Steve Jackson
Web Development and Marketing Manager
Viola Systems Ltd.
Mobile +358 50 343 5159

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16. syyskuuta 2003 12:15
Subject: RE: [PHP] Protecting a file via PHP.

> > What does this part mean in the serving the files part:
> >     define('FILEDIR', '/mnt/dos/');
> > 
> > Do I define the directory where the file is served from? Or do I
> > define a directory to which the file is served to (a temp) or what?
> It should be "from" and not "to".

OK. The thing is I wonder why in the zend article the directory here is
different. There are two scripts on the page: <? 
    define('FILEDIR', '/downloads/'); 

    //display available files 
    $d = dir(FILEDIR); 
    while($f = $d->read()) 
        //skip 'hidden' files 
        if($f{0} != '.') 
            print("<a href=\"get.php?file=$f\">$f</a><br>\n"); 

This first one looks in the downloads directory (outside the root) and
grabs the filenames displaying them as a link. This works fine on my

This second one starts with:
define('FILEDIR', '/mnt/dos/');

And I can't see an explanation why. Surely if it was meant to be the
same the writer would have had the same route defined?

> Could be a different problem...

Could be. But I'm trying to eliminate this one first. I've tried the
from directory and get the same error as I menioned previously. If I
can't get this to work are there any other ways I can protect a file
from being displayed. I need to be able to:
1) Display links to authenticated users (php session)
2) Let authenticated users download the files.

I don't want to use an htaccess file unless there is a way to
authenticate the user in htaccess by reading the session variable.

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