Re: [PHP] Re: [new version] Re: [a proactive example of learning by hacking] Re: [PHP] Getting queries from files FYI

2005-08-26 Thread Jochem Maas

Robin Vickery wrote:

This is another rather hackish attempt at using the tokeniser.

you beast ;-)
apart from the fact that I don't use mysql this is really cool.
I have no time to play right now (gotta catcha plana) but I have
it on my to do list of things I need to take apart and
understand properly.


It turns this:

$emu = my_column {$banana};
$wallaby = 'my_table';
$kookaburra = 'SELECT * FROM';
$kookaburra .= $wallaby;
$koala = 'ASC';
$taipan =  ' ORDER BY' . $emu;
$dropBear = 'group by something';

mysql_query($kookaburra WHERE (up = 'down') $taipan $koala  .

into this:

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE (up = 'down') ORDER BY my_column $banana
ASC strtoupper( group by something)

Which isn't perfect by a long shot, but I'm away home now so it'll have to do.

I'd be interested to know what it makes of your queries.



//looks at all $dir/*.php files.
$dir = '/path/to/php/files';

foreach (getPhpFileList($dir) as $file) {
  print = $file =\n;
  $token = tokeniseFile($file);

  // first find all calls to mysql_query()
  $mysqlCalls = getMysqlQueryCalls($token);  
  foreach($mysqlCalls as $range) {

$sql = resolveExpression($token, $range[0], $range[0], $range[1]);
echo trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $sql)), \n; // tidy it a little

function getMysqlQueryCalls($token) {
  $callList = array();
  for ($i=0; isset($token[$i]); $i++) {
if (!is_array($token[$i])) continue; // not interested in atomic tokens
if (strtolower($token[$i][1]) !== 'mysql_query') continue; 
$args = getMysqlQueryArguments($i, $token);

if ($args !== false) $call[] = $args;
  return $call;

function nameTokens($token, $start = 0, $end = null)
  if (is_null($end)) $end = sizeof($token);
  $range = array_slice($token, $start, $end - $start);
  foreach ($range as $key = $tok) {
if (is_array($tok)) $range[$key][0] = token_name($range[$key][0]);
  return $range;

function resolveToken($token, $cursor, $i) {
  if(is_array($token[$i])) { 
switch ($token[$i][0]) {


case T_STRING:
  return $token[$i][1];
  return eval( return {$token[$i][1]};);
  $def = findLastDefinition($token, $cursor, $i);
  if ($def === false) {
// can't find anything else to replace $var with
// presume it's defined elsewhere or we're not clever
// enough to find it.
return preg_replace('/^\$*/', '$', $token[$i][1]);
  if ($def[3] == '.=') return 
	resolveToken($token, $def[0], $i)

. resolveExpression($token, $def[0], $def[1], $def[2]);
  return resolveExpression($token, $def[0], $def[1], $def[2]);

  return '('.token_name($token[$i][0]) . ':' . $token[$i][1] . ')';
  } else {
switch ($token[$i]) {
case '(':
case ')':
  return $token[$i];
  return '';

function ResolveExpression($token, $cursor, $start, $end) {
  $output = '';
  // just try and resolve all the tokens in the expression, concat
them and throw them back.
  for ( $i=$start; $i$end; $i++) {
$output .= resolveToken($token, $cursor, $i);
  return $output;

function findLastDefinition($token, $i, $id) {
  // make sure all variables are in the form $name as ${name} ones are
  // just 'name' by the time they end up here.
  $name = preg_replace('/^\$*/', '$', $token[$id][1]);

  // rewind until we hit an assignment or run out of tokens
  while (isset($token[--$i])) {
// if we catch an assignment and our $name is to the left then
capture the right.
if (($token[$i] == '=' || (is_array($token[$i])  $token[$i][0]
== T_CONCAT_EQUAL))  getLHS($token, $i) == $name) {
  $RHS = getRHS($token, $i);
  $RHS[] = is_array($token[$i]) ? $token[$i][1] : $token[$i];
  return $RHS;
  // we've run out of tokens, so seems like we can't find where this
variable was defined.
  return false;

function getLHS($token, $i)
  // rewind until we hit an variable name or run out of tokens
  while (isset($token[--$i])) {
if (is_array($token[$i])  $token[$i][0] == T_VARIABLE) return
  // run out of tokens, we can't get a left hand side.
  return false;

function getRHS($token, $i)
  // save the cursor at the assignment operator, so if $name is referred to on
  // the RHS, and we have to look for it again, we don't look at this bit.
  $cursor = $i;

  // fast forward until we get to a ';' or run out of tokens.
  while (isset($token[++$i])  $token[$i] != ';') {
if (!isset($start)) $start = $i;
  // if we've run out of tokens or the RHS is empty then give up.

  if (!isset($start) || !isset($token[$i])) return false;
  return array($cursor, $start, $i);

// just stick all the tokens 

RE: [PHP] Re: [new version] Re: [a proactive example of learning by hacking] Re: [PHP] Getting queries from files FYI

2005-08-26 Thread Jay Blanchard
nice! I'll give it a look this morning

This is another rather hackish attempt at using the tokeniser.

It turns this:

$emu = my_column {$banana};
$wallaby = 'my_table';
$kookaburra = 'SELECT * FROM';
$kookaburra .= $wallaby;
$koala = 'ASC';
$taipan =  ' ORDER BY' . $emu;
$dropBear = 'group by something';

mysql_query($kookaburra WHERE (up = 'down') $taipan $koala  .

into this:

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE (up = 'down') ORDER BY my_column $banana
ASC strtoupper( group by something)

Which isn't perfect by a long shot, but I'm away home now so it'll have
to do.

I'd be interested to know what it makes of your queries.



//looks at all $dir/*.php files.
$dir = '/path/to/php/files';

foreach (getPhpFileList($dir) as $file) {
  print = $file =\n;
  $token = tokeniseFile($file);

  // first find all calls to mysql_query()
  $mysqlCalls = getMysqlQueryCalls($token);  
  foreach($mysqlCalls as $range) {
$sql = resolveExpression($token, $range[0], $range[0], $range[1]);
echo trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $sql)), \n; // tidy it a

function getMysqlQueryCalls($token) {
  $callList = array();
  for ($i=0; isset($token[$i]); $i++) {
if (!is_array($token[$i])) continue; // not interested in atomic
if (strtolower($token[$i][1]) !== 'mysql_query') continue; 
$args = getMysqlQueryArguments($i, $token);
if ($args !== false) $call[] = $args;
  return $call;

function nameTokens($token, $start = 0, $end = null)
  if (is_null($end)) $end = sizeof($token);
  $range = array_slice($token, $start, $end - $start);
  foreach ($range as $key = $tok) {
if (is_array($tok)) $range[$key][0] = token_name($range[$key][0]);
  return $range;

function resolveToken($token, $cursor, $i) {
  if(is_array($token[$i])) { 
switch ($token[$i][0]) {
case T_STRING:
  return $token[$i][1];
  return eval( return {$token[$i][1]};);
  $def = findLastDefinition($token, $cursor, $i);
  if ($def === false) {
// can't find anything else to replace $var with
// presume it's defined elsewhere or we're not clever
// enough to find it.
return preg_replace('/^\$*/', '$', $token[$i][1]);
  if ($def[3] == '.=') return 
resolveToken($token, $def[0], $i)
. resolveExpression($token, $def[0], $def[1], $def[2]);
  return resolveExpression($token, $def[0], $def[1], $def[2]);
  return '('.token_name($token[$i][0]) . ':' . $token[$i][1] . ')';
  } else {
switch ($token[$i]) {
case '(':
case ')':
  return $token[$i];
  return '';

function ResolveExpression($token, $cursor, $start, $end) {
  $output = '';
  // just try and resolve all the tokens in the expression, concat
them and throw them back.
  for ( $i=$start; $i$end; $i++) {
$output .= resolveToken($token, $cursor, $i);
  return $output;

function findLastDefinition($token, $i, $id) {
  // make sure all variables are in the form $name as ${name} ones are
  // just 'name' by the time they end up here.
  $name = preg_replace('/^\$*/', '$', $token[$id][1]);

  // rewind until we hit an assignment or run out of tokens
  while (isset($token[--$i])) {
// if we catch an assignment and our $name is to the left then
capture the right.
if (($token[$i] == '=' || (is_array($token[$i])  $token[$i][0]
== T_CONCAT_EQUAL))  getLHS($token, $i) == $name) {
  $RHS = getRHS($token, $i);
  $RHS[] = is_array($token[$i]) ? $token[$i][1] : $token[$i];
  return $RHS;
  // we've run out of tokens, so seems like we can't find where this
variable was defined.
  return false;

function getLHS($token, $i)
  // rewind until we hit an variable name or run out of tokens
  while (isset($token[--$i])) {
if (is_array($token[$i])  $token[$i][0] == T_VARIABLE) return
  // run out of tokens, we can't get a left hand side.
  return false;

function getRHS($token, $i)
  // save the cursor at the assignment operator, so if $name is referred
to on
  // the RHS, and we have to look for it again, we don't look at this
  $cursor = $i;

  // fast forward until we get to a ';' or run out of tokens.
  while (isset($token[++$i])  $token[$i] != ';') {
if (!isset($start)) $start = $i;
  // if we've run out of tokens or the RHS is empty then give up.
  if (!isset($start) || !isset($token[$i])) return false;
  return array($cursor, $start, $i);

// just stick all the tokens together to see what's going on.
function renderTokens($token, $start, $end)
  $output = '';
  for ( $i=$start; $i$end; $i++) {
$output .= is_array($token[$i]) ? $token[$i][1] : $token[$i];

Re: [PHP] Re: [new version] Re: [a proactive example of learning by hacking] Re: [PHP] Getting queries from files FYI

2005-08-25 Thread Robin Vickery
This is another rather hackish attempt at using the tokeniser.

It turns this:

$emu = my_column {$banana};
$wallaby = 'my_table';
$kookaburra = 'SELECT * FROM';
$kookaburra .= $wallaby;
$koala = 'ASC';
$taipan =  ' ORDER BY' . $emu;
$dropBear = 'group by something';

mysql_query($kookaburra WHERE (up = 'down') $taipan $koala  .

into this:

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE (up = 'down') ORDER BY my_column $banana
ASC strtoupper( group by something)

Which isn't perfect by a long shot, but I'm away home now so it'll have to do.

I'd be interested to know what it makes of your queries.



//looks at all $dir/*.php files.
$dir = '/path/to/php/files';

foreach (getPhpFileList($dir) as $file) {
  print = $file =\n;
  $token = tokeniseFile($file);

  // first find all calls to mysql_query()
  $mysqlCalls = getMysqlQueryCalls($token);  
  foreach($mysqlCalls as $range) {
$sql = resolveExpression($token, $range[0], $range[0], $range[1]);
echo trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $sql)), \n; // tidy it a little

function getMysqlQueryCalls($token) {
  $callList = array();
  for ($i=0; isset($token[$i]); $i++) {
if (!is_array($token[$i])) continue; // not interested in atomic tokens
if (strtolower($token[$i][1]) !== 'mysql_query') continue; 
$args = getMysqlQueryArguments($i, $token);
if ($args !== false) $call[] = $args;
  return $call;

function nameTokens($token, $start = 0, $end = null)
  if (is_null($end)) $end = sizeof($token);
  $range = array_slice($token, $start, $end - $start);
  foreach ($range as $key = $tok) {
if (is_array($tok)) $range[$key][0] = token_name($range[$key][0]);
  return $range;

function resolveToken($token, $cursor, $i) {
  if(is_array($token[$i])) { 
switch ($token[$i][0]) {
case T_STRING:
  return $token[$i][1];
  return eval( return {$token[$i][1]};);
  $def = findLastDefinition($token, $cursor, $i);
  if ($def === false) {
// can't find anything else to replace $var with
// presume it's defined elsewhere or we're not clever
// enough to find it.
return preg_replace('/^\$*/', '$', $token[$i][1]);
  if ($def[3] == '.=') return 
resolveToken($token, $def[0], $i)
. resolveExpression($token, $def[0], $def[1], $def[2]);
  return resolveExpression($token, $def[0], $def[1], $def[2]);
  return '('.token_name($token[$i][0]) . ':' . $token[$i][1] . ')';
  } else {
switch ($token[$i]) {
case '(':
case ')':
  return $token[$i];
  return '';

function ResolveExpression($token, $cursor, $start, $end) {
  $output = '';
  // just try and resolve all the tokens in the expression, concat
them and throw them back.
  for ( $i=$start; $i$end; $i++) {
$output .= resolveToken($token, $cursor, $i);
  return $output;

function findLastDefinition($token, $i, $id) {
  // make sure all variables are in the form $name as ${name} ones are
  // just 'name' by the time they end up here.
  $name = preg_replace('/^\$*/', '$', $token[$id][1]);

  // rewind until we hit an assignment or run out of tokens
  while (isset($token[--$i])) {
// if we catch an assignment and our $name is to the left then
capture the right.
if (($token[$i] == '=' || (is_array($token[$i])  $token[$i][0]
== T_CONCAT_EQUAL))  getLHS($token, $i) == $name) {
  $RHS = getRHS($token, $i);
  $RHS[] = is_array($token[$i]) ? $token[$i][1] : $token[$i];
  return $RHS;
  // we've run out of tokens, so seems like we can't find where this
variable was defined.
  return false;

function getLHS($token, $i)
  // rewind until we hit an variable name or run out of tokens
  while (isset($token[--$i])) {
if (is_array($token[$i])  $token[$i][0] == T_VARIABLE) return
  // run out of tokens, we can't get a left hand side.
  return false;

function getRHS($token, $i)
  // save the cursor at the assignment operator, so if $name is referred to on
  // the RHS, and we have to look for it again, we don't look at this bit.
  $cursor = $i;

  // fast forward until we get to a ';' or run out of tokens.
  while (isset($token[++$i])  $token[$i] != ';') {
if (!isset($start)) $start = $i;
  // if we've run out of tokens or the RHS is empty then give up.
  if (!isset($start) || !isset($token[$i])) return false;
  return array($cursor, $start, $i);

// just stick all the tokens together to see what's going on.
function renderTokens($token, $start, $end)
  $output = '';
  for ( $i=$start; $i$end; $i++) {
$output .= is_array($token[$i]) ? $token[$i][1] : $token[$i];
  return $output;

function getMysqlQueryArguments($i, 

[PHP] RE: [new version] Re: [a proactive example of learning by hacking] Re: [PHP] Getting queries from files FYI

2005-08-24 Thread Jay Blanchard
here is a new and improved version:

* Query Finder

Sweet, I'll give it a run here in a few minutes.

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[PHP] RE: [new version] Re: [a proactive example of learning by hacking] Re: [PHP] Getting queries from files FYI

2005-08-24 Thread Jay Blanchard
[top-snip, because it makes sense in the context]
On line 98 I changed from

echo Line  . str_pad($lineNo, 4, ' ', PAD_LEFT) . :  .


echo Line  . str_pad($lineNo, 4, ' ', PAD_LEFT) . :  .

to account for indented code, lines everything up neatly.

Also, it would be cool to be able to specify that the entire query for a
filtered item would show up. Therefore if I did;

php queryFinder.php -nr -F FROM MyDatabase

I would get queries even if they were spread across multiple lines. I
will work on that today.


* Query Finder
* Jay Blanchard, Jochem Maas
* August 2005
* usage:call from command line, perform manual output to text file
*   i.e. php qryfind.php  nameOfFileToSave.txt

/* script help message */
if (in_array('--help', $_SERVER['argv']) ||
 in_array('-h', $_SERVER['argv']) ||
 in_array('-?', $_SERVER['argv']))
  echo '
Use this command to search for SQL query strings inside php files.
call from command line, perform manual output to text file
i.e. php '.basename(__FILE__).'  nameOfFileToSave.txt


-nr no recursion - do not search in subdirectories
-f  filtering - only show lines that contain the string passed
as the arg to this flag
--filtersame as -f
-v  show more output, e.g. prints every scanned file instead of
only the ones in whichs query strings were found.
--verbose   same as -v

show this message: -?, -h or --help


/* cruise the directory looking for PHP files */
function findTheQueries($theDirectory, $filterString = null, $beVerbose
= false, $NoRec = false)
 static $arrQueryStarters, $arrQueryStartersCnt, $dirSep;

 if (!isset($arrQueryStarters)) {
 $arrQueryStarters   = array('SELECT ', 'INSERT ', 'UPDATE
', 'FROM ', 'EXECUTE ', 'WHERE ', 'ORDER BY ', 
 $arrQueryStartersCnt= count($arrQueryStarters);

// Determine OS specific settings
 $uname = php_uname();
 if (substr($uname, 0, 7) == Windows) {
 $dirSep = \\;
 } else if (substr($uname, 0, 3) == Mac) {
 $dirSep = /;
 } else {
 $dirSep = /;

 if (is_dir($theDirectory)) {
  * or you could just use glob('*.php')

 if ($dh = opendir($theDirectory)) {
 while (($theFile = readdir($dh)) !== false) {

 /* recurse subdirs */
 if (is_dir($theDirectory.$dirSep.$theFile)) {
 if ($theFile != '.'  $theFile != '..'  !$NoRec)
$filterString, $beVerbose);

 /* we only want to look at PHP files */
 $fileParts = array_reverse(explode('.', $theFile));
 if(php == $fileParts[0]){
 /* always echo the file name, even if no queries */
 $fileNameOutputLine = Filename:
 if ($beVerbose) {
 echo $fileNameOutputLine;

 $lineNo = 0;
 /* cruise the file looking for queries */
 $openFile = fopen($theDirectory.$dirSep.$theFile,
 $fileLine = fgets($openFile, 4096);
 /* loop through query starter array */
 for($i = 0; $i  $arrQueryStartersCnt; $i++){
$arrQueryStarters[$i])) {
 if (!empty($filterString) 
!strstr($fileLine, $filterString)) {
 if (isset($fileNameOutputLine)) {
 echo $fileNameOutputLine;
 echo Line  . str_pad($lineNo, 4,
' ', PAD_LEFT) . :  .  ltrim($fileLine);
 break; // if we find a line no need to
find it again because it contains more than one 
 } else {
 echo Could not open: $theDirectory\n;
 } else {
 echo Bad directory: $theDirectory\n;

  * Determine command args
$filterString   = null;
$beVerbose  = false;
$NoRec  = false;
foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $k = $v) {
 /* determine 

[PHP] Re: [new version] Re: [a proactive example of learning by hacking] Re: [PHP] Getting queries from files FYI

2005-08-24 Thread Jochem Maas

Jay Blanchard wrote:

[top-snip, because it makes sense in the context]
On line 98 I changed from

echo Line  . str_pad($lineNo, 4, ' ', PAD_LEFT) . :  .


echo Line  . str_pad($lineNo, 4, ' ', PAD_LEFT) . :  .

to account for indented code, lines everything up neatly.

Also, it would be cool to be able to specify that the entire query for a
filtered item would show up. Therefore if I did;

php queryFinder.php -nr -F FROM MyDatabase


I would get queries even if they were spread across multiple lines. I
will work on that today.

this should work like this regardless of any extra filter given (obviously
the filter should also be taken into account if set)

this seems hard - I wanted to make it do this also... I had a think about it
but I just couldn't see a simple way of doing it... how does the code
'know' one string belongs to another... I figurede it's impossible to do 
properly unless
you start searching/matching/analysing the tokenized code... which is when
I decided to do something different ;-)

interested to see where you go with this!


* Query Finder
* Jay Blanchard, Jochem Maas
* August 2005
* usage:call from command line, perform manual output to text file
*   i.e. php qryfind.php  nameOfFileToSave.txt

/* script help message */
if (in_array('--help', $_SERVER['argv']) ||
 in_array('-h', $_SERVER['argv']) ||
 in_array('-?', $_SERVER['argv']))
  echo '
Use this command to search for SQL query strings inside php files.
call from command line, perform manual output to text file
i.e. php '.basename(__FILE__).'  nameOfFileToSave.txt


-nr no recursion - do not search in subdirectories
-f  filtering - only show lines that contain the string passed
as the arg to this flag
--filtersame as -f
-v  show more output, e.g. prints every scanned file instead of
only the ones in whichs query strings were found.
--verbose   same as -v

show this message: -?, -h or --help


/* cruise the directory looking for PHP files */
function findTheQueries($theDirectory, $filterString = null, $beVerbose
= false, $NoRec = false)
 static $arrQueryStarters, $arrQueryStartersCnt, $dirSep;

 if (!isset($arrQueryStarters)) {
 $arrQueryStarters   = array('SELECT ', 'INSERT ', 'UPDATE
', 'FROM ', 'EXECUTE ', 'WHERE ', 'ORDER BY ', 

 $arrQueryStartersCnt= count($arrQueryStarters);

// Determine OS specific settings
 $uname = php_uname();
 if (substr($uname, 0, 7) == Windows) {
 $dirSep = \\;
 } else if (substr($uname, 0, 3) == Mac) {
 $dirSep = /;
 } else {
 $dirSep = /;

 if (is_dir($theDirectory)) {
  * or you could just use glob('*.php')

 if ($dh = opendir($theDirectory)) {
 while (($theFile = readdir($dh)) !== false) {

 /* recurse subdirs */
 if (is_dir($theDirectory.$dirSep.$theFile)) {
 if ($theFile != '.'  $theFile != '..'  !$NoRec)
$filterString, $beVerbose);

 /* we only want to look at PHP files */
 $fileParts = array_reverse(explode('.', $theFile));
 if(php == $fileParts[0]){
 /* always echo the file name, even if no queries */
 $fileNameOutputLine = Filename:
 if ($beVerbose) {
 echo $fileNameOutputLine;

 $lineNo = 0;
 /* cruise the file looking for queries */
 $openFile = fopen($theDirectory.$dirSep.$theFile,
 $fileLine = fgets($openFile, 4096);
 /* loop through query starter array */
 for($i = 0; $i  $arrQueryStartersCnt; $i++){
$arrQueryStarters[$i])) {
 if (!empty($filterString) 
!strstr($fileLine, $filterString)) {
 if (isset($fileNameOutputLine)) {
 echo $fileNameOutputLine;
 echo Line  . str_pad($lineNo, 4,
' ', PAD_LEFT) . :  .  ltrim($fileLine);
 break; // if we find a line no need to