First off I would like to say "Hello World" to everyone here :)

Now for the business part of this post. I recently got appointed to run a
branch of my gaming clan as we expand into a new game. Now I run my website
using phpnuke, which except for figuring out what the heck to put for
content and as the theme really makes my live much easier.

Now I want to create the following, a easy way to keep track of my clan
member roster as well as the ranking and matches. I want it to be easy to
navigate and admin. I know i'll have to do a bit of editing to my user
tables at one point so I can keep the normal site users separate from the
clan members but still be fully intergrated.

I also do not wish it to use any external systems and be relatively self

Now I am a raw beginner with only a few spoof scripts to my name. What
current information, tutorials, and advice is out there? I dont have time to
wade through billions of bad links and out dated materal. So what can you
all tell me that would make my task a tad easier at least in the planning

Thanks in advance.
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