I wrote a job-tracking/workflow management application called Willow Job Tracker. You can download a copy of the free GPL version from here:


And there's a demo here:


Login to the demo using admin/admin.

Currently, only the MySQL DB is supported, but you can add support for other databases by implementing the Db.class.php for each database.

Also, there are no provisions for denying based on IP, but you could add that pretty easily. Though I question the utility of that, since so many people live behind firewalls.

As for user registration, you'd have to clone the Add User page to make a Registration page, but that should be pretty easy too.

Other than that, I think it has everything you listed. You'd have to rip out the job tracking stuff, but frankly, you could just remove the links and leave the code. There is also extensive documentation to help you get started with your customizations.

Have fun.



bruce wrote:

doing some basic research... has anyone found a seriously good user
management script (preferably free) that can be incorporated within a web

i'm looking for something that allows for the following functions:
 - user registration/login
 - admin function
 - group/team definition
 - email verification
 - database driven (mysql/postgres)
 - ability to grant user multiple rights/access levels
 - ability to check/deny by IP Address
 - session based function
 - page security
 - linux/apache/php

we've seen a few, but nothing that really grabs us.... we're considering
taking something like phpbb/gforge and just ripping the login/admin function
out, although we'd prefer another approach.... but if we have to rip the
functionality out of another app, has anybody seen an app (open source/free)
that has a serious login/admin/user management function that we should look



-- Travis Low <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.dawnstar.com>

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