[PHP] test, please ignore.

2001-02-01 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010


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[PHP] C++ integration with PHP

2001-02-01 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

Does anyone know how to integrate C++ and PHP if there are some data changes between 
PHP program and C++ program?

What I can think about is: in PHP, put the data in a file, and use "system" call to 
activate the c++ program. After that, let the c++ program to read the data file, and 
output the result into another file, and let the PHP to read the result file.  
But there is one question: will php wait until C++ program finish if I use "system" 
function from PHP?

Is there any better way to do the integration?


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[PHP] Is PHP integrated with LDAP?

2001-02-05 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

Does anyone know if PHP is interated with LDAP, or how can I integrate PHP with LDAP?

Thanks and Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Alex Akilov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Java Servlet Support


The PHP distribution contains various SAPIs (server API's).  Examples
are CGI, Apache, ISAPI, NSAPI and Servlet.  Each of these SAPIs is
optimized to host the PHP interpreter in the respective environment.
Thus, if you want to run PHP in Apache, you can use the Apache SAPI
(also known as mod_php) instead of CGI which will give you much better
performance as well as being able to take advantage of the capabilities
of that API.

The sapi/servlet option is essentially a Java servlet that you add to
your Java webserver just like you would any other servlet and it invokes
the PHP engine through JNI and reflection (so you could reference Java
objects from within your PHP script).  This option is much more
efficient then just running the ext/java extension (which allows you to
access Java objects from PHP by starting up a JVM per session) since the
JVM used is already running in the Java webserver and can be managed
much better by the latter than anything ext/java can attempt to do.
Note that using this SAPI implies that PHP will be running in your Java
Webserver instead of on your HTTP webserver (e.g. Apache) which could
have implications (hopefully for the better) unless they're both running
on the same physical machine.

Let me know if you have other questions.


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[PHP] unstable execution of mysql_db_query($db, $myQuery)

2001-02-15 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

I am using MySQL 3.22.32 and PHP 4.01PL2, but it seems that
mysql_db_query($db, $myQuery) is not quite stable, actually, in my code, it is like

mysql_db_query($db, $myQuery) or die "Something wrong during query");

1 out of 15 (the same query), it will "die".

Does anyone have any suggestion?


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[PHP] encrypt and decrypt in standard PHP

2001-02-23 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

  As the PHP manual indicates, we can use Mcrypt to do the encrypt and decrypt work in 
PHP, but that needs to download the encrypt module and recompile PHP.   Is there any 
other way to encrypt and decrypt the string in standard PHP4.0.4 without any extension 

  Thank you very much!

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[PHP] auto index in Apache

2001-06-19 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

  Please excuse me to post this Apache related question here, but I think most of you 
might be very familiar with Apache web sever and I couldn't find a Apache forum.

  In Apache, The index of a directory can come from one of two sources: 
   1. A file written by the user, typically called index.html. 

   2. A listing generated by the server. The other directives control the format of 
this listing. 

  My question is: if I am using the second method (i.e. using the listing generated by 
the server), how can I increase the maximum length of the displaying names for the 
files?  We have some files with long names, and the displaying names (not the URL) 
will get truncated if we use the second method.  So, is there a way to increase the 
length for the displaying names?

   Thank you very much in advance.


[PHP] a standalone PHP script to update MySql server

2001-06-25 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

It's pretty easy to use PHP to update MySql server through the web sever. Is there an 
easy way to use PHP scripts to update the MySql sever in a standalone mode (without 
the web sever)? Any sample scripts?


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[PHP] Display Large Size .pdf file in IE through Apache server

2002-05-02 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

I have a pdf file of size ~2M, and it can't be displayed through IE.
However, for smaller size pdf files, it works fine. The server is running
Apache and PHP.  Does anyone have any suggestion of how to fix this problem?

Thank you very much in advance.

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[PHP] counter using PHP or Javascript?

2001-07-11 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010


   Is there a way to create a counter to count the number of accesses for a apecific 
page using PHP or Javascript?


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[PHP] how to disable the automated "userID/password" in Internet Explorer

2001-08-22 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

Hi, all.

   Sorry, I know there is out of the topic, but you are highly possible to help on 
My browser --Internet Exporer will remember my userID and password, and the next time, 
after I type the first char of my user ID, it will automatically fill in the userID 
and password. Is there a way to disablt it?


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[PHP] How to ask the IE browser stop self-refreshing at the server side?

2001-08-29 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

Hi, all.

I am using Apache and PHP. Today, I found a very strange thing about the browser 
IE4.0/5.0 (Internet Explorer).  I have a PHP page, which will use "system" call to 
activate some backend program to generate a PDF file (this "system" call process will 
take about 30~60 seconds), the strange thing is: if I am using IE 4.0/5.0, I will get 
several files instead of one PDF file!! it seems that the IE kept refreshing itself 
automatically(keeps sending request to the server), the more strange thing is: the IE 
couldn't display the PDF file, and however, if I close the browser, and open the IE 
again, I could display the PDF file using the same URL!  is there a way to fix this at 
the server side?  

   If I am using netscape, there is no such problem.

Any input is highly appreciated.


-Original Message-
From: John Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 5:57 PM
Subject: [PHP] Posting to oneself

Two questions:
1.  Can I tell a form to post to itself without specifying the name of the 
web page?
2.  If I have a function on one page called by another, will this resolve 

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[PHP] Header() function and redirect

2001-08-30 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

  I am using Apache and PHP. I encountered a redirect problem in PHP, and traced it 
down, so, I generated a very short PHP page as following:

Header("Location: $goto");   

If the "sleep(30);" statement is commented out, this page works fine in both 
IE4.0/IE5.0 and netscape, but if "sleep(30)" statement is in this page, it will only 
work in Netscape, but not in IE.

Is there another way to do the "redirect" in PHP? or how to fix this problem (I 
can't remove the "sleep" statement because in the real program, it is a "System call" 
and will take more than 30 seconds)?

 Thank you very much in advance.


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RE: [PHP] Header() function and redirect

2001-08-30 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

But I have to wait for the application to finish. The idea is: the application will 
take the file, and convert it into PDF file (it takes more than 30 seconds generally), 
then display the generated  PDF file.

I am just wondering if I can use "Header()" to redirect to a general php page, then in 
that page, redirect to the PDF file.  


-Original Message-
From: * R&zE: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 11:19 AM
To: Zhu George-CZZ010; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Header() function and redirect

From: Zhu George-CZZ010 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 11:10:19AM -0500
Subject: [PHP] Header() function and redirect

>   I am using Apache and PHP. I encountered a redirect problem in PHP, and traced it 
>down, so, I generated a very short PHP page as following:
>  sleep(30);
> $goto = "http://tt.mot.com/to_pdf/pdf_tmp/test.pdf";;
> Header("Location: $goto");
> exit;
> ?>
> If the "sleep(30);" statement is commented out, this page works fine in both 
>IE4.0/IE5.0 and netscape, but if "sleep(30)" statement is in this page, it will only 
>work in Netscape, but not in IE.
> Is there another way to do the "redirect" in PHP? or how to fix this problem (I 
>can't remove the "sleep" statement because in the real program, it is a "System call" 
>and will take more than 30 seconds)?
>  Thank you very much in advance.
> Regards,
> George
> --
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You can (possibly) just redirect before the rest of your script.
Ofcourse you can't do that when the rest of the script produces
output, but it seems to me like it doesn't.

Try the next code:

--- PHP code ---
  error_log ("And still my script is running!", 0);
--- End of PHP code ---

You'll see that the original script will write the line to the
logfile although the user is already redirected to the next page.

Btw... 30 seconds is a rather long time. No user will ever want to
wait that long. Just my opinion...


* R&zE:

-- Renze Munnik
-- DataLink BV
-- W: +31 23 5326162
-- F: +31 23 5322144
-- M: +31 6 21811143
-- Stationsplein 82
-- 2011 LM  HAARLEM
-- Netherlands
-- http://www.datalink.nl

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[PHP] system() vs exec()

2001-09-04 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

The system() call will flush the headers to the client while exec() won't, but exec() 
won't wait until the system call is over.

Is there a way to make a system call, and wait until it ends, but don't send the 
headers to the client?


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[PHP] how to use fileatime() if the file name contains empty char?

2001-09-06 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010


   Does anyone know how to use fileatime() when the file name contains empty char 

Thank you very much in advance.

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[PHP] Is it possible to detect the Browser type/version in PHP?

2001-09-11 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010


  I once had the Javascript codes to detect the browser type/version (but 
unfortunately, I lost the codes), does anyone have the Javascipt code? or can PHP do 
the same job (how?)

Thank you very much in advance.

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[PHP] Forced download??

2001-09-13 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

Is there a way to do the "forced download"?  i.e., the browser can't read the file 
online(no matter whether it is .html or .txt file), instead, when he clicks the link, 
he will be asked to download it.

Is there a way to do that?

Thanks ahead!

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[PHP] User Authentication against remote authentication server

2001-10-29 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

   sorry, this might be a little bit off the topic, but I really hope you could help 
anwering this question.

   It's pretty clear how to use web server to authenticate the users/groups, for 
example, if we are using Apache, the userID and password will be stored in the 
browser's cache, and be sent  to the web server to do the authentiation whenenver a 
page is requested.

   However, if the authentication server is not the web server, instead, it is a 
remote independent server. How can we manage the user authentications at the web 
server side?

   Thank you very much in advance!

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[PHP] Is there a way not to pop up the default login window?

2001-11-01 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

If we are using the default Apache/PHP authentication, it will always pop up the 
default login window for login user ID /password.   Is there a method to redirect to a 
customized PHP login page instead of the default pop up window?

Thanks ahead.

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RE: [PHP] Is there a way not to pop up the default login window?

2001-11-01 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

Thanks for the suggestion. I think I didn't explain it clearly, what I really want to 
do is: whenever someone types any of the secured URL (it might be any secured php page 
or other files), how can we configure the server to automatically redirect to a 
customized PHP login page instead of popping up the default login window?


-Original Message-
From: Jon Haworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 11:36 AM
To: 'Zhu George-CZZ010'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Is there a way not to pop up the default login

Yep. Design your own form, and feed the data from that to $PHP_AUTH_USER and
$PHP_AUTH_PW. Don't send the header() for the 403.


-Original Message-----
From: Zhu George-CZZ010 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 01 November 2001 17:18
Subject: [PHP] Is there a way not to pop up the default login window?

If we are using the default Apache/PHP authentication, it will always
pop up the default login window for login user ID /password.   Is there a
method to redirect to a customized PHP login page instead of the default pop
up window?

Thanks ahead.

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[PHP] No php.ini?

2001-03-28 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

Someone else installed the PHP4.0.4, but I couldn't find the php.ini anywhere (I used 
"find" command to search the whole box), however, the PHP is working fine. Is it 
possible that the PHP can still work without php.ini?


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RE: [PHP] No php.ini?

2001-03-28 Thread Zhu George-CZZ010

Thanks to all for the suggestions.

I used 

and it shows that php.ini is in /usr/local/lib,  but actually, it's not there. Pretty 


-Original Message-
From: James Atkinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 5:14 PM
To: Zhu George-CZZ010; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] No php.ini?

Or create a phpinfo file containing

And that will tell you the location of php.ini.

- James 

> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Houchin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: March 28, 2001 3:13 PM
> To: Zhu George-CZZ010; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [PHP] No php.ini?
> look in either /usr/local/lib or in /etc/lib
> -----Original Message-
> From: Zhu George-CZZ010 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 9:06 AM
> Subject: [PHP] No php.ini?
> Someone else installed the PHP4.0.4, but I couldn't find the 
> php.ini anywhere (I used "find" command to search the whole box), 
> however, the PHP is working fine. Is it possible that the PHP can 
> still work without php.ini?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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