Hi, I've got a session problem that I don't understand.

Here's the setup.  There are 2 frames, frame1 and frame2 (within frame1).

Frame1 is simply a static html page like the following:

<frameset rows="0,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
  <frame src="http://mysite.ca/blank.html"; name="topFrame" scrolling="NO"
noresize >
  <frame src="http://mysite.ca/getPage.php?siteid=33&page=homepage";

Frame 2 is the php file, namely getPage.php.  In this php file, it starts
the session and does some initialization to set the session variables.  The
php code is executed before any HTML code is outputted.  So the session
variables have been all set.  It looks something like this:

<frameset rows="0,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
  <frame src="blank.html" name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize >
  <frame src="<?=$mypage;?>?mode=view" name="mainFrame">

so $mypage is actually a dynamic string to another PHP page.

The problem is, this $mypage that frame2 opens depends on the session
variables that I've set at the beginning of frame2.  And I realized that the
session id of $mypage is not the same as that of frame2.  So the variables
will not load.  So if i call up frame1 on the browser, $mypage will not get
the session variables of frame2.

The funny thing is that if i simply load up the url
http://mysite.ca/getPage.php?siteid=33&page=homepage, i.e. the URL of
frame2, $mypage actually DOES get those variables and have the same session

Although I've solved the problem using a hacked method (passing the session
id to $mypage using GET), I'm wondering if there's anything wrong with the
setup that causes the diverse outcomes.

Thanks for any kind of response.


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