RE: [PHP] Recursion to sanitize user input

2004-10-08 Thread Yoed Anis
Simple your code should look like this:

if ( is_array($userInput) )
foreach ( $userInput as $key => $value )
return sanitize( $value ); //< needed to return it or
else its not recurssive


Should work, not tested.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 5:15 PM
Subject: [PHP] Recursion to sanitize user input

I'm trying to sanitize my user input.  My sanitize function does not work if
I send a variable that's an array.  I'm using recursion to go through the
array.  The example below shows that $_POST['city'] works but $_POST['user']
doesn't work.  The array comes back blank.

Anyone see what's wrong with my code?


[city] => New York
[user] =>


 $value )
sanitize( $value );
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
return trim( $userInput );
return trim( addslashes($userInput) );

$_POST['city'] = 'New York';
$_POST['user']['firstName'] = 'Bob';
$_POST['user']['lastName'] = 'Smith';
$_POST['user']['country'] = 'USA';

foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value )
 $_POST[$key] = sanitize( $value );

echo '';
echo print_r($_POST);
echo '';


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RE: [PHP] Need some ideas

2004-09-29 Thread Yoed Anis
Of course! Brilliant - why didn't I think of building my own parser from the
ground up? ;-)

Thanks though, this is definitely a starting point.


-Original Message-
From: Curt Zirzow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Need some ideas

* Thus wrote Yoed Anis:
> Hi guys,
>   OK I need some ideas.
>   Somebody created the stupidest XML file I've ever seen. And of
> they can't change it, and I *must* be able to read it. I'm all out of 
> brain power on thinking how to go about reading it. I typically use 
> simplexml to read xml and that's where my knowledge end.
> Heres the problem:
>   1
>   USD
>   123
>   This is dumn

I've seen worse :)

You'll have to set up a class that can keep track of the state of your xml

class StupidCatalog {
  var $code = 0;
  var $current = 'USD';
  var $value = '';
  var $description = array();

class StupidCatalogParser {
  var $catalog;  // Collection of rates
  var $current_catalog;  // building this one
  var $state;// tag we're working on

  function startElement($parser, $name, $attr) {

   $this->state = $name;
   switch($name) {
 case 'Rate':
   // start working on a new 
   $this->current_catalog = new StupidCatalog();



  function endElement($parser, $name) {
if($name == 'Rate') {
  // reference is important.
  $this->catalog[] = &$this->current_catalog;

  function elementData($parser, $data) {
switch ($this->state) {
  case 'RateDescription':
// tricky...
$this->current_catalog->{$this->state}[] = $data;

  case 'RateCode':  // passthrough
  case 'RateValue': // and the rest...
// more tricky...
$this->current_cataglog->{$this->state} = $data;

Just create a new StupidCatalogParser() and assign the methods to the
appropriate call backs in

btw, the above is untested and only theory :)


The above comments may offend you. flame at will.

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RE: [PHP] Re: Need some ideas

2004-09-28 Thread Yoed Anis
Well, that is one approach.

>how about ignoring them? :)

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[PHP] Need some ideas

2004-09-28 Thread Yoed Anis
Hi guys,

OK I need some ideas.

Somebody created the stupidest XML file I've ever seen. And of
course they can't change it, and I *must* be able to read it. I'm all out of
brain power on thinking how to go about reading it. I typically use
simplexml to read xml and that's where my knowledge end. 

Heres the problem:

  This is dumn
  No reall reall dumb
  Sometimes one description, othertimes many
 and on and on 

As you can see there is no hierachy to a RateDescription, its not part of
Rate (nested in it) and many RateDescriptions can follow the same Rate.
However, as the eye can tell the RateDescption(s) apply to the Rate element
above. The problem is I can never know how many there are (if any) for a

Any ideas how to go about doing this?


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RE: [PHP] Secure SOAP connections

2004-09-22 Thread Yoed Anis
>From my experience some enterprise level systems do this.
As long as you use https and a user/pass combo though I don't see what the
problem is. You can always create a server-side login mechanism that will
associate an id with the client and automaticaly expire after 30 minutes or
so as well.


-Original Message-
From: Yann Larrivée [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:03 PM
To: PHP General
Subject: [PHP] Secure SOAP connections


The subject says it all.

I want to secure soap connection to my framework.
How would you guys do it ?

I tought of passing everything on a different port with a SSL connection + 
an key (sort of a PHP SESSION) that is given after a correct
(user, password) and expire after 30 minutes..

What do you guys think of this ?

The idea is to develop a PHP-GTK and soap software base on some existing 



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RE: [PHP] how to concatenate php variables in mysql query

2004-09-22 Thread Yoed Anis

MySQL has a built in CONCAT function. This will concat two strings togther.
In your example it would look like telephone_number = CONCAT('$telcode',
'$telnumber') ...

See the MySQL manual for more info on the concat function. Of course using
this function will force the data to be a string.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:47 AM
To: Jay Blanchard; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] how to concatenate php variables in mysql query

here is the whole query:

$query = "INSERT INTO inmarsat_comp SET date_added=NOW(), prefix='$prefix',
firstname='$firstname', lastname='$lastname', job_title='$jobtitle',
address_3='$address3', town='$town', county ='$county',
postcode='$postcode', country ='$country',
fax_number='$faxcode.$faxnumber', email='$email', enterprise='$enterprises',
optin_thirdparty='$distribute', optin_news='$market'";

only the telcode gets inserted.

many thanks,

luke m

"Jay Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [snip]
> telphone number =$telcode.$telnumber'
> but only the telcode gets written to the database.
> [/snip]
> There is not enough here to know for sure (I am betting this is part 
> of a query), but if your code looks like the above you are missing a 
> single quote after the =. Now, if you enclose the variables in the 
> single quotes without other manipulation it will probably not work as 
> expected. Can we see the whole query?
> --
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RE: [PHP] simplexml and xpath

2004-09-21 Thread Yoed Anis
For this simple query simple do a call to $item->date to get your time.
If the query is more complex in reality, do a foreach using xpath. See the
example on Xpath at


-Original Message-
From: Matthew Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 1:42 PM
Subject: [PHP] simplexml and xpath

So I've just recently fallen in love with simplexml. But from what I've
read, is it true that xpath doesn't really work properly?

I'm using an XML file that has a section like this:

Desc Subject

My sample of my PHP code is:

item as $item) {
  echo $item->xpath('dc:date');

I just want to get the date. Am I doing xpath incorrectly or does xpath not
currently work properly in PHP5?

--Matthew Sims

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[PHP] How do I send XML attributes via Soap?

2004-09-21 Thread Yoed Anis

I'm having trouble sending a request containing XML attributes in a soap

I don't know how to go about doing it.

Previously to pass XML as a soap request from my client to the server I
would go throw the following steps:

(1) Create the XML string. (i.e xmlstr = << XML;)

(2) Than I would make it an xml object:
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstr);

(3) Next convert it to an xml complex type for the server
$xml1 = new SoapVar($xml, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "xml", http://thenamespace); 

(4) Send the request:
$client->SoapCall(new SoapParam($xml1, ""));

However when I do a $client->__getLastRequest(), I get:

The Property field is coming up blank in the request with no attributes.

How would I go about sending it so the attributes are there?
Any help would be appreciated. I'm really stumped on this one.


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[PHP] last entry in mysql

2001-12-12 Thread Yoed Anis

hey guys,

quick question I'm having trouble finding an answer too.
In a mysql database, how can I select that last row entry. This might be
done mins after i put that entry there and i tried to use:
 $lastid=mysql_insert_id(); to get the last id but to no avail.


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[PHP] thanks

2001-11-28 Thread Yoed Anis

thanks guys it would have taken me forever to discover your tips.

"Yoed Anis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey Guys,
> I'm having a trouble I can't seem to solve and hoped maybe one of you
> take a look and see if you can help me.
> (If you don't want to learn my approach just skip to the bottom to help me
> with the final bit.. skip to "hear")
> What I want to do is open the text file testtext.txt (attached) and input
> all the information from one row (divided into fields and colum) and input
> that into a database (mysql)... I thought the easiest way to do this is
> split the fields in the row into an array... since they are all seperated
> spaces If only it was so easy. This is what I did:
> $count=0;
> $fd = fopen ("./Testtext.txt", "r");
> while (!feof ($fd)) {
> $buffer = fgets($fd, 4096);
> $count++;
> if($count > 2 && $count < 4){
>  $thearray=split("[ ]+", $buffer);
>  $maxi=count($thearray);
>  for($i=0; $i<$maxi; $i++){
>   echo "$thearray[$i] $i ";
>  }
>  echo "";
> }
> }
> Ok now the echo statement above prints the following:
> 07/29/2001 12:00 0 a 28.6 28.6 28.5 0.0 31.2 -- 0 0.0 0.0 1018.8
> 6.3 N 28.0 1.9 0.00 0.0 74 23.4 32.1 10 12.00 1
> It looks all good till well the 0 (where did that come from?) after
> 12:00! But upon further code writing:
> $wdate=$thearray[0];
> $wtime=$thearray[1];
> $wtimeampm=$thearray[2];
> echo "The date of the data is : $wdate taken at the time of $wtime
> $wtimampm";
> that prints:
> The date of the data is : 07/29/2001 12:00 taken at the time of a 28.6
> 28.5 0.0 31.2 -- 0 0.0 0.0 1018.8 3.1 6.3 N 28.0 1.9 0.00 0.0 74 23.4
> 32.1 10 12.00
> It looks as the array is having trouble splitting the date from the time
> (why there is a space there!!??) and makes all the other data into one or
> two other parts of the area (instead of the many fields).
> --HEAR--
> So I've narrowed it to this:  $thearray=split("[ ]+", $buffer);
> Does this look like what I should use to separate all my data in the
> It gets this data from one row in the file testtext.txt which looks like
> fields are separated by at least one space. What should I do?
> Thanks a bunch,
> Yoed

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[PHP] Using a file to make an array

2001-11-27 Thread Yoed Anis

Hey Guys,

I'm having a trouble I can't seem to solve and hoped maybe one of you might
take a look and see if you can help me.
(If you don't want to learn my approach just skip to the bottom to help me
with the final bit.. skip to "hear")

What I want to do is open the text file testtext.txt (attached) and input
all the information from one row (divided into fields and colum) and input
that into a database (mysql)... I thought the easiest way to do this is
split the fields in the row into an array... since they are all seperated by
spaces If only it was so easy. This is what I did:

$fd = fopen ("./Testtext.txt", "r");
while (!feof ($fd)) {
$buffer = fgets($fd, 4096);
if($count > 2 && $count < 4){
 $thearray=split("[ ]+", $buffer);
 for($i=0; $i<$maxi; $i++){
  echo "$thearray[$i] $i ";
 echo "";

Ok now the echo statement above prints the following:
07/29/2001 12:00 0 a 28.6 28.6 28.5 0.0 31.2 -- 0 0.0 0.0 1018.8 3.1
6.3 N 28.0 1.9 0.00 0.0 74 23.4 32.1 10 12.00 1
It looks all good till well the 0 (where did that come from?) after the
12:00! But upon further code writing:


echo "The date of the data is : $wdate taken at the time of $wtime

that prints:
The date of the data is : 07/29/2001 12:00 taken at the time of a 28.6 28.6
28.5 0.0 31.2 -- 0 0.0 0.0 1018.8 3.1 6.3 N 28.0 1.9 0.00 0.0 74 23.4
32.1 10 12.00
It looks as the array is having trouble splitting the date from the time
(why there is a space there!!??) and makes all the other data into one or
two other parts of the area (instead of the many fields).

So I've narrowed it to this:  $thearray=split("[ ]+", $buffer);
Does this look like what I should use to separate all my data in the array?
It gets this data from one row in the file testtext.txt which looks like all
fields are separated by at least one space. What should I do?

Thanks a bunch,

begin 666 Testtext.txt
M"0E!:7()"0D)4V]I; D)4V]L87()4V]L87()1&5G+@D)5VEN9 D)5VEN9 E7
M:6YD"0D)2&D)"41E=PE4+D@N"4$N"4)A='0N#0I$871E"51I;64)5&5M< E(
M:0E,;W<)150)5&5M< E,96%F"5)A9 E%;F5R9WD)1&%Y
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