php-general Digest 5 Aug 2006 18:25:34 -0000 Issue 4276

2006-08-05 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 5 Aug 2006 18:25:34 - Issue 4276

Topics (messages 240180 through 240187):

PayPal's PHP SDK on Windows
240180 by: s2j1j1b0
240182 by: Peter Lauri
240183 by: Paul Scott

Re: Problem with wrapper script for Tidy
240181 by: Frank Arensmeier

Sending data to persistent process stdin
240184 by: Ville Mattila
240187 by: Stut

Re: php behind firewall
240185 by: tedd

Re: PHP Frameworks - Opinion
240186 by: Tony Marston


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--- Begin Message ---

I'm trying to get PayPal's PHP SDK
running on Windows. After running install.php, I get the following error: 

"The PayPal SDK requires curl with SSL support" 

How do I fix this?
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-Original Message-
From: s2j1j1b0 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 1:51 PM
Subject: [PHP] PayPal's PHP SDK on Windows

I'm trying to get PayPal's PHP SDK
running on Windows. After running install.php, I get the following error: 

"The PayPal SDK requires curl with SSL support" 

How do I fix this?
View this message in context:
Sent from the PHP - General forum at

PHP General Mailing List (
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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 23:50 -0700, s2j1j1b0 wrote:
> "The PayPal SDK requires curl with SSL support" 
> How do I fix this?

You do what it says, install and configure cURL with SSL support. cURL
releases binaries for your OS at AFAIK they will
have a precompiled binary with SSL support built in. All that is left
after that is to enable curl as an extension in php.ini 

;extension=curl.dll or something like that...

You just need to uncomment that line and restart your webserver.



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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thank you Richard. I will test that (piping the output). Regarding my  
concerns about "rubbing security" by not validating the included  
code, I actually meant that the script does not validate where the  
included PHP script is coming from. Could someone set the  
environmental variable $_SERVER('PATH_TRANSLATED') from outside, so  
to say? Or is there no reason to be worried?

4 aug 2006 kl. 22.22 skrev Richard Lynch:

Did you try to use "-" as the file and pipe the output?...

That might work...

As far as the Tidy not validating the included PHP, I'm not sure what
you mean, but I don't see this making the PHP code any less secure
than it was before you wrapped Tidy around it...

On Fri, August 4, 2006 6:21 am, Frank Arensmeier wrote:


Since my ISP does not provide the tidy module for Apache, I tested
writing a wrapper script for a locally installed tidy binary. In
general, the script is triggered by a modification to the .htaccess
file like so:

AddHandler server-parsed .php
Action server-parsed /tidy_wrapper.php5

All php pages are by that means "treated" by the script

Here is the code for tidy_wrapper.php5:

" will turn
off tidy conversion

if ( !stristr ( $output, "" ) ) {
$localfile = tempnam ( '../tmp', "tmp" );
$handle = fopen($localfile, "w");
fwrite($handle, $output);

$command = '/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/tidy -iq --show-
errors 0 --show-warnings 0 -wrap 100 ' . $localfile . ' 2>&1';

exec ( $command, $output_exec );
echo implode ( "\n", $output_exec );
unlink ( $localfile );
} else {
echo $output;

Although the script is actually working fine, there is at least one
downside: speed. As you can see, the output buffer must be written to
a file in order to be processed by tidy. I was not able to get tidy
to accept a string for processing. Doing so, tidy throws en error. I
have looked through tidy documentation without finding any clues. I
would appreciate any hints. Any ideas for a walk-around for that file
saving-thing would be welcome!

Otherwise, I strongly feel that this script might become/be a
security hole. Because it does not validate the included PHP code, it
could be misused for doing bad stuff, or am I wrong? Once more, any
suggestions are welcome.


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php-general Digest 6 Aug 2006 06:31:46 -0000 Issue 4277

2006-08-05 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 6 Aug 2006 06:31:46 - Issue 4277

Topics (messages 240188 through 240197):

Re: Sending data to persistent process stdin
240188 by: Ville Mattila
240190 by: Stut

Re: PHP Frameworks - Opinion
240189 by: Manuel Lemos
240193 by: Robert Cummings

Re: The difference between ereg and preg?
240191 by: Dave M G
240194 by: Robert Cummings

Using preg_match to find Japanese text
240192 by: Dave M G

Re: PayPal's PHP SDK on Windows
240195 by: phpwizard02

#comment,  (* comment *), -- Any good alternatives to 
240196 by: Micky Hulse
240197 by: Micky Hulse


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--- Begin Message ---

Stut kirjoitti:

1) Find out how to create a named pipe and start mpg123 to take its
input from that named pipe. Your PHP scripts can then write commands to
that pipe.

Thanks Stut, rather good idea... I tried following commands:

mkfifo mpg
mpg123 -R < mpg

And in another shell
echo "LOAD mp3file.mp3\n" > mpg

Unfortunately, the mpg123 quits immediately without any response...  In 
general, the idea sounds good, but there is still something uncompatible.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Ville Mattila wrote:
> Stut kirjoitti:
>> 1) Find out how to create a named pipe and start mpg123 to take its
>> input from that named pipe. Your PHP scripts can then write commands to
>> that pipe.
> Thanks Stut, rather good idea... I tried following commands:
> mkfifo mpg
> mpg123 -R < mpg
> And in another shell
> echo "LOAD mp3file.mp3\n" > mpg
> Unfortunately, the mpg123 quits immediately without any response...  In
> general, the idea sounds good, but there is still something uncompatible.

There's really no good reason that shouldn't have worked. I suggest you
find an mpg123 mailing list and ask them why that happened.

--- End Message ---
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on 08/04/2006 05:47 PM Robert Cummings said the following:
>> The point of the post is that there is no framework in particular to
>> recommend. I use my own packages for my needs. They suit me well. It
>> does not mean they will suit everybody.
> How would you know that there is no framework to recommend if you neve
> ruse anyone's code but your own. How could you have possibly given any
> framework sufficient attention to have any idea of its pros and cons?
 I know many frameworks that exist, I have seen their code and their
 documentation, which is more than enough to reach the conclusion that
 using the frameworks that exist is not better that using my own
 solutions for my own purposes.
>>> Aaaah, so you are trully a genius to be able to at a glance of
>>> documentation and source code fully deduce the usefulness of something.
>>> I bow before you.
>> Be seriuos. Nobody needs to actually use any framework to see that it is
>> not suitable for your needs, when you can just browse the source code
>> and documentation. It would be insane to try all PHP frameworks that
>> exist to reach that conclusion.
> And there's the rub... your article was not about what YOU needed it was
> what YOU considered to be the best framework for everyone based on
> briefly browsing the code. Your article, if it had any real merit, would
> have reported on the actual trial of a substantial number of frameworks
> so that you could provide a valuable analysis instead of superficial
> opinion. Remember a recommendation, is not about YOU, it's about those
> reading the article. I can agree with your previous statement until you
> start recommending it in general.

My article is mine. It was not written for you but rather to the
PHPClasses site users in first place. Therefore it includes whatever I
think it is best for me to mention. If you do not agree and think it
should be something else, go and write your own article in your own blog
rather than bossing me to do something different, as if I owe you anything.

> You can't have your cake and eat it too. You're either pro-choice with a
> myriad of choices to choose from, or you're anti-choice and want only
> one framework style. Get of the fence!
 Having standard API specifications does not prevent anybody to choose
 using solutions based on APIs that do not conform to any standard

 Furthermore I do not think that seem to understand the difference
 between an API specification and API implementation. J2EE is an API
 specification with many implementations from different vendors: Sun,
 IBM, Oracle, BEA, JBoss (this last one is Open Source). You can choose
 the implementation you want.

 There is plenty of choice to anybody.