Re: [PHP] Little Help Needed

2005-04-05 Thread Frank Arensmeier
You should describe more specific what is going wrong with your script.  
What does the script output? Maybe you should post a vardump as well.

2005-04-05 kl. 11.07 skrev Jason:
Could someone tell me what I did wrong with this script.   It should  
read the page   
and only read between the 2 words in the script. And email any new  
stuff to the email address in the script.  What did I do wrong that is  
causing this script to fail?

# Configuration

# Directory on the remote server.  Be sure to include leading and  
trailing slashes!
$remotedir = "/english/traveller/conditions/";

# File on the remote server.  No slashes!
$remotefile = "rdclosure.htm";
# Keyword to check for in response.
$keyword = "Closed";
# Remote server address.
$remoteserver = "";
# E-mail recipient(s).  Separate each address with a comma and a space.
$emailrecip = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
# E-mail subject line.
$emailsubject = "MTO - TEST" .  date(' (G:i:s)');
# E-mail From name.
$emailfromname = "WxServer Roads";
# E-mail From address.
$emailfromaddr = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
# End Configuration

# Format the page for easy viewing.
Header( "Content-type: text/html");
# Setup the request.
$header .= "GET " . $remotedir . $remotefile . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$header .= "Host: " . $remoteserver . "\r\n";
$header .= "User-Agent: Downloader\r\n\r\n";
$fp = fsockopen ($remoteserver, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);

# Do the request.
fputs ($fp, $header . $req) or die("Can't access the site!");
while (!feof($fp)) {
$res .= fgets ($fp, 128);
# Strip off the header info.
$res = preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/", "", $res);
$res = preg_replace("/Last  
Updated\:\s+?\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+?\d\d\:\d\d/", "", $res);
$res = preg_replace("/ /", "", $res);
$headerend = strpos($res,"\r\n\r\n");

if (is_bool($res)) {
$result = $res;
else {
$result = substr($res,$headerend+4,strlen($res) - ($headerend+4));
fclose ($fp);
# Start and end tags
$startstr = "Highways";
$endstr = "This";
# Find start and end positions
$startpos = strpos($result, $startstr) + strlen($startstr);
$endpos = strpos($result, $endstr, $startpos);
# Get string between 2 tags
$result = substr($result, $startpos, $endpos-$startpos);
echo ($new_res);
# Check for keyword.
if (!stristr($result, $keyword)) die("ERROR Code Word Not Found");
# Read the file containing the last response.
$filename = $remotefile . '.txt';
$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($filename));

# Check for changes.
if ($contents == $new_res) {
# There has not been a change.
echo ("No Updates\r\n");
} else {
# There has been a change.
echo ("**UPDATES DETECTED**\r\n");
# Write the new file.
$filename = $remotefile . '.txt';
$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
$write = fputs($fp, $result);
# Send the e-mail.
$recipient = $emailrecip;
$subject = $emailsubject;
$body_of_email = $result;
$header = 'From: "' . $emailfromname . '" <' . $emailfromaddr . '>';
mail ($recipient, $subject, $body_of_email, $header);
echo ("E-mail sent.");
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[PHP] Little Help Needed

2005-04-05 Thread Jason
Could someone tell me what I did wrong with this script.   It should read 
the page  and 
only read between the 2 words in the script. And email any new stuff to the 
email address in the script.  What did I do wrong that is causing this 
script to fail?

# Directory on the remote server.  Be sure to include leading and trailing 
$remotedir = "/english/traveller/conditions/";

# File on the remote server.  No slashes!
$remotefile = "rdclosure.htm";
# Keyword to check for in response.
$keyword = "Closed";
# Remote server address.
$remoteserver = "";
# E-mail recipient(s).  Separate each address with a comma and a space.
$emailrecip = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
# E-mail subject line.
$emailsubject = "MTO - TEST" .  date(' (G:i:s)');
# E-mail From name.
$emailfromname = "WxServer Roads";
# E-mail From address.
$emailfromaddr = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
# End Configuration
# Format the page for easy viewing.
Header( "Content-type: text/html");
# Setup the request.
$header .= "GET " . $remotedir . $remotefile . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$header .= "Host: " . $remoteserver . "\r\n";
$header .= "User-Agent: Downloader\r\n\r\n";
$fp = fsockopen ($remoteserver, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);

# Do the request.
fputs ($fp, $header . $req) or die("Can't access the site!");
while (!feof($fp)) {
$res .= fgets ($fp, 128);
# Strip off the header info.
$res = preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/", "", $res);
$res = preg_replace("/Last Updated\:\s+?\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+?\d\d\:\d\d/", 
"", $res);
$res = preg_replace("/ /", "", $res);
$headerend = strpos($res,"\r\n\r\n");

if (is_bool($res)) {
$result = $res;
else {
$result = substr($res,$headerend+4,strlen($res) - ($headerend+4));
fclose ($fp);
# Start and end tags
$startstr = "Highways";
$endstr = "This";
# Find start and end positions
$startpos = strpos($result, $startstr) + strlen($startstr);
$endpos = strpos($result, $endstr, $startpos);
# Get string between 2 tags
$result = substr($result, $startpos, $endpos-$startpos);
echo ($new_res);
# Check for keyword.
if (!stristr($result, $keyword)) die("ERROR Code Word Not Found");
# Read the file containing the last response.
$filename = $remotefile . '.txt';
$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($filename));

# Check for changes.
if ($contents == $new_res) {
# There has not been a change.
echo ("No Updates\r\n");
} else {
# There has been a change.
echo ("**UPDATES DETECTED**\r\n");
# Write the new file.
$filename = $remotefile . '.txt';
$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
$write = fputs($fp, $result);
# Send the e-mail.
$recipient = $emailrecip;
$subject = $emailsubject;
$body_of_email = $result;
$header = 'From: "' . $emailfromname . '" <' . $emailfromaddr . '>';
mail ($recipient, $subject, $body_of_email, $header);
echo ("E-mail sent.");

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