I just spent about 5 hours trying everything i could think of to get
sessions to work....ends up it was a simple problem that I should have
realized before i even started.
So, learn my oversight, save yourself 5 hours of going nuts.
I have several scripts that all pass vars between themselves....ONE of those
scripts is on www.domain.com all the rest are on subdomain.domain.com well,
all the scripts that are forms have the form action set as
action=http://www.domain.com/script.php  nevertheless, I couldn't grasp what
was wrong...the problem is that the session information is trying to be
passed among more than one domain (www and subdomain)...coookies don't like
this and weren't releasing the info to the subdomain that was created in the
www domain.  So, heads up to anyone else...keep all your scripts in the same
domain when using sessions/cookies.  By moving hte one script to the
subdomain as well, all the problems went away and PHP is once again my
favorite we language :)


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