[PHP] PHP] Re: Store uploaded files in MySQL-BLOB

2001-07-10 Thread Tom Gitzinger

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 12:20 PM
Subject: [PHP] Re: Store uploaded files in MySQL-BLOB

 I would suggest setting the database column to LONGTEXT instead of BLOB
 since it can accomidate far more characters per entry.

 As for the entry to the database through php, I'm not entirely sure what
 method you're using to add these. Are they uploading their file and then
 reads it as it exists on the server? Is it supposed to read a file they
 specify with a browse but never actually upload it anywhere? It might be
 better to just include a text field for them to cut+paste to in a form if
 it's nothing but text.


The project is a kind of knowledge base. For each entry a user creates, he
should be able to give additional information, such as every kind of file
(i.e. not only code files but also images etc).
There is an input type=file ... where he selects the file to be
uploaded. The php-script is simply supposed to receive the file and put it
into the proper database-column (which is a MEDIUMBLOB by the way, should be
enough space, or what's your opinion?).


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Re: [PHP] verifying that a dropdown was selected

2001-07-05 Thread Tom Gitzinger

Hello Richard,

I'm not quite sure but I think the problem is the following:
  - If no month has been specified, the variable $month is not defined.
  - If you then mention $month in
   if ($month == ) 
the Parser creates the variable. Its value is unpredictable, but it is
most unlikely that
it is an empty string ().

To solve the problem, you should be able to check whether the variable
$month exists. I'm sorry I can't help you here because I've only started
programming PHP but reading the function reference or something might help you.

Good luck

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