Re: [PHP] Include Files in HTML

2009-09-04 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:03 PM, wrote:

Depends on what you are including. The only tags that can be  
inside the

head are , , , 

Re: [PHP] newbie - Is there a calendar module for date entry?

2009-07-22 Thread phphelp -- kbk
Here is a simple but effective one, which has the advantage of  
optionally doing datetime.

-- --

If anyone knows of others that do both date and datetime, I'd love to  
see them.


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Re: [PHP] Case Conversion of US Person Names

2009-07-16 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On Jul 16, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Leonard Burton wrote:

Try this class here:

Oo! That looks *very* interesting. Thank you.

Have you tried it?


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Re: RES: [PHP] Case Conversion of US Person Names

2009-07-16 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:19 PM, Jônatas Zechim wrote:

U can try this:

function fNme($n){
$tN=count($n=explode(' ',strtolower($n)));


;}else{$nR.=strlen($n[$i])>3?' '.ucwords($n[$i]):' '.$n[$i];}}
return $nR;

echo fNme('a aaa aa aa ');

And also make an array inside this function for exceptions like  
'vander' or

other words which the srtlen is > 3.

Thank you. If I "roll my own" function, that could be useful.

I'd still rather find one that exists, though.

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[PHP] Case Conversion of US Person Names

2009-07-16 Thread phphelp -- kbk

Hi, All -- -- - -

I occasionally find myself in need of a utility to do case conversion  
of people's names, especially when I am converting data from an old  
to a new system. This is the first such occasion in PHP.

I know about ucwords() and mb_convert_case(). They do not accommodate  
names with "middle" capitalization.

Does anybody have such a utility to share, or know of one posted by  
someone "out there" that you have used?

I am not looking for perfection -- I know that such is not possible.  
I just want to pick off the easy ones -- Mc, Mac, O', de, de la, van,  
vander, van der, d' and others like that. I see some novel attempts  
to do parts of this on the PHP ucwords() "User Notes" area, but I bet  
someone out there has something more comprehensive. I'd rather not  
"roll my own" as I have done in other languages.

I have Googled without success.

Many thanks,


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[PHP] Container or Calling Class

2009-05-24 Thread phphelp -- kbk

Hey -- folks -- -- -

I am trying to figure out one aspect of PHP's object model.

Is it good practice to have a class be a property of another class?  
In other words:

class foo_handler {
function add_bar() {
$this->bar_handler = new bar_handler;


So one would have language in a foo_handler function like:


If so, can the bar_handler->bar_toast() function call a function in  
the container class (foo_handler)? "Parent" is used in some OOP  
languages for this type of hierarchy, but not PHP. I have fooled  
around with the scope resolution operator, but either that doesn't do  
it or I can't nail the syntax.

Anyone care to illuminate this for me?

Many thanks to all of the contributors to this list for all you do...


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Re: [PHP] Forms validation and creation- easier solution?

2009-05-22 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On May 20, 2009, at 2:03 AM, Angelo Zanetti wrote:

We have done quite a few projects and we are looking to find better  
ways to

implementing forms.

This is fairly simple to roll-your-own.

I do it from metadata. I check MySQL metadata for data types,  
lengths, and defaults. In addition, my metadata tables contain:

 -- field captions
 -- field-use descriptions and business rules (generates CSS pop-up  

 -- the type of control used
 -- the source of data for controls (I call system codes: like the  
lists of choices for comboboxes and radio buttons -- I keep almost  
all of these in a single table.)

 -- whether data in a field is required
 -- whether the data in a field are visible, editable, or new-record- 
only editable
 -- whether the data are encrypted (core data class handles the  

 -- data entry order
 -- any non-standard user rights to the data.
 -- Simple business rules (like maximums, minimums and ranges of  
acceptable values)
 -- easy validation categories: birthdates, eMail formatting, USA  
phone numbers & postal codes, US social security #'s, credit card  
format, and the like.

The last two can generate JavaScript, too (still working on that).

 -- I also am working on more complex validation being automatic:  
across fields or tables, dependent on other variables, etc.

By standardizing the format of metadata and the means of storing  
system code values, plus core CSS class names, you can use this  
across projects.


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Re: [PHP] Session data files

2009-05-09 Thread phphelp -- kbk

Thanks, Tom - -

On May 8, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Tom Worster wrote:

On 5/8/09 11:09 AM, "phphelp -- kbk"  wrote:

Just something I'm curious about: When I run PHP on my development
box (W2K), I just get one session file per connection which gets
deleted (usually) after the session expires.

When I look at the session files on the client server (linux/apache),
there seems to be one session file per page click. I needed to clear
them a few minutes ago, and there are already 80+ files, and this is
just from one user (a tester -- this is in late-late-late beta).

Now, there is nothing wrong -- everything is working fine -- I am
just curious if Apache does this differently, or if there is a
configuration setting that governs this (I haven't found -- but only
did a cursory look).

Anybody willing to take the time to enlighten me?

have you satisfied yourself that what you're seeing is not just an  

of how the session garbage collector works?

maybe compare the gc parameters on the two different machines?  

displays the values.

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[PHP] Session data files

2009-05-08 Thread phphelp -- kbk

Hey, folks ---

Just something I'm curious about: When I run PHP on my development  
box (W2K), I just get one session file per connection which gets  
deleted (usually) after the session expires.

When I look at the session files on the client server (linux/apache),  
there seems to be one session file per page click. I needed to clear  
them a few minutes ago, and there are already 80+ files, and this is  
just from one user (a tester -- this is in late-late-late beta).

Now, there is nothing wrong -- everything is working fine -- I am  
just curious if Apache does this differently, or if there is a  
configuration setting that governs this (I haven't found -- but only  
did a cursory look).

Anybody willing to take the time to enlighten me?

Thank you,


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Re: [PHP] https and Credit Cards

2009-04-14 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On Apr 13, 2009, at 10:19 PM, Skip Evans wrote:

But doesn't also the form need to be secure since you're sending CC  
information from that form back to the web site's server?

That's what I've always assumed.

I need some opinions on this, and if I'm right I think the client  
will defer to a few more votes.

To add to what others have said: CC processors with which I have  
worked will audit your site *before* certifying your site to accept  
CC information. In other words, if you don't do SSL, you won't be  
*allowed* to process cards.


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Re: [PHP] Logical next step in learning?

2009-04-14 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On Apr 14, 2009, at 10:58 AM, Gary wrote:

I think most books have you writing code, and Head First did as  
well, so I

think that is covered..

No, it isn't. There is a big difference between writing it the way a  
book tells you to do it, hand-holding all the way and doing it. When  
you actually have to do it, you take what you have read and apply it,  
using the book as a reference.

I actually have a real project to do that is a little beyond my  
abilities at
this point (its my own), so I want to keep the learning process  

Bastien's suggestion is spot on. Catalog your family members &  
friends, shoes, girlfriends, any information that is important to  
you. Really the only way.


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Re: [PHP] Web Development work

2009-02-25 Thread phphelp -- kbk

Hello -- - Ernie -- -- -

Consulting work is a business. Work doesn't fall from the sky. You  
have to figure out what you do. Not good enough to say "I'm a  
programmer" -- that and a dollar will get you half-a-cup of coffee at  

Figure out where your strengths are. Figure out where you have or can  
cultivate contacts. Spread the word. If you don't have a demonstrable  
portfolio of projects from your employer or clients that you can show  
or discuss with others, you had better develop one. Do you have an  
industry that you know more about than the average developer? Do you  
have graphics skills, too? Do you understand how a business works?

Every unemployed programmer calls himself a Web Developer. Every  
unemployed graphic designer calls himself a Web Designer. People who  
have been doing one or both for *years* call themselves the same  
thing. Most potential customers have no clue who is good or bad. Can  
you do the design work, or just the programming work. This isn't a  
place to get work; (based on the nature of your questions) there are  
100s of folks here with more experience and savvy than you, and I bet  
every one of the independents have room for more clients.

I have been in this business for 20 years. If you are flailing around  
asking naive questions like this, you probably are better off with a  
job. Maybe 10 years ago, someone with mid-level skills and no  
business acumen could be a successful "web developer" just because  
the industry was growing so fast and there were so few people with  
real skills. Now the situation is the opposite: there are lots and  
lots of people with skills. There are still jobs around, but you have  
to work harder to get them.

If you want to be in business, you need to think like a business  
person (who just happens to have a technical set of skills).

Good luck,


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Re: [PHP] Anyone else have trouble with Apple Mail threading this list?

2009-01-02 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On Dec 31, 2008, at 5:55 PM, Brian Dunning wrote:

... When I hit Reply or Reply All in Mail, it wants to
reply directly to the poster, and only CC's the list...

That is just the way the list works. (If you look at threads, you  
will see a fairly-constant stream of reminders to "reply all" to stay  
on the public listserv).

Other lists to which I subscribe don't behave like this. I can't  
understand why this one does. Even if people remember to "reply all"  
the recipient gets 2 copies of the reply. (If only the list admin  
knew of some programmer who could alter this )

All of this is tolerable for the great information exchanged, but it  
*is* annoying.


(Ironically, I initially forgot to "reply all" on this one, so I had  
to re-do it.)

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Re: [PHP] When is an Exception not an Exception?

2008-12-31 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On Dec 31, 2008, at 2:12 PM, wrote:

Sorry for the noise. Now that I know what is happening, I'm feeling  
silly for asking.

For me, hitting the the "Send" button often suddenly opens my eyes.  
Too bad there is no "un-Send" button.


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Re: [PHP] Decorator with public methods

2008-12-27 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On Dec 26, 2008, at 7:53 PM, Larry Garfield wrote:

I have an object to which I want to add behavior (methods).  I  
cannot use
inheritance here because the object is already of a type or subtype  
(vis, I am
already using inheritance for something else), and because I want  
to be able

to add multiple types of behavior at runtime.

If I understand what you are wanting to accomplish, perhaps a simpler  

Whenever I create a function in a core-level class, I add pre- and  
post- execution language to it. For example:

class foo_bar {

  function foo () {
if (!on_foo()) {
 return FALSE;
// normal foo code
// normal foo code
// normal foo code
// normal foo code
// normal foo code
if (!more_foo()) {
 return FALSE;

  function on_foo() {
return TRUE;

  function more_foo() {
return TRUE;

-- then in the child class:
class child_bar extends foo_bar {

 function on_foo() {
  // runtime code
  // runtime code
  // runtime code
  // runtime code
  return TRUE; // (or FALSE)


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[PHP] cURL: curl_exec return value

2008-12-20 Thread phphelp -- kbk

Hey - - - - - - -

I am new to using cURL, so I would appreciate your help. Fortunately,  
I have samples to follow, but the return value is not as I expect.

In short, instead of returning a Resource, it is just returning TRUE.

I have tried setting:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);

I have tried these together and separately and in all combinations.  
(IOW: flailing blindly)

Any clue what I am doing wrong? (relevant code below)


$url = $this->cc_submit_post_url;
$ch = curl_init();

// my lines, in any combination
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);

// these lines are *supposedly* well-tested
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);   // providing a header  

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $header);

// The following two options are necessary to properly set up SSL
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1);

$data  = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
$appl['error_message']  = curl_error($ch);
$return_val = FALSE;
} else {

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Re: [PHP] Credit Card processing: Chase PaymenTech

2008-12-15 Thread phphelp -- kbk

Thanks, Guys --

To those who say 'move providers' -- I can't. My client, which also  
sells a bunch of other stuff on-line has an exclusive arrangement  
with that processor.

How about using gateway providers? Any experience with that?


On Dec 15, 2008, at 1:06 AM, clive wrote:

phphelp -- kbk wrote:

Anybody have modules, code, tips, land mines, or any other  
information for doing credit card processing with PaymenTech that  
you would be willing to share?

Ken - I think your first step is to find another provider, support  
is everything, your code can be 110% correct, but if there is 1  
item wrong in the comms you have with PaymenTech, then you can  
spend hours if not days with a broken application.

This recently happened with me and HSBC bank in the UK, rubbish  
support, my code look right, but nothing worked, until after a  
number of days I managed to get through to one of the developers of  
there payment gateway system, he was able to a make a few changesto  
the xml I sending and just like that I was able to process payments.

Move providers


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[PHP] Credit Card processing: Chase PaymenTech

2008-12-12 Thread phphelp -- kbk

Hello - - ---  -- - --

I need to develop Credit Card processing for my current application.  
We have our own shopping cart. We have been trying in vain to get  
technical information from PaymenTech for *months* -- but it seems  
that Chase sold part of it, or split it off into a separate company  
-- or something. in any case, they seem extremely distracted and  

By doing some heavy googling, I was able to find some code from a PHP  
developer's web site, mostly for the format of the xml strings to  
pass to them.

I can't believe that they don't have a processing object for PHP  
already available, but it seems not. I see in the archives a couple  
of requests to the group for code, but the most recent was a couple  
of years old. So, I'll ask again:

Anybody have modules, code, tips, land mines, or any other  
information for doing credit card processing with PaymenTech that you  
would be willing to share?

Many thanks - - -


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Re: [PHP] Re: Foreign Keys Question

2008-12-12 Thread phphelp -- kbk
In my enrollment database, we keep historical information. My client  
is a big computer training organization (for which I also teach). The  
enrollment information is quite fluid -- people are always canceling  
or rescheduling. It is important for us to know a person's history.



On Dec 12, 2008, at 9:16 AM, tedd wrote:

At 2:50 PM + 12/12/08, Colin Guthrie wrote:

'Twas brillig, and tedd at 12/12/08 14:36 did gyre and gimble:
That's neat and a lot more powerful than I thought. It's like  
following a linked list to it's end while removing all traces of  
the thread.


And I understand the "instructor delete" was not intended.

Yeah indeed. I had a db structure in my head and the statement  
made vague sense with that in mind, but it totally failed to leak  
through my hands on to the keyboard :P

There are three main options here:
 * ON DELETE CASCADE (if the FK's referenced table has it's record  
deleted, delete the record here too).

 * ON DELETE RESTRICT (if the FK's referenced table has it's  
record deleted stop that whole transaction - e.g. *prevent* the  

 * ON DELETE SET NULL (if the FK's referenced table has it's  
record deleted, set this tables reference to NULL).

All three are useful in different contexts. I use them extensively  
to ensure good data integrity. The trade off on extra load on  
insert/update is IMO well worth it.



That's all good to know.

My first tendency is to keep everything. After all, memory is cheap  
and access times are always reducing.

While it's true that having a bunch of worthless data doesn't  
accomplish anything and slows the process  of dealing with it. But,  
technology in access times and storage capabilities are getting to  
the point of making the decision to keep/delete worthless data moot.

As such, I think the need for FK deletions will become less and  
perhaps disappear from the language. For some reason, I look upon  
deletions in similar light as renumbering a table's index after  
deletion of a record -- like "what's the point?"

I'm just rambling -- thanks again for your insight.




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Re: [PHP] Foreign Keys Question

2008-12-11 Thread phphelp -- kbk

On Dec 11, 2008, at 12:55 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:

On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 13:46 -0500, tedd wrote:

At 12:29 PM -0600 12/11/08, phphelp -- kbk wrote:

Hey tedd ---

Do I understand your structure correctly that you have something  

Courses (table)

That was right, but I think I've reconsidered.

You see, Richard pointed out the error of my ways, namely:

Student attendance should be a table with rows for each student in
attendance. If you want to limit the number make a check before adding
another student. Don't hard code the number via fields like above or
you'll find it overly ugly to add/remove students or even increase the

Right, Rob ---

As it happens I'm writing an application like this now, in late beta,  
ready to go live "any day now."

I call the table you are describing 'enrollment.'


 - student_id,
 - (rest of the fields)

 - enroll_id
 - student_id
 - course_id
 - role_in_class
 - (more fields)

 - course_id
 - subject_id
 - (more)

Except I take it one more step: Instructors are just People, as are  
Students. The role_in_class field distinguishes what they are doing  
in the classroom. (We have more roles than those in our application.)


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Re: [PHP] Foreign Keys Question

2008-12-11 Thread phphelp -- kbk

Hey tedd ---

Do I understand your structure correctly that you have something like:

Courses (table)

Is that right?


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