Re: [PHP] Image Generation: Centering Text

2005-05-02 Thread Richard Davey
Hello Richard,

Monday, May 2, 2005, 4:47:42 PM, you wrote:

RC> But I need to center the text in the image that is generated. As I
RC> am using the same font and it is fixed at 10px I was thinking of
RC> doing something like:

RC> (Get Length of Text in Chars * Width of Average Char) DIV 2.

RC> (Width of Image DIV 2) - Above = starting point on the x axis.

RC> or can anyone think of a better way to do it?

There's nothing wrong with this method at all. When using a fixed
width font I would do it like this, it's pretty much perfect. When
using a True Type font I would use imagettfbbox() instead to get the
width of the text and then center that accordingly.

Best regards,

Richard Davey
-- - PHP Development Services
 "I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." - Isaac Asimov

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[PHP] Image Generation: Centering Text

2005-05-02 Thread Richard Collyer
I am using the following code.

$number = $_GET['text'];
Imagettftext($img_number, 10,0,4,15,$black,'arial.ttf',$number);
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$rotate = imagerotate($img_number, 270, 0);
But I need to center the text in the image that is generated. As I am 
using the same font and it is fixed at 10px I was thinking of doing 
something like:

(Get Length of Text in Chars * Width of Average Char) DIV 2.
(Width of Image DIV 2) - Above = starting point on the x axis.
or can anyone think of a better way to do it?
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