Re: [PHP] protecting class/include files

2004-12-01 Thread Richard Lynch
Stefan Klopp wrote:
> show_source or an fopen of the include files and steal our source code. I
> have looked around at a few of the encoders on the market and was
> wondering
> if that was my only option? Am I missing something simply with permissions
> or what not that would prevent users from viewing the source code of our
> class files?

You have not missed anything.

If PHP can read the files, then PHP can read the files.  That is a tautology.

Thus, by definition, they can show_source or fopen the files.

You can encode the files with one of the products you found, but you
should also copyright your work, and have your clients sign an agreement
that makes it VERY clear they should not use your proprietary code.

History tells us that locking down source code with technological means
will "raise the bar" but simply will not stop a deteremined person.

A clear contractual agreement will also not necessarily stop all
deteremined people either.  It will, however, serve notice of your intent,
and stop far more than one might think.

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[PHP] protecting class/include files

2004-12-01 Thread Stefan Klopp
Hello All,

I am looking for some advice on how to keep my class files protected. Here
is the situation. We have a web system we have built that all of our clients
use. Now each client has php files that include our classes. The classes are
stored in a common folder. This folder is read accessible by all our clients
so that their php files can include the classes. However our problem is that
while we want to give our clients php include access to our classes, we do
NOT want to them to be able to actually have access to our source code. For
most of our clients this isn't a problem as they are not technical enough.
However we do have a few savvy clients who might just decide to do a
show_source or an fopen of the include files and steal our source code. I
have looked around at a few of the encoders on the market and was wondering
if that was my only option? Am I missing something simply with permissions
or what not that would prevent users from viewing the source code of our
class files?

Thanks for your help!


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