[PHP] thumbnail problems

2004-05-09 Thread Ninti Systems
I've searched the archives on this and, while I have turned up some
tips, they don't seem to solve my problem.

I an building a website for an indigenous organisation where jpg images
are uploaded, resized to a standard format, and thumbnails also
generated at the same time (so that is two resizes for each image). Most
of the time this works OK, but there are a lot of pages where many
thumbnails are just blacked out, eg:


On some pages, all images are blacked out, eg:


whereas on others they're all OK, eg:


The people in the field taking and uploading the photos insist that the
format, color depth, etc, is not changing from photo to photo, and I
can't discern any differences. Yet some work, some don't.

I read somewhere that memory limitations could cause this, but still, it
only happens sometimes and not others. We are on a crowded shared server
I think.

I'm use ImageCreateTrueColor() after checking with ImageIsTrueColor(),
otherwise just ImageCreate(). The initial resizes almost always work
(down from 640x480 to 400x300), with the thumbnails it is looking like a
50% failure rate.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Michael Hall

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2002-09-24 Thread ninti

I'm wondering if there is a way to include a query string parameter in an xsl

I have a script that does this:


I'd like to include the value of a variable passed to this script via a query
string (eg. xmlscript.php?p=3 ), whereby the value '3' is passed to the xsl
stylesheet somehow. The xsl stylesheet should then only process section 3 of the
xml document.

I've played about with extra arguments to xslt_process and xsl:param name=p/
 to no avail.

Hope this is clear enough.



MICHAEL HALL Web Development Officer
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
W: [EMAIL PROTECTED](08) 8951 8352
H: [EMAIL PROTECTED](08) 8953 1442

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[PHP] session in class problem

2002-06-20 Thread ninti

Try enclosing the function code in brackets:

function Check_Session()
  code goes here


Quoting Mark Colvin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have the following .php script and .inc file which doesn't work:
 =  .php file =
   // Include function files
   require_once includefiles/session_functions.inc;
  // Create instances of the required class
  $sess = new Sessions;
  // chech for valid session
 table summary=
 = .inc file =
 class Sessions
function Check_Session()
if (!session_is_registered(SESSION))
   header(Location: http://???.???.??.?/index.php?logintext=Please
 The session was created in a previous login script. When I enter the
 script I get the following error:
 Parse error: parse error, expecting `'{'' in
 /var/www/html/includefiles/session_functions.inc on line 7
 Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: sessions in
 /var/www/html/adminoutput.php on line 8
 However, if I copy the code from the function in the .inc file and place
 at the top of my php script, and delete the class code in the php
 everything works OK. Why is this happening? I also tried placing
 session_start() in the php script before calling the class method
 Check_Session but this had no effect.
 Thanks in advance

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