Something like this would work:


 function dateConvert($date)
  $newdate = "";

  $newdate .= substr($date,0,2);
  $newdate .= "-";
  $newdate .= substr($date,2,2);
  $newdate .= "-";
  $newdate .= substr($date,4,4);

  return $newdate;

 echo dateConvert("04212004");

"Adam Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi, I have a form where I have a user entering in the date in a numeric
> string.  For today they would enter 04212004 and so on...I'm working on
> this date within mysql server, and mssql server handles dates as
> 04-21-2004 when you use convert(varchar,field,110).  So how in PHP can I
> change a variable's value which is 04122004 into 04-21-2204
> thanks!

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