
Wednesday, September 29, 2004, 1:18:20 AM, you wrote:
JB> [snip]
JB> I need make a cron file, for example a .job file:
JB> #mi  ho    di    me    seq      job                        comment
JB> 45   11    *    *      0-5     php -q /home/test/test.php  # Make backup
JB> How can make it?.
JB> [/snip]

JB> Type crontab -e and the cron file will be opened....unless you're on a
JB> Windows machine....

JB> --
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You can do something like this for the web server user:
//new command to add
$cmd = '40 * * * * /usr/local/apache/bin/clearopensmtp 2>&1 > /dev/null';
//get existing cron entries
exec('crontab -l',$list);
//add new command
$list[] = $cmd;
//may need to change the server var  for your setup
$path = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']).'/cronout';

//create a cronfile
if($fp = fopen($path,"w")){
        foreach($list as $line){
                $line = trim($line);
//tell cron about it
exec("crontab $path");
Note appending to an existing cron file probably will not work as cron
has to be told to re read it and the webserver user can not do that


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