[PHP] application variable

2002-01-03 Thread Ye Tun

Do we have application variable in PHP as in ASP?

I have a small database running with user name and password kept in MySQL
database.  Once user is login, how can I prevent the same user from
logging in again?



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[PHP] Session Timeout

2002-01-03 Thread Ye Tun

What is the optionin php.ini for session timeout?
here is my session setting.
session.save_handler  = files   ; handler used to store/retrieve data
session.save_path = /home/apache/newmob/tmp; argument passed
session.use_cookies   = 1   ; whether to use cookies
session.name  = SESSID
session.auto_start= 1   ; initialize session on request
session.cookie_lifetime   = 0   ; lifetime in seconds of cookie
session.cookie_path   = /   ; the path the cookie is valid for
session.cookie_domain = ; the domain the cookie is valid for
session.serialize_handler = php ; handler used to serialize data
session.gc_probability= 1   ; percentual probability that the
session.gc_maxlifetime= 1440; after this number of seconds, stored
session.referer_check = ; check HTTP Referer to invalidate
session.entropy_length= 0   ; how many bytes to read from the file
session.entropy_file  = ; specified here to create the session
session.cache_limiter = private, must-revalidate  ; set to
session.cache_expire  = 330; document expires after n minutes
session.use_trans_sid = 1

And how do I check if the same user has the session already?



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[PHP] Client Side Printing

2001-12-19 Thread Ye Tun


I am not sure if this is common question.  I am just starting to write php
code and I found one problem with printing.   If my php server is sitting
on 5th floor of our network and staff at 1st floor want to print the
page without those URL and header included in the printout (just like
printing invoice out of the intranet) at the printer directly connected to
his/er client computer, how can I write php code for that?  What function
should I use.?


Ye Tun

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[PHP] keeping my code!

2001-11-14 Thread Ye Tun

Hi all,

I am not sure if this is the right list to ask.  But I am wondering if I 
can keep my php code from Server Administrator of the web server I am 
putting my code on?   Is there anyway I can encrypt or do something so that 
the server admin can't look at my code.



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