
function archive ($max_size = 20560, $archive_dir = ${DOCUMENT_ROOT}.'/tmp/')

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 23:25:08 +0000, Monique Y. Herman wrote:

> My question is regarding default arguments -- is it possible to define a default
> argument that is itself a variable?
> I'd like to do the following:
>     function archive ($max_size = 20560, $archive_dir = "${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/tmp/") 
> but I seem to get parse errors unless I do the following:
>     function archive ($max_size = 20560, $archive_dir = "/var/www/tmp/")
> Is it possible to do something approaching the latter?
> Monique Y. Herman

 Jason Morehouse (jm[@]netconcepts[.]com)
 Netconcepts -
 Auckland, New Zealand

 Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware.

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