I created a function (appears below) that crops a JPG and outputs it on the
fly. However Apache crashes when I use the function. Unfortunately, Apache
does not put an error message in the logs.

I'm running it on a Windows2000 machine with Apache 1.3.20 and PHP 4.0.6
(installed via EasyPHP

I've isolated the problem to be the ImageCopy() function, I'm sure of this.
If I use ImageCopyMerge() instead (with pct = 100), it works albeit with
varying results.

Has anyone else encountered this? Does anyone know how to fix it?

function ImageCropJPEG( $src_file, $dst_file, $dst_width, $dst_height,
$quality = '100', $crop_type = 'r' ) {

    // Must be a valid file
    if ( is_file( $src_file ) ) {

        // Get image dimensions
        list( $src_width, $src_height, $src_type ) = @GetImageSize(
$src_file );

        // Must be a valid JPEG
        if ( is_set( $src_width ) && is_set( $src_height ) && $src_type ==
2 ) {

            // Generate crop coords
            switch ( $crop_type ) {

                // Centered crop coords
                case 'c':
                    $src_x  = max( 1, floor( ( $src_width  - $dst_width  ) /
2 ) );
                    $src_y  = max( 1, floor( ( $src_height - $dst_height ) /
2 ) );

                // Random crop coords
                case 'r':
                    $src_x  = mt_rand( 0, max( 1, $src_width - $dst_width -
1 ) );
                    $src_y  = mt_rand( 0, max( 1, $src_height -
$dst_height - 1 ) );


            // Create resources pointers for source and destination images
            $src_image = ImageCreateFromJPEG( $src_file );
            $dst_image = ImageCreate( $dst_width, $dst_height );

            // Copy cropped portion of source image to destination image
            ImageCopy( $dst_image, $src_image, 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y,
$dst_width, $dst_height );
#            ImageCopyMerge( $dst_image, $src_image, 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y,
$dst_width, $dst_height, 100 ); // testing...

            // Output to STDOUT
            if ( empty( $dst_file ) ) {
                header( 'Content-type: image/jpeg' );

            // Output image
            ImageJPEG( $dst_image, $dst_file, $quality );

            // Free any memory associated the source and destination images
            ImageDestroy( $src_image );
            ImageDestroy( $dst_image );



    return( TRUE );



Forgive me if this has been asked before. I searched the archives but
couldn't find the answer.





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