrote:

> So what is the absolute simplest and easiest path to open my .html pages 
> with some php mysql in em. and see them as they will work on the web???

To quote a friend of mine: "The only way to see how this will work is to 
see how this will work."

Get some server space with the software installed, and play with it.

There's free space available for this purpose at http://www.evolt.org 
and http://f2o.org/ and I'm sure others as well, but it's best if you 
can setup a little 'sandbox' to play in on the actual machine that you 
are using so that you are testing on the same versions, same config that 
you will be running on.


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[PHP] Re: Redirect Question

2002-07-21 Thread Tim Luoma

FWIW, a user note at http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php 
says :

There is this nasty bug in IE 5 for Windows prior to service pack 2, 
described  in Microsoft knowledgebase article Q281197 which causes a 
problem with  redirecting.. if you submit a POST form to a page that 
uses header() to redirect  to another page after processing the form 
data, then IE will not display some of  the images on the page, if the 
user has an "external HTTP namespace handler"  (RealDownload for 
example) installed. It took me a very long time to figure this  out; I 
had no idea why my ads weren't displaying on IE for windows but worked 
fine everywhere else.

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[PHP] Re: Crazy idea about detecting visitor's connection speed

2002-07-16 Thread Tim Luoma

César Aracena wrote:
> I think that the best way you can achieve this, considering all the
> troubles and different configurations you will have to make for each
> user, is to make them choose the type of connection they want, and set a
> cookie in the visitor's browser with a one year life time which stores
> that machine/visitor's connection.

And then you STILL have to allow users a way to come back and 'unset' 
their preference later, to deal with folks who have laptops and connect 
with high speed access at one location and then low speed access at another.

Others' comments about letting the user choose are wise too... just 
because I'm on a fat pipe doesn't mean I want to let you use it ;-)

There are folks who have a limited amount of bandwidth allocated per 
month and are careful about not exceeding it (yes that limitation would 
drive me nutes too, but that's beside the point).

Most people in the world are still on "slow" pipes.  I'd either default 
to sending them to the low version & let them switch if they want or 
dump the whole idea and just make one version that is a balance.

Or not... Amazon.com offers (or did at least) a text-version but I'd 
much rather surf their "regular" site with images turned and then just 
turn images on (by pressing 'g' in Opera thankyouverymuch :-) than have 
to go through their 'low bandwidth' version.

I think this is one of those ideas that makes a lot of sense in the 
abstract until you have to deal with all the other variables of life.


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[PHP] Re: Formmail replacement?

2002-07-16 Thread Tim Luoma

JJ Harrison wrote:
> Does anyone know a good PHP-based Formmail Replacement(From matt's script
> archive)?

http://www.google.com/search?q=Formmail+php gave 
http://www.lumbroso.com/scripts/formmail.php as one of the top results

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[PHP] Re: Variables aren't being passed to php page

2002-07-15 Thread Tim Luoma

Jason Wong wrote:
> On Monday 15 July 2002 03:55, Tim Luoma wrote:
>>Jason Wong wrote:
>>>This list gets at least one question a day on this subject ...
>>And there will be a lot more as people scan the web for example scripts
>>and find ones that assume 'register_globals' is set to on.
> Questions coming from those sources are partly understandable. 

It was confusing to me to wonder why from one day to the next the same 
scripts stopped working, until I checked the PHP version.

> What I was referring to was the particular case of "I've got an application 
> that was working perfectly using php X.XX, then I upgraded to php Y.YY and 
> now it doesn't work anymore".
> It is those people who should look before they leap and read before they 
> upgrade.

Quite right.


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[PHP] Re: Variables aren't being passed to php page

2002-07-14 Thread Tim Luoma

Jason Wong wrote:

> This list gets at least one question a day on this subject ...

And there will be a lot more as people scan the web for example scripts 
and find ones that assume 'register_globals' is set to on.


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[PHP] Dealing with spaces and punctuation in uploaded filenames (tjlq)

2002-07-13 Thread Tim Luoma

I am using this basic example (from the manual iirc) for uploading files

   Upload this file: 

What I am trying to do then is to remove any spaces or punctuation that 
might be in the filename.

This is what I am using for the filename:

$FILENAME = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];

and this is what I was trying to use to remove the space and punctuation 
(all one line, might wrap in email):

$SAFEFILENAME = ereg_replace ("[[:punct:]]+[[:blank:]]+", "", $FILENAME);

But that does not seem to be working, and I have not been able to figure 
out why.

Any help appreciated.



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[PHP] Gainesville, Florida PHP Users? (Re: [PHP-WIN] PHP meetup [CROSS-POST]Meet other PHP Developers in Your Area)

2002-07-12 Thread Tim Luoma

Well I don't see a user group listed for Gainesville, FL... and we could 
have a cool acronym too


(php users group of gainesville)

ok, that's a first attempt, but anyway

So are there other Gainesville, Florida folks around?  If so please drop 
me a link and maybe we can form a local UG.


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[PHP] Re: PHP: Script Security: Best coding practices

2002-07-08 Thread Tim Luoma

olinux wrote:

>A little off your request, but may be of interest:
>Top 21 PHP Programming Mistakes from Zend.com

Hrm... I wonder if someone @ Zend has messed up their template for 

The titles are coming up as "Zend / " which isn't very helpful when 


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