RE: [PHP] IE7 forçando download de arquivo *.php

2009-01-06 Thread Jesús Enrique Muñoz Fernández

Digite o URL do seu site, acho que seria um pouco mais ilustrativos desta 
maneira para tentar identificar o problema. 



Please send us the url of your site, maybe we can identify the problem and give 
you a solution


> Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 18:44:39 +0100
> To:
> CC:
> From:
> Subject: Re: [PHP] IE7 forçando download de arquivo *.php
> Zechim wrote:
> > Boa tarde pessoal, estou com um problema no ie7, tenho um atendimento 
> > on-line em um site, funciona corretamente em outros browers, mas no ie7, 
> > quando tento abrir a página do chat, ela força o download e não exibe o 
> > html na tela, como se fosse um link para download.
> What makes you think people on this list will understand what you just 
> said? This is an _english_ list. So, if you want an answer to your 
> question, please repeat it in English.
> As for the answer, you probably are sending incorrect, or too few, 
> headers. But that would majorly depend on what you really want to know 
> (I just assumed that you mean to ask "why does IE7 download archives 
> (eg. zips) as .php files instead of the actual, and how do 
> I fix that?")
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] IE7 forçando download de arquivo *.php

2009-01-06 Thread Maciek Sokolewicz

Zechim wrote:
Boa tarde pessoal, estou com um problema no ie7, tenho um atendimento 
on-line em um site, funciona corretamente em outros browers, mas no ie7, 
quando tento abrir a página do chat, ela força o download e não exibe o 
html na tela, como se fosse um link para download.

What makes you think people on this list will understand what you just 
said? This is an _english_ list. So, if you want an answer to your 
question, please repeat it in English.
As for the answer, you probably are sending incorrect, or too few, 
headers. But that would majorly depend on what you really want to know 
(I just assumed that you mean to ask "why does IE7 download archives 
(eg. zips) as .php files instead of the actual, and how do 
I fix that?")

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