Re: [PHP] newbie: using sessions

2002-03-13 Thread Martín Marqués

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Faisal Abdullah wrote:

> Don't you have to assign the login value to the session variable first?
> session_start();
> $login = $HTTP_POST_VARS("login");
> session_register("login");

It's the same.

Saludos... :-)

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
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Martín Marqués  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |   Centro de Telematica
   Universidad Nacional
del Litoral

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Re: [PHP] newbie: using sessions

2002-03-12 Thread Faisal Abdullah

Don't you have to assign the login value to the session variable first?

$login = $HTTP_POST_VARS("login");

> How are you using you're session? Are you registering the variable for
> later use?
> session_start();
> session_register("login");
> $login = $HTTP_POST_VARS['login'];
> That's it!

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Re: [PHP] newbie: using sessions

2002-03-12 Thread Martín Marqués

On Mar 12 Mar 2002 06:28, you wrote:
> Hi i can't get the session variables working.
> When I get something like
> $_SESSION['Login']=$HTTP_POST_VARS['login'];
> on the first page, and i go with a link to an other php page.
> When then try to get $_SESSION['Login'] again it is empty.
> How comes?

How are you using you're session? Are you registering the variable for later 


$login = $HTTP_POST_VARS['login'];

That's it!

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
si podés usar PostgreSQL?
Martín Marqués  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |   Centro de Telematica
   Universidad Nacional
del Litoral

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Re: [PHP] newbie: using sessions

2002-03-12 Thread Faisal Abdullah

Have you started session? And you have to register session variables as well.
Try this:

$session_login = $HTTP_POST_VARS['login'];

At the other page, where you want to output the variable, you must also start 

echo $session_login;


On Tuesday 12 March 2002 17:28, you wrote:
> Hi i can't get the session variables working.
> When I get something like
> $_SESSION['Login']=$HTTP_POST_VARS['login'];
> on the first page, and i go with a link to an other php page.
> When then try to get $_SESSION['Login'] again it is empty.
> How comes?
> Maarten Weyn

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[PHP] newbie: using sessions

2002-03-12 Thread Maarten Weyn

Hi i can't get the session variables working.

When I get something like
on the first page, and i go with a link to an other php page.
When then try to get $_SESSION['Login'] again it is empty.

How comes?

Maarten Weyn

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