Re: [PHP] Setcookie variable use issue after moving php app to different server

2004-08-26 Thread John Holmes
From: "Shapiro, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You certainly know your stuff.  Unfortunatley, it says that is uses
/etc/php.ini, which I did modify, but it also reports register_globals as
still off too.  It does show a scan dir for additional .ini files
(/etc/php.d and additional ini files parsed as ldap.ini, mysql.ini, and
odbc.ini too, but I don't think they would have anything to do with it. 
stumped. Other than adding the entry and stop/starting apache, is there
anything else I need to go?
That should be all you have to do. Does it say that the local and master 
values are both OFF, still?

---John Holmes... 

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Re: [PHP] Setcookie variable use issue after moving php app to different server

2004-08-26 Thread John Holmes
From: "Shapiro, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thanks for pointing in the hopefully the right direction.  I see in
/etc/php.ini the following:
; - register_globals = Off [Security, Performance]
I put below this line:
register_globals = On
And I restarted apache.  However, it did not seem to resolve the issue,
although I still think this sounds right.  Do I implement the turning on 
the register_globals correctly, or do I need to do something different?
That's the right method, but you may not have edited the correct php.ini.
Create a PHP page that only has

as the source. Load that page and it'll show you all of the setting PHP is 
currently using along with the location of the php.ini file it's getting the 
configuration from. The php.ini file will be listed in the first table 
that's shown. If there is a full path including "php.ini" at the end, then 
that's the right file. If it's just a path, then that's where PHP is 
expecting to find php.ini, but did not.

Hope that helps.
---John Holmes... 

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Re: [PHP] Setcookie variable use issue after moving php app to different server

2004-08-26 Thread John Holmes
From: Shapiro, David 

We are trying to move our php app to a different server.  
For some reason, when we type in the login/password/
account number info and click submit, it does not seem 
to set the variables.
The magic 8-ball says register_globals is OFF on the new server...
---John Holmes...
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