Is anyone familiar with the overhead that this type of system might
create, as compared to a standard request/response to apache? That is,
to have PHP intercept the request for an image, check HTTP_REFERER - if
it is null or from the local server, open the file, redirect to browser,
close file, if not serve a default error image.

Also, would there be any danger (to the files in particular, but also
with runaway processes or files left open) in using this method if a
user cancels the request mid-stream?


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 9:33 AM
Subject: [PHP] Re: Remote image

how those remote servers destinguish where the images are coming from is
from the Referr header.

play around with getting the data manually using
and your done. not so easy eh, well it works.


  Chris Lee

"Martin Kampherbeek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I have a problem with a remote image. I hope someone can help me.

People can post their link of their webpage at my site.
I check if the file excists, fopen().
After that I scan the page for links.
And the links for images.
Then I would like to see the sizes of all those images.

The problem is that there are servers that don't allow to brow straight
the images, it can only from the page self.
So I look for something in php that surfs the the page en from that page
the links.

I hope someone can help me.


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