
I am very new to dynamic web site (I am using GoLive6 on Mac together with php & mySQL) and I am very confused about "variables". I would appreciate your feedback on my first dynamic site http://www.vergelegen.co.za (Media section - login test - password test).

1/ There are quite a few things that don't work yet but the main issue is to use session variable to check if the Login_Name is authorize to browse the site and later on if it has admin access to update/delete records in the database. I also want to pass the value of Login_Name from Search to EditProfile... How do I do that with Session Variables?

http://www.vergelegen.co.za/xDBMedia/AccessPassword/Login.php?First=1 -> http://www.vergelegen.co.za/xDBMedia/DBMedia/Search.php?First=1 ->
http://www.vergelegen.co.za/xDBMedia/AccessPassword/EditProfile.php?Login_Name=test -> ...

2/ My other concern is how do I secure the database?

Kind regards, Paul.


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