[PHP] Permenant Page Generation

2003-02-08 Thread msmecca
I would like to create two pages using the fwrite() and fopen() variables...btw I am a 
newbie I don't know where to start: 

One form page to enter information. I've done that and used the same format as a 
typical html page. method=post action=submit.php 

I want the second page to show the information was submitted and have the information 
create a permenant html page named after one of the text areas on the page. 

I guess this will lead to three pages because i will have a template set up for the 
created page to look like the pages that have already been created by static html. 

In effect...the user will physically upload a file to an intranet server. Next go to 
the form page and add the information on the file they just submitted to the server. 
Once that information is added and the submit button is pressed, it will trigger a 
html page to be created with the info submitted. Help!

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[PHP] Automated Php Page

2002-12-18 Thread msmecca
Still a php newbie here
I am creating a website set on an intranet server.  I have to create two pages
that consists of the following actions and I'd like to know if its possible to
do with php if so, how? The first page, information page,  would
somewhat look like a forum page to enter information. Ultimately, this page
would create the second page, an automated web page with this information to
save on the server. It would grab the title of the page when it is typed into
the information box on the information page and give it the name of the file
it creates. Ex. Title = Texture 4.0 File Name = texture40.html or .php
doesn't matter.
Information Page:
-I'd have four text space areas for the page title, directory path information
on where the file i am uploading is placed, information on where a .txt file
is located on the intranet server and a description of the file that has been
uploaded to the server along with a Submit button.
-Once the user submits this information, it should create a webpage(automated
web page) with the information added in from the information page.

I hope I explained that well...I am also searching other options but I have
liked the php pages I've created thusfar and I am not a great programmer so
please go easy on the kid. :) lol


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[PHP] Php Search Engine

2002-11-25 Thread msmecca
I am in need of a search engine. I'd rather do one in PhP. Is there one
available that I can see or at least get the code for?

I'm a newbie to php. :)


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[PHP] Php Dynamic Pages Apache Server

2002-08-01 Thread msmecca

I am trying to create a php page that will show the files on an apache server.
Each file will show up as a link on the page.  When clicked, the user will be
able to download the file. Is there anyone out there that can lead me in the
right direction.

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[PHP] Readdir

2002-08-01 Thread msmecca

New To Php so please bear with me... :)

I used the readdir function to read the files listed on a Apache server. And
it worked fine. Now I would like to be able to get the files the php code
returns, to be links. Where the user can click the file and download it. Also
for the files to sit within a table or at least look neat on the page.
http://www.optimus7.com/findme.php is the result I get from the php code
below. Help!

if ($handle = opendir('/my/directory')) {
echo Directory handle: $handle\n;
echo Files:\n;

while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { 
echo $file\n;


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