Re: [PHP] compare arrays problem

2001-02-19 Thread Richard Lynch

 $pages=mysql_query("SELECT CP.page_id, pagename FROM cluster_pagetbl as
 pagetbl WHERE
 CP.cluster_id = '$id' AND CP.page_id=pagetbl.page_id order by page_id");

 SQL Result for $id=1:
 page_id pagename
  1   breakingnews
  3   weather

 if (mysql_Numrows($pages)0) {

 while ($i$prows){

 //figure out how to get page ids into array
 $pid= mysql_result($pages,$i, page_id);
 $pagename =mysql_result($pages, $i, pagename);

  $pgids= array("$pid" = "$pagename");

This is *rebuilding* the array from scratch on each "page".

 foreach($pgids as $pid = $pagename){
  print $pid.' = '.$pagename.'br';

This is *inside* the loop, so shows you the first array, with page 1, and
then the second array, with page 3.

But you never really had an array with *both* pages in it at once.

Change the $pgids = array($pid = $pagename);
line to just:
$pgids[$pid] = $pagename;

Now, since you probably want $pgids to be an array even if there are *no*
pages matching the criteria, insert a line *before* the loop:
$pgids = array();
This will guarantee that $pgids is always an array.

 /* prints:
 1 = breakingnews
 3 = weather

 At this point the correct number of values appear to be in the pgids array


 $query2=mysql_query("select page_id, pagename FROM
 pagetbl order by page_id");

 SQL Result:
 page_id pagename
  1   breakingnews
  2   pastnews
  3   weather

You'll want to reset($pgids) before you use it again.

 if (mysql_Numrows($query2)0) {

 while ($x$numrows){

 $mpid=mysql_result($query2,$x, page_id);
 $mpagename=mysql_result($query2,$x, pagename);

 $mpgids= array("$mpid" = "$mpagename");

 foreach ($mpgids as $mpid = $mpagename){
 print 'input type=checkbox name=page_ids[] value="'.$mpid.'"';

 if ($pgids == $mpgids){ print " checked"; }

You need to keep track of which $pgid[] you are on -- Keep a running counter
or something so that after you have $pgids[1] and $mpgids[1], you'll know
that you are on $pgids[3] and $mpgids[2], and then $pgids[3] (still) and

In other words, you need two distinct iterators going in parallel.

 print ''.$mpagename;

 // prints out three checkboxes, since that's the total number of pages
 //but only the third checkbox (weather) gets checked, the first one should
 be checked also


 file://I used the array intersect function to doublecheck what is going on
and it
 finds only weather also
 file://What is happening to the first value?

 $diff = array_intersect($mpgids,$pgids);

 foreach ($diff as $element){
 print 'p'.$element.'br';}

 file://prints: weather

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[PHP] compare arrays problem

2001-02-17 Thread Onaje Johnston

I am hoping that someone really understands arrays reads this and can tell
me why the following isn't working as I expect it to. I've been trying for
days to get it to work. 

$pages=mysql_query("SELECT CP.page_id, pagename FROM cluster_pagetbl as CP,
pagetbl WHERE 
CP.cluster_id = '$id' AND CP.page_id=pagetbl.page_id order by page_id");

SQL Result for $id=1:
page_id pagename 
 1   breakingnews  
 3   weather  
if (mysql_Numrows($pages)0) {

while ($i$prows){
//figure out how to get page ids into array
$pid= mysql_result($pages,$i, page_id);
$pagename =mysql_result($pages, $i, pagename);
 $pgids= array("$pid" = "$pagename");

foreach($pgids as $pid = $pagename){
 print $pid.' = '.$pagename.'br';

/* prints:
1 = breakingnews
3 = weather

At this point the correct number of values appear to be in the pgids array


$query2=mysql_query("select page_id, pagename FROM 
pagetbl order by page_id");

SQL Result:
page_id pagename 
 1   breakingnews  
 2   pastnews  
 3   weather 

if (mysql_Numrows($query2)0) {

while ($x$numrows){

$mpid=mysql_result($query2,$x, page_id);
$mpagename=mysql_result($query2,$x, pagename);

$mpgids= array("$mpid" = "$mpagename");   
foreach ($mpgids as $mpid = $mpagename){
print 'input type=checkbox name=page_ids[] value="'.$mpid.'"';

if ($pgids == $mpgids){ print " checked"; }
print ''.$mpagename;

// prints out three checkboxes, since that's the total number of pages
//but only the third checkbox (weather) gets checked, the first one should
be checked also


//I used the array intersect function to doublecheck what is going on and it
finds only weather also
//What is happening to the first value?

$diff = array_intersect($mpgids,$pgids);

foreach ($diff as $element){
print 'p'.$element.'br';} 
//prints: weather

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