[PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-19 Thread Nathan Rixham

Edmund Hertle wrote:

I'm thinking about implementing Subversion to an existing php project for
obvious reasons.

But I have some trouble when thinking about the usage.

there are lots of ways of using svn and I'm sure you'll get different 
opinions.. personally I always create a script to deploy to live.. just 
a little bash script that prompts me for the version number to use, then 
it scp's the files over in a second.

as for the development process; normally I develop and test locally, 
then when happy scp from svn to staging site, then when clients happy 
scp to live site (with scripts, and version tagging in svn).

Next problem:
While writing new code there are many "small bugs" like used an array
instead of an string or other way round forgotten parameters and so on.
Usually there are quite some file transfers until some piece of code works
quite well. But with the method above all these versions would end up being
in the rep and kind of "polluting" it.
To solve this I thought about just creating a branch with every work cycle
(so after updating until committing a working version) and than while
committing also merging it back with current trunk/branch...

well the idea of svn is that should you find a problem you either 
rollback the file(s) to the good version (not rollback the whole site) 
or you commit updated files with the fix, then redeploy. No need to 
branch or such like.

maybe more importantly.. you shouldn't really be getting to production 
live with these errors (you always will at some point) - perhaps you 
want to look at unit testing, and even continuous integration/building 
while you're there.

ps: pdt-eclipse is great, you can integrate it right in with svn for 
handy diff's, commits, updates etc (and svn in with bugzilla, mylyn 
loads more..)

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[PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-19 Thread Edmund Hertle
2009/1/19 Nathan Rixham 
> well the idea of svn is that should you find a problem you either rollback
> the file(s) to the good version (not rollback the whole site) or you commit
> updated files with the fix, then redeploy. No need to branch or such like.
Well, yes, of course there also will be bugs in "good" versions but I think
it should more be like: "Well, there is a bug.. maybe switch 2 or 3
revisions back and than we see" and not like "Oh, a bug. maybe 100 - 150
revisions back, which were all created yesterday"
By locally created and tested scripts you will of course not have those
probs because you're not comitting everything. But locally developing brings
some kind of care-taking like making sure you use everywhere the same
version (php, mysql, webserver), installed the same extensions, have the
same php.ini, than there the whole database... and php is not my main work
I thought with using maybe another branch all those 100-150 revisions are
stored away and the main branch is than again more like, well going back 1-2
revisions is equal to 1-2 days of work.

> maybe more importantly.. you shouldn't really be getting to production live
> with these errors (you always will at some point) - perhaps you want to look
> at unit testing, and even continuous integration/building while you're
> there.

all those talking was only about the developing server. Unit testing I heard
of but not really understand how to use and what excatly unit testing does.

ps: pdt-eclipse is great, you can integrate it right in with svn for handy
> diff's, commits, updates etc (and svn in with bugzilla, mylyn loads more..)

yes, I'm already using pdt-eclipse with subclipse. What's mylyn about?
(again heard of ;) )

And btw: what is "scp"?


[PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-19 Thread Nathan Rixham

Edmund Hertle wrote:

2009/1/19 Nathan Rixham 

well the idea of svn is that should you find a problem you either rollback
the file(s) to the good version (not rollback the whole site) or you commit
updated files with the fix, then redeploy. No need to branch or such like.

Well, yes, of course there also will be bugs in "good" versions but I think
it should more be like: "Well, there is a bug.. maybe switch 2 or 3
revisions back and than we see" and not like "Oh, a bug. maybe 100 - 150
revisions back, which were all created yesterday"

ahh but the whole code base has gone up by say 100 revisions so full 
site version number is 800, however the current version of faulty file 
is 589 and the previous version of that file is 453, you only revert 
that particular file.. not the whole code base, then recommit making the 
full site version 801, without loosing any other work :)

By locally created and tested scripts you will of course not have those
probs because you're not comitting everything. But locally developing brings
some kind of care-taking like making sure you use everywhere the same
version (php, mysql, webserver), installed the same extensions, have the
same php.ini, than there the whole database... and php is not my main work

but committing to svn is not updating the site, it's just storing 
changes so you can rollback "version control" you don't release every 
version, just the stable one.. so your live code base never changes 
unless you specifically and manually do it (or make a script to do it 
that you control)

I thought with using maybe another branch all those 100-150 revisions are
stored away and the main branch is than again more like, well going back 1-2
revisions is equal to 1-2 days of work.

see above, you don't have to roll back a whole sites version, just the 
specific file in question, the rest of the code base stays the same.. or 
better yet diff the current faulty version of the file with previous 
versions of it, find what changed then fix and commit. either aproach 
works - important thing is each file is independent so you don't loose 
changes to all files unless you rollback the whole site (think I've made 
that clear now :p)

maybe more importantly.. you shouldn't really be getting to production live
with these errors (you always will at some point) - perhaps you want to look
at unit testing, and even continuous integration/building while you're

all those talking was only about the developing server. Unit testing I heard
of but not really understand how to use and what excatly unit testing does.

perhaps i wasn't clear, svn is a repository system, version control, you 
don't run a site off it, you use it to keep track fo your files and 
changes to them, controlling the versions. when you're happy you can 
just ftp away like normal, or as i mentioned scp the files straight from 
server to server.

ps: pdt-eclipse is great, you can integrate it right in with svn for handy

diff's, commits, updates etc (and svn in with bugzilla, mylyn loads more..)

yes, I'm already using pdt-eclipse with subclipse. What's mylyn about?
(again heard of ;) )

in short, task manager for eclipse which integrates with bug tracking 
software, very nice features such as remembering what code you where 
using for each task, so you can switch tasks and the files in view will 
swap dependant on tasks, probably best checking the site and demo videos 
around the net for more info.

And btw: what is "scp"?

scp - secure copy, command line tool for securely copying files from 
server to server [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_copy]

in short:
scp -r /var/sitename/www/* u...@sitename.com/var/www/
will copy all the files in /var/sitename/www over to folder /var/www on 
server "sitename.com"; but in a few seconds as it uses server to server 
transport AND is much faster than ftp.. so instead of ftping a site 
which can take ages, it just takes seconds to rollout a whole new site, 
or rollback to a previous version :)

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[PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-19 Thread Nathan Rixham

sorry i commented in all the wrong places :|

Edmund Hertle wrote:

By locally created and tested scripts you will of course not have those
probs because you're not comitting everything. But locally developing brings
some kind of care-taking like making sure you use everywhere the same
version (php, mysql, webserver), installed the same extensions, have the
same php.ini, than there the whole database... and php is not my main work

you don't have to locally develop, you can develop however you want :) 
svn is just version controlling all your files to make it easier to team 
work and to rollback code. you then tag good versions of the code in svn 
so you have a permanent easy to access good version of the site (which 
you then copy and do what you want with, download, ftp whatever) keeps 
you safe :)

it's kind of like taking a zip/backing up the site everytime it's error 
free - but on steriods.

all those talking was only about the developing server. Unit testing I heard
of but not really understand how to use and what excatly unit testing does.

unit testing is where you write tests for each small section of code, 
say each function or object/method - you write a test so you know the 
code works, then when you change anything in the code you can run the 
test again and if it fails.. well you have a bug - way more too it so 
see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_testing

I'd recommend: http://www.phpunit.de/ however simply writing tests for 
your code yourself is a good start - something somewhere on the internet 
says: "whenever you feel like writing a print_r or var_dump or echo'ing 
a variable, don't - write a test instead" - not always practical but 
still good thinking.

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[PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-19 Thread Edmund Hertle
2009/1/20 Nathan Rixham 
> you don't have to locally develop, you can develop however you want :) svn
> is just version controlling all your files to make it easier to team work
> and to rollback code. you then tag good versions of the code in svn so you
> have a permanent easy to access good version of the site (which you then
> copy and do what you want with, download, ftp whatever) keeps you safe :)
Yeah, I think I mix up (web)server and rep some times...

But to point out an example:
There is a script on the (develop) webserver, the same locally and of course
in the rep.
So I start working on the local copy and now want to try it. So what should
I do? Copying directly to the webserver, testing and than later after some
more work commit to the rep?

Or other way: Start working on script, commit to rep, than update
(develop)webserver,  than testing?

If way one would work without problems, well I think I would just do it that
way, but won't there be some problems when copying files to server, than
changing files locally and instead copying again to webserver committing it.
So now updating webserver will cause some probs because I think SVN will try
to merge both files if possible? But as of my working style the files on the
server should not be merged but overwritten with the files of SVN?

I hope I explained my prob a bit more...

And with SCP: I'm forced to work on a windows server and there was no ftp at
all so I was forced to use windows explorer and those (don't know how it's
called on english) "networkdevice connection" which is 10 times more
frustrating than using ftp (funnily it works smoother when using linux to
connect to...). So I will look into WinSCP and hope it will work.. thanks
for advice


[PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-19 Thread Nathan Rixham

Edmund Hertle wrote:

2009/1/20 Nathan Rixham 

you don't have to locally develop, you can develop however you want :) svn
is just version controlling all your files to make it easier to team work
and to rollback code. you then tag good versions of the code in svn so you
have a permanent easy to access good version of the site (which you then
copy and do what you want with, download, ftp whatever) keeps you safe :)

Yeah, I think I mix up (web)server and rep some times...

But to point out an example:
There is a script on the (develop) webserver, the same locally and of course
in the rep.
So I start working on the local copy and now want to try it. So what should
I do? Copying directly to the webserver, testing and than later after some
more work commit to the rep?

Or other way: Start working on script, commit to rep, than update
(develop)webserver,  than testing?

how you get the script to testing is up to you; as for svn commit 
frequently and often, the more versions you have in svn the better, 
every time you add to svn you have a backup.

I commit to branch overy time i hit save, i commit to trunk everytime 
there is no errors. (thats just me though - how you use is up to you, 
the question is do you see benefit to using source control/svn, if yes, 
use it however you want)

If way one would work without problems, well I think I would just do it that
way, but won't there be some problems when copying files to server, than
changing files locally and instead copying again to webserver committing it.
So now updating webserver will cause some probs because I think SVN will try
to merge both files if possible? But as of my working style the files on the
server should not be merged but overwritten with the files of SVN?

I hope I explained my prob a bit more...

a merge is something you do manually, most of the time you just commit 
(overwrite) and svn will log the lines of code that changed - sometimes 
when multiple people work on the site you get a conflict, both changed 
the same lines - this is when you need to manually review and manually 
merge, SVN will tell you the files conflict and prompt you to merge 
(still with the option to overwrite, or to "update", take the other 
persons copy)

And with SCP: I'm forced to work on a windows server and there was no ftp at
all so I was forced to use windows explorer and those (don't know how it's
called on english) "networkdevice connection" which is 10 times more
frustrating than using ftp (funnily it works smoother when using linux to
connect to...). So I will look into WinSCP and hope it will work.. thanks
for advice

if server is a windows server maybe forget scp.. may be more trouble 
than it is worth. but if server is linux and you develop on windows then 
yes use winscp or tortoise svn, or both :)

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[PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-19 Thread Edmund Hertle
2009/1/20 Nathan Rixham 
> a merge is something you do manually, most of the time you just commit
> (overwrite) and svn will log the lines of code that changed - sometimes when
> multiple people work on the site you get a conflict, both changed the same
> lines - this is when you need to manually review and manually merge, SVN
> will tell you the files conflict and prompt you to merge (still with the
> option to overwrite, or to "update", take the other persons copy)

Ok, I think now even I understood...
So now the next step is to convince my boss to implement and use svn and
that it will not complicate things to much (even less). Thanks to you this
part will be easier ;)

> if server is a windows server maybe forget scp.. may be more trouble than
> it is worth. but if server is linux and you develop on windows then yes use
> winscp or tortoise svn, or both :)
hm, no, sorry, other way round. I by myself work on both, windows and linux
(ubuntu) but server is windows. And convincing my boss to switch to linux or
even to apache (using IIS atm) is not possible... already tried ;)But at the
next meeting I will bring up SCP... the university network I think is
already supporting it, so maybe it won't be to complicated... (server is
part of the network... but true, the network mostly uses linux...)

[PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-20 Thread Ross McKay
On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 22:32:49 +0100, Edmund Hertle wrote:

>I'm thinking about implementing Subversion to an existing php project for
>obvious reasons.

Yay! What Nathan said, plus a couple of comments from me...

>My ideas about using SVN are these:
>- Repository is managing trunk, branch and tag
>- Live-server works as client of the rep, getting the latest tag
>- Develop-server uses mainly latest trunk and of course branches as needed

Personally, I'd just work in the trunk. Even with multiple developers,
stick to working in the trunk. On release, copy the trunk to a tag to
preserve its state.

Branches are great for long-running diversions from the trunk, e.g. when
creating a whole new release with new features and potentially different
architecture, copy the trunk to a branch so that maintenance work can
continue on the branch, and perform new work on the trunk. Of course,
you can do that the other way around, new work on the branch and
maintenance on the trunk, but that means merging the branch into the
trunk at the end and potentially creating a new branch for
maintenance... i.e. the same result as the other method, but with more

Putting it another way: working in branches is good for maintaining
separate codebases concurrently, either because of feature differences
or platform differences (e.g. a Linux branch and a Windows branch).

NB: in Subversion, there really isn't proper support for either branches
or tags; we just emulate it by copying a folder to another folder. A tag
is then just a copied folder that is never altered again, and a branch
is a copied folder that is later modified. Convention has us calling
these things tags and branches, and calling the original folder the

For simple websites, I tend to drop the trunk/tag/branch model entirely
and just work in the trunk. Some things just don't warrant the extra
work :) but they still benefit from revision control.

>Is it possible to configure one client (here develop-server) to
>automatically updating from rep if something is committed?

IMHO, that would be a Bad ThingĀ® because it means only committing to the
repository when it works. Alternatively, it could mean releasing
untested changes to production, an even more Bad ThingĀ®.

Better is to commit early, commit often and thus get "deep undo" through
Subversion's history of changes. Once you've tested your changes and are
happy that everything is working, and committed them all to the trunk,
copy the trunk to a tag and put that on the server.
Ross McKay, Toronto, NSW Australia
"Let the laddie play wi the knife - he'll learn"
- The Wee Book of Calvin

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Re: [PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-19 Thread Chris

Edmund Hertle wrote:

2009/1/20 Nathan Rixham 

you don't have to locally develop, you can develop however you want :) svn
is just version controlling all your files to make it easier to team work
and to rollback code. you then tag good versions of the code in svn so you
have a permanent easy to access good version of the site (which you then
copy and do what you want with, download, ftp whatever) keeps you safe :)

Yeah, I think I mix up (web)server and rep some times...

But to point out an example:
There is a script on the (develop) webserver, the same locally and of course
in the rep.
So I start working on the local copy and now want to try it. So what should
I do? Copying directly to the webserver, testing and than later after some
more work commit to the rep?

Work on the webserver directly, or set up a test environment on your 
machine. You could set up a samba share or shared drive on the server, 
or if it's a *nix based server, use an editor that lets you sftp (which 
is "secure ftp" - like ftp but across a secure port, usually ssh).

Or other way: Start working on script, commit to rep, than update
(develop)webserver,  than testing?

Test your changes, then commit. When you look at the repo, at least you 
know most of the functionality works at any point in time.

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Re: [PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-22 Thread derby
Another tidbit...

I am fairly new to SVN or any Version Control System.  Whether its
CVS, SVN, or GIT a VCS is essential even for solo projects.

My setup is as follows, [and it seems to work pretty well]:

1. svn repo lives on dev server.
2. everything is in the trunk.  I haven't touched branches and / or tags yet.
3. users connect to repo via http using htaccess users & passwords
4. post-commit script runs svn update after anyone commits to the
repo.  This runs svn update on the dev server.
5. after the boss approves the dev server work, the production server
runs svn update too.  The production has a "checked out" working copy
of the source repo.  I chose this method because our clients also FTP
some files to the server, and using svn export would be too
complicated.  The production server connects to the repo via an ssh
user using an ssh key and restricted to this command "svnserve -t -r
/var/svnrepo".  The svn up on the production server is a manual
process.  I login via ssh, cd to the webroot, and type svn up.

Our dev team is using eclipse-pdt and subclipse plugin which
integrates eclipse and subversion.

Subversion or any VCS is essential.  After 15 years of using
FTP/SFTP/SCP, SVN has replaced it for all my web projects.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 3:31 AM, Ross McKay  wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 22:32:49 +0100, Edmund Hertle wrote:
>>I'm thinking about implementing Subversion to an existing php project for
>>obvious reasons.
> Yay! What Nathan said, plus a couple of comments from me...
>>My ideas about using SVN are these:
>>- Repository is managing trunk, branch and tag
>>- Live-server works as client of the rep, getting the latest tag
>>- Develop-server uses mainly latest trunk and of course branches as needed
> Personally, I'd just work in the trunk. Even with multiple developers,
> stick to working in the trunk. On release, copy the trunk to a tag to
> preserve its state.
> Branches are great for long-running diversions from the trunk, e.g. when
> creating a whole new release with new features and potentially different
> architecture, copy the trunk to a branch so that maintenance work can
> continue on the branch, and perform new work on the trunk. Of course,
> you can do that the other way around, new work on the branch and
> maintenance on the trunk, but that means merging the branch into the
> trunk at the end and potentially creating a new branch for
> maintenance... i.e. the same result as the other method, but with more
> effort.
> Putting it another way: working in branches is good for maintaining
> separate codebases concurrently, either because of feature differences
> or platform differences (e.g. a Linux branch and a Windows branch).
> NB: in Subversion, there really isn't proper support for either branches
> or tags; we just emulate it by copying a folder to another folder. A tag
> is then just a copied folder that is never altered again, and a branch
> is a copied folder that is later modified. Convention has us calling
> these things tags and branches, and calling the original folder the
> trunk.
> For simple websites, I tend to drop the trunk/tag/branch model entirely
> and just work in the trunk. Some things just don't warrant the extra
> work :) but they still benefit from revision control.
>>Is it possible to configure one client (here develop-server) to
>>automatically updating from rep if something is committed?
> IMHO, that would be a Bad Thing(R) because it means only committing to the
> repository when it works. Alternatively, it could mean releasing
> untested changes to production, an even more Bad Thing(R).
> Better is to commit early, commit often and thus get "deep undo" through
> Subversion's history of changes. Once you've tested your changes and are
> happy that everything is working, and committed them all to the trunk,
> copy the trunk to a tag and put that on the server.
> --
> Ross McKay, Toronto, NSW Australia
> "Let the laddie play wi the knife - he'll learn"
> - The Wee Book of Calvin
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

life your own way.

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Re: [PHP] Re: How to use SVN + PHP

2009-01-22 Thread Nathan Rixham

derby wrote:

Our dev team is using eclipse-pdt and subclipse plugin which
integrates eclipse and subversion.

Subversion or any VCS is essential.  After 15 years of using
FTP/SFTP/SCP, SVN has replaced it for all my web projects.

you can get the RSE plugin for eclipse-pdt as well; I'd really recommend 
it, in short it's "remote system explorer" and allows you to connect to 
any server by almost any protocol, so you can ssh, ftp, scp, sftp, 
webdav whatever from inside eclipse.

further there's the communications plugin which let's you msn, xmpp, aim 
etc from inside eclipse too

finally make sure you have the zend eclipse debugger plugin for eclipse 
installed as well, let's you run php right in eclipse and debug etc, 
doesn't come with pdt-1 if i remember correctly

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