On 25-Mar-2003 Christian Rosentreter wrote:
> Hello,
> I've a small problem, which mades me crazy... :\
> I'm trying to rename() a swapfile to real destination file (atomic
> update).
> It works on differnt environments very well. Sadly not on my ISP-server
> I've added an "chmod($swapfile,0777)", but this has not solve the
> problem.
> The directories have all FULL access (read, write, etc.). The
> destiniation file
> too. I don't want 2 use the copy/unlink solution.... Do anyone have an
> idea? 
> --- 8< ---
> if ( $file = fopen($swapfile,"w") )
> {
>     fwrite($file,$out);
>     fclose($file);
>     chmod($swapfile, 0777);
>     /* this fails with "Permission denied" */
>     rename($swapfile,$filename);
>     /* ... but this works */
>     copy($swapfile,$filename);
>     unlink($swapfile);
> }
> --- 8< ----

On *nix, rename will fail if source and destination are different file

To test this :



 printf('Source: %d, Dest: %d %s filesystem\n',
  $src[0], $dst, ($src[0] == $dst[0] ? 'same' : 'different'));

> Thanks 4 help...
> --
> christian rosentreter
> -- 
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Don Read                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
                            (53kr33t w0rdz: sql table query)

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