[PHP] InterScan MSS has deleted a message

2006-05-09 Thread postmaster
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[PHP] NOTICE: Attachment Blocked

2005-02-11 Thread postmaster
The following message has been blocked because 
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To:  php-general@lists.php.net
Date:Sat, 12 Feb 2005 08:35:56 +0100
Subject: [PHP] Re: unknown

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[PHP] simplexml question.

2004-10-26 Thread postmaster


I looking to get the data out of this test.xml file but dont
know how to get the data out because of the bo: namespaces.
If I remove all bo: from the xml then it works fine...
Is anyone can tell me how to do it?

$file = test.xml;
$xml = simplexml_load_file($file) or die (Unable to load XML file!);
echo Name:  . $xml-UserAuthRequest-UserLoginName . \n;


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
bo:TXLife xsi:schemaLocation=http://ACORD.org/Standards/Life/2
TXLife2.9.90.XSD xmlns:bo=http://ACORD.org/Standards/Life/2;
bo:UserLoginNameTest login/bo:UserLoginName


Andras Kende

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[PHP] [ERR] [PHP] compiling php5 with gd-support

2004-02-08 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Hi php-general,

I have continusously following error compiling php5 with gd-support:

ext/gd/gd.lo: In function `zm_deactivate_gd':
/usr/local/src/php-5.0.0b3/ext/gd/gd.c:445: undefined reference to `gdFreeFontCache'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Fehler 1

Here is my config.nice:

'./configure' \
'--disable-libxml' \
'--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' \
'--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/etc' \
'--enable-magic-quotes' \
'--with-bcmath' \
'--enable-exif' \
'--enable-shared=max' \
'--enable-rule=SHARED_CORE' \
'--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' \
'--with-gd=/usr/local/include' \
'--enable-gd-native-ttf' \
'--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib' \
'--with-png-dir=/usr/lib' \
'--with-zlib-dir=/usr/include' \

without gd, I can compile, and it works.

What I am also wondering is how I can disable freetype?
I tried --without-freetype or --disable-freetype but that doesn't
help. I have no freetype installed.

Other thing, is that I have set --with-gd=/usr/local/include, but I
had to put symbolic links to /usr/local/lib where the libgd.so and
libgd.a are (from install). There is no way to enter both directories...

And at last, why is the error related to
/usr/local/src/php-5.0.0b3/ext/gd/gd.c:445? I entered
/usr/local/include for gd and not the ext/gd/ directory?

I just newly installed gd, newest release.

I have Mandrake Linux 8.2.

I would really appreciate help ;-)


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---End Message---

[PHP] [ERR] [PHP] PHP5 Beta 3

2004-02-07 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Hi php-general,

I have already PHP 4.3.1 running on my apache 2 webserver, on Linux.
Now I've tried to make PHP 5 run, everything compiles well, I have set
the same configuration parameters than for PHP 4, only additionally
--disable-libxml because it wouldn't compile then.

I added the line with libphp5.so (well it did by itself...) and
restarted the webserver (graceful). Didn't work, .php was not sent to
the php-engine.
Then I commented the libphp4.so. No .php file was recognized to go
through the php-engine...
I uncommented the libphp4.so, so I have 2 libphp again,
there, I had segmentation faults, and the webserver

restarting the webserver only with php4 gave me following:

[notice] Graceful restart requested, doing restart
[notice] seg fault or similar nasty error detected in the parent process
[warn] pid file /var/run/apache2/httpd.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous 
Apache run?
[notice] Apache/2.0.44 (Unix) PHP/4.3.1 configured -- resuming normal operations

Well, my question: what's wrong?

Here my config-parameters (config.nice):

#! /bin/sh
# Created by configure

'./configure' \
'--disable-libxml' \
'--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' \
'--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/etc' \
'--enable-magic-quotes' \
'--with-bcmath' \
'--enable-exif' \
'--enable-shared=max' \
'--enable-rule=SHARED_CORE' \
'--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' \

Thanks for answering/helping...


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---End Message---

[PHP] [ERR] RE: [PHP] Re: authentication comparing to /etc/passwd

2004-02-04 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
 if($PHP_AUTH_USER != user1) || ($PHP_AUTH_PW != password)
 ... or somehting like that. I can't find it in the manual, but it is
 there someplace. 
 Adam Williams wrote:
 Hi, is there a PHP function or some sort of way to have a user enter
 their username and password in a form, and compare the username and
 password and see if the username exists and the password is correct?
 basically I want to have a page where a person enters their username
 and password and if correct to use the header function to send them
 to the a page.


Burhan Khalid

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---End Message---

[PHP] [ERR] RE: [PHP] Date comparison

2004-02-04 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BEOI 7308 wrote:
 I want to substract $first_date to $second_date and print the result
 this way : 
 xx days, xx hours, xx minutes
 i tried (strtotime($second_date)-strtotime($first_date)) but what i
 get is a timestamp and i dont know what to do with it 
 Is there already a function to print the result in a human readable
 way ? 


Burhan Khalid

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---End Message---

[PHP] [ERR] RE: [PHP] Document generation from XML

2004-02-04 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Russell Seymour wrote:
 I can create the XML of the document that I want to generate using
 the built in XML functions in PHP. 
 THe thing I then want to do is be able to do is then use that XML to
 create documents in multiple formats, e.g. PDF. 
 I think that I can use DocBook or Apache FO to do this, but I am not
 sure which one to use or how to go about doing it. 
 Basically I want to be abel to speciy an output format and run the
 XML through a transformation to get that format. 
 Does that make any more sense?

Yes, actually.

There is a great tutorial[1] over at IBM's DeveroperWorks that talks about
this.  They call it the Toot-O-Matic, and it is a Java application that uses
an XML document to create PDF, ZIP, HTML, and even JPEG files to
auto-generate tutorials.

[ trimmed ]

[1] http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-toot/index.html

( there are several links to toot-o-matic, but that should get you started )

Burhan Khalid

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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---End Message---

[PHP] [ERR] RE: [PHP] Slightly OT! PHP / HTML Editor for Linux

2004-02-04 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Shaun wrote:
 I've just switched from Windows to Linux and don't want to change
 However I used to use Dreamweaver MX for all my PHP / HTML editing,
 can anyone recommend a good alternative? 
 Many thanks

You could try running Dreamweaver MX under wine [ http://www.winehq.com ]

Burhan Khalid

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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---End Message---

[PHP] [ERR] RE: [PHP] Slightly OT! PHP / HTML Editor for Linux

2004-02-04 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2004/02/05 02:17:10, 999, »ó´ë¹æ ¼ö½Å¼­¹ö Á¢¼Ó½Ã°£ ÃÊ°ú
Shaun wrote:
 I've just switched from Windows to Linux and don't want to change
 However I used to use Dreamweaver MX for all my PHP / HTML editing,
 can anyone recommend a good alternative? 
 Many thanks

You could try running Dreamweaver MX under wine [ http://www.winehq.com ]

Burhan Khalid

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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---End Message---

[PHP] [ERR] RE: [PHP] extract(filename)

2004-02-04 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
 In Borland Delphi, I can extract a filename from the paramstr(0) and
 then exchange out the extension. 
 ChangeFileExt(extractfilename(paramstr(0)), '.html');
 Is there a way to extract the filename of
 and swap its extension for .htm?
 february2004.htm is pure html. In february.html I include a header
 and a footer and then (february2004.htm); 
 I would like to have some automatic code to do this instead of
 hand-coding 48 files. 
 Do-able? How? I know these variables (PHP Version 4.3.4) but don't
 know how to start? 

How about starting at the manual? What a novel concept that is!


Burhan Khalid

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---End Message---

[PHP] [ERR] RE: [PHP] explode separate lines

2004-02-04 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Diana Castillo wrote:
 does anyone know how to do an explode where the separator is a

You could try explode(\n, $stuff);, but if you are wanting to read
information from a file and store each line in an array, the file() function
does exactly that.

Burhan Khalid

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---End Message---

[PHP] Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP V4.5

2003-09-05 Thread postmaster
Network Associates WebShield SMTP V4.5 on fzkmail2 detected virus W32/[EMAIL 
attachment document_9446.pif from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it was Cleaned and

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[PHP] Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP V4.5

2003-09-03 Thread postmaster
Network Associates WebShield SMTP V4.5 on FZKMAIL1 detected virus W32/[EMAIL 
attachment thank_you.pif from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it was Cleaned and

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Re: [PHP] PHP hosts?

2001-03-19 Thread postmaster-vs

Try these guys :)

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP hosts?

  Hi All,
  I am looking for some sites that host PHP.  I can't really afford to pay
  hosting space anymore, so I was wondering if there were any good (free)
  hosts, that had PHP and/or MySQL.
  I would like to get a fast and stable place to host my files, but if
  was a preference, I would probably prefer a more stable place that's not
  on/offline a lot.
  Any links/help is much appreciated.

 Not sure about stability but here is one in the UK:
 Jeff Oien
 PHP start here - Web site coming soon

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[PHP] webhosts

2001-03-19 Thread postmaster-vs

I think my outlook is on the fritz my total apologizes!


NoMonthlyFees.com - Never pay monthly webhosting fees again!!!

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[PHP-CVS] Invalid Address

2001-03-01 Thread postmaster

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[PHP-CVS] Invalid Address

2001-02-28 Thread postmaster

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[PHP-CVS] Invalid Address

2001-02-27 Thread postmaster

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[PHP-CVS] Invalid Address

2001-02-26 Thread postmaster

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