Re: [PHP] Unix passwd file

2002-10-04 Thread Josep R. Raurell

I found this code in a web (or somthink like this), but can remever 
where to give the credits, sorry.

function autentifica($user,$pass)
global $db1Host, $db1User, $db1Pass;

$auth = false;
  or die ('Unable to connect to server.');
// Select database on MySQL server
  or die ('Unable to select database.');
// Formulate the query
$sql = "SELECT user FROM user WHERE User='$user' && 
// Execute the query and put results in $result
$result = mysql_query($sql)
or die ('Unable to execute query.');
// Get number of rows in $result.
$num = mysql_numrows( $result );
if ($num != 0) {
// A matching row was found - the user is authenticated.
$auth = true;
return $auth;

Josep R. Raurell

En/na Scott ha escrit:

>I apologize if this is might be OT.  I have 5,000+ users in a unix passwd 
>file that I would like to move to a MySQL table to build a login system 
>with php.  I could then use this table for Postfix and Radius.  I know 
>about the getpwent in perl, but does anyone know if I populate a MySQL 
>table with the login/password can php then use that encrypted password to 
>validate users?

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[PHP] apache security

2002-06-19 Thread Josep R. Raurell

Hello. I think nobody had send this warnig to the list. Sorry if you 
already nows.

This text is from the apache web:


Versions of the Apache web server up to and including 1.3.24 and 2.0 up 
to and including 2.0.36 contain a bug in the routines which deal with 
invalid requests which are encoded using chunked encoding. This bug can 
be triggered remotely by sending a carefully crafted invalid request. 
This functionality is enabled by default.

In most cases the outcome of the invalid request is that the child 
process dealing with the request will terminate. At the least, this 
could help a remote attacker launch a denial of service attack as the 
parent process will eventually have to replace the terminated child 
process, and starting new children uses non-trivial amounts of resources.

We were also notified today by ISS that they had published the same 
issue which has forced the early release of this advisory. Please note 
that the patch provided by ISS does not correct this vulnerability.

The Apache Software Foundation has released versions 1.3.26 and 2.0.39 
to address and fix this issue. These version are available for download; 
see below.

Josep R. Raurell

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Re: [PHP] help me please! :)

2002-06-10 Thread Josep R. Raurell

This work for me:



To get the value i work in this way...

$liv= $_REQUEST['liv'];

$n = 50;
for ($i=1; $i<=$n;i++){
echo $liv[$i];

Josep R. Raurell

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Re: [PHP] Re: the ?PHPSESSID=spoofme 'bug'

2002-06-07 Thread Josep R. Raurell

If you destroy the session (for exaple with a logoff button) this dosen 

Josep R. Raurell

Giancarlo Pinerolo wrote:

>Giancarlo Pinerolo wrote:
>>I myself wrote:
>>>Can I tell you more than what the subject says?
>>>Close the browser, clean all your cookies, and open any page with that
>>>?PHPSESSID=spoofme appended.
>>>And see what  happens.
>spoofme is not the exact term.
>?PHPSESSID=hijackme should be more appropriate, but I avoided it for
>well known 'historical' reasons :-|

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[PHP] pdf with POST

2002-05-30 Thread Josep R. Raurell


I do a pdf with a lot of variables from a form, with a GET method.

After make the pdf (in the same script) I sent the headers and the user 
can see the document in your browser:

   $data = $albara->retorna();

   header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
   header("Content-Length: $len");
   header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$fileName");
   header("Pragma: no-cache");
   header("Expires: 0");
   print $data;

This work OK.
But I want use POST because there are so much variables in the URL, whit 
post the result is a blank scrren (the pdf never apears).
Somebody nows if is posible (with another headers or with other 
solution) to use a POST method to get a pdf made on the fly ?

Josep. R. Raurell

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[PHP] cross db

2002-04-19 Thread Josep Raurell

And what about pearDB ?

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[PHP] db2 connect speed problem

2002-04-17 Thread Josep Raurell


I connected a php linux server with db2 connect personal edititon with an as400

The connexion works ok, but all the querys have a delay.

I think is the cost of a new connexion on the a400. 

  - Somebody nows a solution ?
  - Somebody have a similar situacion and works faster ?

Josep R. Raurell

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Re: [PHP] Rebuilding PHP4 with IBM DB2 Support Causes Apache to Die Upon Restart

2002-03-24 Thread Josep Raurell

I think --with--ibm-db2 only works as statically linked with apache, no as module.

And do you have the db2 connect librarys instaled in the system ?

I copy here an article that works for my, I dont remenber where I see, maybe in

Sep 21st, 2000 13:04 

Remo Ronchitelli 

The connection from a Linux Web Server 
equipped with Apache and PHP 4 
to an IBM AS/400 (OS400 and DB2/400) 
system is possible and works fine. 
The same connection works with IBM 
mainframes equipped with OS/390, 
The only strict requirement is the 
version of OS400 operating system: 
it must be V4R2 with native TCP/IP 
The following is the hierarchical 
list of Software Layers used in the test. 
++Linux RedHat 6.1 
--(Korn Shell pdksh rpm package required) 
++Apache Web Server 1.3.12 
++PHP 4.0.2 statically linked to Apache 
-- with-ibm-db2 option enabled 
++IBM DB2Connect Personal Edition for Linux 
-- V7.1 free from somewhere in 
The IBM DB2 UDB DB2Connect Personal Edition 
installation is performed via Korn shell script 
"db2setup". Use all the features you can select, 
and installl: 
DB2 Administration Client 
DB2 Connect Personal Edition 
Db2 Application Development Client 
The DB2 instance created on Linux is: 
"db2inst1" and password "ibmdb2" (defaulted). 
After this you can install PHP 4 
--with-ibm-db2 option enabled. 
You get some weak compilation warnings 
but don't worry (it would be better they missed). 
For PHP it looks exactly like you had 
installed IBM DB2 UDB Personal Edition 
(the whole DB2 engine "without" DB2Connect). 
On the AS/400 side you have to start 
"drda" tcp servers at port "446" (defaulted). 
On the AS/400 side you need also 
authorized userid and password. 
Along with IBM DB2Connect you get full 
HTML documentation (useful and clear). 
Now return to Linux: 
login as "db2inst1" password "ibmdb2" and 
type: "db2" (DB2 command line processor). 
This is the necessary to inform DB2Connect 
about the reality of DB2400 DataBase on the 
AS/400. Thatis: 
1. 'catalog tcpip node YOUR_FREE_NODE_NAME 
server 446 
remote_instance AS400_SYSTEM_NAME 
ostype OS400' 
(446 is the default port number of drda server) 
(ostype must be "OS400") 
2. 'catalog dcs database YOUR_DB_NAME 
as DB2400_REAL_NAME' 
(DB400_REAL_NAME is the cataloged name of 
DB2 system in the AS/400 or the RDBNAME of AS/400) 
3. 'catalog database YOUR_DB_NAME as PHP_DB_NAME 
authentication DCS' 
(if you choose authentication "SERVER" it doesn't work). 
4. 'connect to PHP_DB_NAME 
user AS400_USERID 
using AS400_PASSWORD' 
5. (Caution to escape double quotes!) 
6. 'connect reset' 
7. 'terminate' 
(quit from DB2 Command Line Processor). 

You can now access DB2/400 from a PHP script 
enabled with: 
("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/db2inst1/sqqlib/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"); ' 
'putenv ("DB2INSTANCE=db2inst1"); ' 
'odbc_connect(PHP_DB_NAME, AS400_USERID, AS400_PASSWORD);' 

Warning: The Table name referenced in your PHP script 
must be qualified with the "collection" or "library" name 
of AS/400 DB2 system. Example: 
The default would be 
"SELECT * FROM DB2INST1.TABLE" (surely wrong). 

Take your fun with AS/400 or Mainframe system! 
Remo Ronchitelli 

Josep R. Raurell

Quoting Derek Battams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Currently I have Apache and PHP4 (using the Apache module for PHP4) working
> just fine on my server.  However, the RPMs I installed for mod_php4 didn't
> include IBM DB2 support.  So I took the source RPM and modified it by
> simply
> adding the following line to the spec file:
> --with-ibm-db2
> I appended this to the CFLAGS parameter in the spec file.  I then rebuilt
> the RPMs and everything built fine.  I then installed them and that was
> fine.  However, when I try to restart Apache nothing happens.  It just
> exits
> immediately with nothing written to any logs.  If I remove the
> '--with-ibm-db2' flag from the spec file, rebuild the RPMs, then reinstall
> them without DB2 support then Apache restarts fine and operates with no
> problems.  DB2 is installed, configured, and running on the server.  I've
> spent numerous hours (on the weekend none the less) trying to figure this
> out, but with no luck.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Derek
> -- 
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[PHP] Solution: ImagePng: No PNG support in this PHP build

2002-03-12 Thread Josep Raurell

Quoting Jason Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> - Whenever I recompile PHP, I always start with a clean extract from the 
> source tarball.
> -- 
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->

 Ok this is solve the problem. I did a "make clean", but is not very clean :-(.
The answer is delete the source and extract again.

A lot of tanks to Jason Wong, today my php support png.

Josep R. Raurell
Responsable d'inforamtica d' AKO Electomecanica
Estudinat d' Ingenieria Tecnica Informatica de GestiĆ³ a la UOC

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[PHP] ImagePng: No PNG support in this PHP build

2002-03-11 Thread Josep Raurell


I alwais get this message, i try with the gd and libpng librarys from the SuSE 
7.0, and after uninstalling with the sources librarys.
(gd works ok)

The result is the same:

ImagePng: No PNG support in this PHP build 

This is my last configure setting:

 './configure' '--prefix=/usr/local/intranet/php' '--exec-
prefix=/usr/local/intranet/php' '--with-
apache=/usr/local/src_intranet/apache_1.3.22' '--with-gettext' '--with-
mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--with-imap' '--with-ibm-
db2=/usr/IBMdb2/7.1/include' '--with-pdflib=/usr/local/pdflib4' '--with-zlib' '-
-with-png-dir=/usr/local' '--with-gd=/usr/local'

It seems a problem that other people had, but I can't found the sollution in 
the forums.

Help please.

Josep R. Raurell.

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Re: [PHP] Text editor for linux

2002-02-17 Thread Josep Raurell

Quoting Torkil Johnsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Anyone know of a good text editor for linux, WITH syntax highlighting for
> php/html + other languages?
> - TOrkil
> -- 
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[PHP] PHP+MYSQL unable to select database

2001-12-10 Thread josep

I can't select a database from a php script.

I've set privileges in both the user and the data base tables



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[PHP] PHP+MYSQL: unable to select database even FLUSH PRIVILEGES

2001-12-10 Thread josep

I've did:


but nothing changes.


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[PHP] PHP+MYSQL: unable to select database

2001-12-10 Thread josep

 I get:
 unable to select database
 when I visit my guestbook.php
 The user trying it is set in the mysql.user (without any perms) and in the
 mysql.db (with all perms).

Do I have to set all perms to this user in the mysql.user table?

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[PHP] Access denied for user

2001-12-06 Thread josep

I get the following message when trying to view a php page

Warning: Access denied for user: 'jupshoes@localhost' (Using password: YES)
in /home/jupshoes/public_html/guest/index.php on line 27
Unable to connect to SQL server

What is going wrong


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[PHP] newbie: which packages are needed?

2001-12-06 Thread josep

Which packages do I need to set a web server with PHP and MYSQL support?

I guess:
apache server
php4 apache module 
mysql  module for php4


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[PHP] undefined function: mysql_pconnect()

2001-12-05 Thread josep

Debian 2.2 + PHP4 apache module + mysql

Trying my first php program (guestbook) I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_pconnect() in
/home/jupshoes/public_html/guest/index.php on line 27



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[PHP] Again: [PHP] NEXT Page and BACK Page

2001-10-23 Thread Josep Raurell

> Use a LIMIT clause.  See
> -Rasmus

And for a db that not have limit (like ibm db2) 


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[PHP] how to limit the files returned

2001-09-20 Thread Josep Raurell


I want use in IBM DB2 the SELECT . LIMIT, as I can do in mySQL.


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Re: [PHP] php still not working

2001-06-26 Thread josep

If you d'ont compile as a module, you must copile and install apache again.

>> Trying a re-post from yesterday...
>> My setup is as follows:
>> RH Linux 7.0
>> PHP 4.0.5
>> Apache 1.3.20
>> I've either added or uncommented the following lines from httpd.conf:
>> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
>> AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
>> and to mime.types:
>> application/x-httpd-php  php phtml pht
>> Adding a LoadModule won't work because I didn't compile as a module.
>> I've seen some posts about AddHandler for PHP3, so I tried adding the
>> following to the .conf file:
>> AddHandler php-script  .php
>> having no idea whether this syntax was correct or not since the only
>> example I found
>> in the archuves refered to v. 3.
>> So I still get the html/php code showing up in my browser with no
>> interpretation by PHP.
>> Any suggestions (with the exception of "Hey, maybe you should stick with
>> Windows")
>> are greatly appreciated.
>> TIA
>> Brent
>> -- 
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