[PHP] Re: php4isapi.dll and header("Location: ...")

2003-06-06 Thread Peter Clarke
Eric Tonicello wrote:
Hi !

Have somebody successed with the function <  header("Location: http://...";)

using the php4isapi.dll ???

My code works well with PHP using the CGI php.exe, but impossible to make it
work with the ISAPI module !!!
-Windows 2000 server
- PHP 4.3.2
"php.ini" :
- output_buffering = on
Have you tried:
header("Location: http://...";);
to throw away the contents of the output buffer before sending the 
Location header, then its nice and clean.


- zlib.output_compression = on

Any idea ??
Other bugs with ISAPI module ???
Thanks for help !

Eric Tonicello

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[PHP] Re: php4isapi.dll and header("Location: ...")

2003-06-06 Thread Eric Tonicello
> Have you tried:
> ob_end_clean();
> header("Location: http://...";);
> to throw away the contents of the output buffer before sending the
> Location header, then its nice and clean.

Yes I tried ...

Other idea ???

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