since there aren't much data you can do something like this:

1 . make db table
   id   INT
  title VARCHAR(30)
  Data TEXT
  timestamp  VARCHAR(30)

2. just dump the data you get from the user into a db..

3. when you are ready to get the data back for view from database you can
simply use SQL
 and ask for the right time and date..

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE timestamp BETWEN xxxxx AND yyyyy

where xxxxx and yyyyyy is the timastamp value

"Pierre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I have to code a 4 days diary for a client, schedule every 30 mn and with
> system of rdv accepted by mail. I really don't know how to start to draw a
> cool diary and to code it correctly to be the most reusable as possible.
> or not? If you have there any examples of this style of coding this is
> great or just maybe an idea of how I can start my code to have a good one?
> Just a good direction and way of coding to not have many surprises...
> I hope I was clear
> Thx all
> Pierre

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