$dbranch = str_pad($line->dbranch_no, 6, STR_PAD_LEFT); there's a aslo $dbranch = str_pad($line->dbranch_no, 6, STR_PAD_BOTH); and that pads it in the centre


Chris Grigor wrote:

This should be quite an easy task for some...

say for example $line->dbranch has a value of 3
I know that 3 spaces will be added on to the end of $dbranch

$dbranch = str_pad($line->dbranch_no, 6);

so the value of $dbranch should look like "3 "

Is there anyway to right justify the 3 using str_pad .. example still put the 3 spaces in but at the beginning??? so it looks like " 3"


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