You need to escape the period "." twice with backslashes "\\"

Jon Kriek

"Jonas_weber @ Gmx . Ch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Regular Expressions: How can I indicate that the contents of a term
> (user input*) needs to be treated as 'non-operators/control characters'
> (as *word* to match in that exact way)?
> (* Because the term is a user's input I can't escape the control
> characters manually.)
> Example:
> $result =
preg_replace('/('.$termWithOptionalBold.')(<\/?span[^>]*>)*()/si', '<span
class="highlight">\1</span>', $result);
> [If $termWithOptionalBold is a "." (period) for example, any char will
> be matched--instead of only the "."]
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks a lot for your effort!
> Best wishes,
> jonas
> PS: Somewhere I read that '\Q' would do something like that but it
> didn't work.

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