php-general Digest 8 Apr 2009 03:47:36 -0000 Issue 6055

Topics (messages 291179 through 291200):

Re: Best Practices for Hiding Errors
        291179 by: Michael A. Peters

file_get_contents for URLs?
        291180 by: Skip Evans
        291182 by: Jan G.B.
        291186 by: Richard Heyes

Re: difficult select problem
        291181 by: PJ
        291184 by: Lex Braun
        291185 by: Bob McConnell
        291188 by: PJ
        291189 by: Michael A. Peters
        291194 by: Bastien Koert
        291199 by: Chris

Re: Out of the blue question..
        291183 by: bruce
        291187 by: Daniel Brown

Re: PHP bandwidth control
        291190 by: tedd
        291192 by: Stuart
        291193 by: Michael A. Peters
        291195 by: Bastien Koert
        291196 by: 9el
        291198 by: Paul M Foster

Re: PHP class or functions to manipulate PDF metadata?
        291191 by: O. Lavell

Re: Possible Server Infection?
        291197 by:

Re: PHP require_once() opens some files but not others in same library
        291200 by: Henning Glatter-Gotz


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--- Begin Message ---
9el wrote:
Intead of displaying errors to page. Its better to use error log file.

I believe by default they are sent to the server error log file regardless of your error report setting.

It wouldn't surprise me if there's a slick class out there for parsing the error log and extracting php errors to nicely display on a separate page.

--- End Message ---
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Hey all,

I'm doing some maintenance work on an existing system and there is a piece of code that uses file_get_contents() to read data from a URL, which is fine in theory I suppose.

But the problem is sometimes the server where that URL lives is not available, and the system hangs indefinitely.

Shouldn't this be done with curl, and if so can it be done so that the call will time out and return control back when the server is not available?

Any other recommendations?

I just came across this code and it's one of the client's biggest complaints.

Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
503 S Baldwin St, #1
Madison WI 53703
Those of you who believe in
telekinesis, raise my hand.
 -- Kurt Vonnegut

--- End Message ---
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Well, you might want to do it with curl, you might want to write your
own socketscript, or your just check the return variable of
file_get_contents() - it'll be false on failure and it won't try to
get an invalid URL forever. Guess the error is somewhere else, when
your script continues indefinitely.
I'm using theis function in that way with a daily cronjob, and the
remote server isn't so stable... trust me. ;)

But setting the timeout can be done in php.ini or like suggested on
the manual:


2009/4/7 Skip Evans <>:
> Hey all,
> I'm doing some maintenance work on an existing system and there is a piece
> of code that uses file_get_contents() to read data from a URL, which is fine
> in theory I suppose.
> But the problem is sometimes the server where that URL lives is not
> available, and the system hangs indefinitely.
> Shouldn't this be done with curl, and if so can it be done so that the call
> will time out and return control back when the server is not available?
> Any other recommendations?
> I just came across this code and it's one of the client's biggest
> complaints.
> --
> ====================================
> Skip Evans
> Big Sky Penguin, LLC
> 503 S Baldwin St, #1
> Madison WI 53703
> 608.250.2720
> ------------------------------------
> Those of you who believe in
> telekinesis, raise my hand.
>  -- Kurt Vonnegut
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> Hey all,


> I'm doing some maintenance work on an existing system and there is a piece
> of code that uses file_get_contents() to read data from a URL, which is fine
> in theory I suppose.
> But the problem is sometimes the server where that URL lives is not
> available, and the system hangs indefinitely.
> Shouldn't this be done with curl, and if so can it be done so that the call
> will time out and return control back when the server is not available?

Looking at the docs alone, it looks like you can pass a stream as the
third argument to file_get_contents(). So create a stream, set the
timeout on that (using stream_context_create() &
stream_context_set_option() ), and then pass it to

Richard Heyes

HTML5 Canvas graphing for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari: (Updated March 28th)

--- End Message ---
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First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
appreciate it and I am learning things.
However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
with A:

1) which books have a second author?
2) who is the second author ?
This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal 2
linked to book_author bookID and authID.

The structure of the db:



categories and publishers are not realy relevant here...

The code I have:

$SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
        FROM book AS b
        LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
        LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
        LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
        LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
        WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

It gives me these results:

6 =>
'id' => string '6' /(length=1)/
'title' => string 'Nubia.' /(length=6)/
'sub_title' => string 'Corridor to Africa' /(length=18)/
'descr' => string '' /(length=0)/
'comment' => string '' /(length=0)/
'bk_cover' => string '' /(length=0)/
'copyright' => string '1977' /(length=4)/
'ISBN' => string '0691093709' /(length=10)/
'language' => string 'en' /(length=2)/
'sellers' => string '' /(length=0)/
'publisher' => string 'Princeton University Press' /(length=26)/
'first_name' => string 'William Yewdale' /(length=15)/
'last_name' => string 'Adams' /(length=5)/

This is the first of 17 books and it would be sufficient if I were not
so damned demanding.
I know that there are several books in the list that have 2 authors. At
least 1 whose last name begins with A is an ordinal=2 (which is not
important when it comes to displaying) and there are a couple where
there are 2nd authors whose names begin with other letters of the
alphabet. It is these that I am targeting.
My question is:

How do I filter my query to weed out these renegades?

Can it be done using a concat as Author1 and another concat as Author2
(in place of the first_name and last_name joins ?
Or do I do another query just for the outlaws?

--- End Message ---
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On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 11:37 AM, PJ <> wrote:

> $SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
>        FROM book AS b
>        LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
>        LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
>        LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
>        LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
>        WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

Let me try to clarify what I'm saying about your query.  The above query
will ONLY return authors who match the WHERE condition, thus have last name
starting with A.  This query will never find the second author for those
books, unless that author's last name also starts with an A.  That's why you
first need to get a list of the book IDs that match your WHERE condition,
and then grab the authors related to those book IDs (whether through two
queries or using a sub-query).  You've been shown several different ways of
doing this through the responses provided.  Do the provided queries not work
for your test data?

- Lex

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
From: PJ
> First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
> appreciate it and I am learning things.
> However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
> The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
> with A:

Actually, it appears you simply don't like the accurate answers you have
been given. 

> 1) which books have a second author?
> 2) who is the second author ?
> This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
> or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal
> linked to book_author bookID and authID.

There is no way to do that in a single select. You need to have at least
two and possibly three queries to answer your question. First you get a
list of authors where their name begins with 'A'. Then you use that
result to select a list of all books with more than one author. Then you
can use that result to select all authors for them.

Everyone has told you this requires processing beyond what SQL can
provide. Why is that a problem?

Bob McConnell

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Bob McConnell wrote:
> From: PJ
>> First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
>> appreciate it and I am learning things.
>> However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
>> The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
>> with A:
> Actually, it appears you simply don't like the accurate answers you have
> been given.
First, let me say that I am pretty fresh to all this.
Second, I believe I can get the authors with several more queries as I
have done for listings of all the books and by categories, but I am
trying to limit the queries thinking that that will speed up the data
Third, I have tried the answers proposed and have not been able to make
them work up to now. Will continue... (it's a bit difficult at the
moment as I do not have my entire head about me - nasty cold)
Fourth, I don't see any reference to the book_author.ordinal which seems
important to me to determine the placement of the authors.
>> 1) which books have a second author?
>> 2) who is the second author ?
>> This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
>> or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal
> 2
>> linked to book_author bookID and authID.
> There is no way to do that in a single select. You need to have at least
> two and possibly three queries to answer your question. First you get a
> list of authors where their name begins with 'A'. Then you use that
> result to select a list of all books with more than one author. Then you
> can use that result to select all authors for them.
I am a bit confused as to how to use the result in further queries.

And I don't understand what the difference is in using:
    LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
    LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
    WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1) = '$Auth' ";

instead of:
        FROM book b, book_author ba, author a
        WHERE = ba.bookID && = ba.authID && LEFT(a.last_name,
1) = '$Auth' ";

It seems simpler without the JOINs; but is there an advantage or is that
merely a personanl choice of several possibilities?

> Everyone has told you this requires processing beyond what SQL can
> provide. Why is that a problem?
It's not a problem. I'm just trying learn what can and cannot be done.
For instance, I could just put new columns in the db for author1 and
author2. But I suspect it might not be as efficient with a great many
books (like thousands).
> Bob McConnell

unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
Phil Jourdan ---

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
PJ wrote:
Bob McConnell wrote:
From: PJ
First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
appreciate it and I am learning things.
However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
with A:
Actually, it appears you simply don't like the accurate answers you have
been given.
First, let me say that I am pretty fresh to all this.
Second, I believe I can get the authors with several more queries as I
have done for listings of all the books and by categories, but I am
trying to limit the queries thinking that that will speed up the data

A friend of mine who manages many large scale websites with massive databases says that isn't always the case, especially if you don't have a dedicated SQL server with very fast disks and lots of memory.

He's found that in many situations it is faster to do several sql queries and let php sort it out then to use a bunch of joins, subselects, etc. in order to reduce the number of sql queries.

Has to do with how sql works on the filesystem, and the IO that can result from sql needing to do a more complex query, and what is fastest varies upon your setup. I think he said sub-selects are the worst because sql has to create a virtual table for the subselect and that can really slow the query down, but I might be mistaken about that.

Thus unless he has a problem application that is way too slow on hardware he can't upgrade, he opts for what is easier code to read and maintain. Sometimes that's faster than hard to read queries anyway.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Michael A. Peters <> wrote:

> PJ wrote:
>> Bob McConnell wrote:
>>> From: PJ
>>>> First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
>>>> appreciate it and I am learning things.
>>>> However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
>>>> The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
>>>> with A:
>>> Actually, it appears you simply don't like the accurate answers you have
>>> been given.
>> First, let me say that I am pretty fresh to all this.
>> Second, I believe I can get the authors with several more queries as I
>> have done for listings of all the books and by categories, but I am
>> trying to limit the queries thinking that that will speed up the data
>> retrieval.
> A friend of mine who manages many large scale websites with massive
> databases says that isn't always the case, especially if you don't have a
> dedicated SQL server with very fast disks and lots of memory.
> He's found that in many situations it is faster to do several sql queries
> and let php sort it out then to use a bunch of joins, subselects, etc. in
> order to reduce the number of sql queries.
> Has to do with how sql works on the filesystem, and the IO that can result
> from sql needing to do a more complex query, and what is fastest varies upon
> your setup. I think he said sub-selects are the worst because sql has to
> create a virtual table for the subselect and that can really slow the query
> down, but I might be mistaken about that.
> Thus unless he has a problem application that is way too slow on hardware
> he can't upgrade, he opts for what is easier code to read and maintain.
> Sometimes that's faster than hard to read queries anyway.

Simple queries will almost alwasy be faster than a large join. Join query
response times can be affected by the order of the join if  the primary
table is not the largest one amoung other factors.

Another thing to consider here is that the data is relatively static.
Perhaps you could build a xml representation on the first display of the
book and pay the piper once in building the data. From there build an xml
snippet ( and store it in the database perhaps in the main books table. Then
on future calls to that book to display the same data, request the xml and
use that to display all the data. That way you get the search functionality
you are looking for and a one time hit to build that data into one common
format. That would make the future reads of that data much quicker.



Cat, the other other white meat

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
PJ wrote:

First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
appreciate it and I am learning things.
However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
with A:

1) which books have a second author?
2) who is the second author ?
This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal 2
linked to book_author bookID and authID.

You've been given a few solutions for this and your only reply has been "doesn't do what I want".

Did you try Jim's suggestion? What didn't it do that you wanted it to?

Postgresql & php tutorials

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

did you read the entire msg.. this isn't/wasn't a hunt for someone for a

please re-read..

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris []
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 8:14 PM
To: bruce
Subject: Re: [PHP] Out of the blue question..

bruce wrote:
> Hi Ladies/Gents of the list...
> I've got an issue/question and figured I'd fire it to the list.
> Over time, I've had a few projects that I've worked on, where I've
> someone with skills way beyond mine for a given area. And rather than
> hours trying to figure it out, I've sometimes hired someone to aid for a
> very short amount of time..
> The issues have ranged from serious db optimization, to server security
> issues, etc...
> I was wondering, I'm assuming that other developers here have had similar
> issues. Has anyone thought about doing a group hire of someone with the
> advanced skills to solve the particular issue for the problem domain.
> IE if enough people have, or know you're going to have mysql questions...
> Then we find someone who's good/skilled and more or less have that person
> retainer for the group. This of course depends on how many people would
> to use the person's skills, and how often we'd need the person, and other
> issues...
> I figured that I'd post here to see what the list thinks/thought.. etc...

You can post job requests for stuff like this on, and I'm sure hundreds of other places.

I don't think this list is the appropriate place for it really but
that's just my opinion.

Postgresql & php tutorials

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 11:56, bruce <> wrote:
> chris...
> did you read the entire msg.. this isn't/wasn't a hunt for someone for a
> project...
> please re-read..

    It would've been fine even if it was, Bruce.  This is the
"General" list.  As long as it's PHP-related, you're fine.  However,
I'd concur with Stut's note, and add that it's probably not even
practical to do a group retainer --- this is, without undue bias, one
of the best, most diverse, most professional core group of folks in
any developer-focused community on the web today.  It's all a matter
of asking the right questions and taking advantage of the situation -
so long as you're willing to *give back* as well.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris []
> Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 8:14 PM
> To: bruce
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Out of the blue question..
> bruce wrote:
>> Hi Ladies/Gents of the list...
>> I've got an issue/question and figured I'd fire it to the list.
>> Over time, I've had a few projects that I've worked on, where I've
> required
>> someone with skills way beyond mine for a given area. And rather than
> spend
>> hours trying to figure it out, I've sometimes hired someone to aid for a
>> very short amount of time..
>> The issues have ranged from serious db optimization, to server security
>> issues, etc...
>> I was wondering, I'm assuming that other developers here have had similar
>> issues. Has anyone thought about doing a group hire of someone with the
>> advanced skills to solve the particular issue for the problem domain.
>> IE if enough people have, or know you're going to have mysql questions...
>> Then we find someone who's good/skilled and more or less have that person
> on
>> retainer for the group. This of course depends on how many people would
> want
>> to use the person's skills, and how often we'd need the person, and other
>> issues...
>> I figured that I'd post here to see what the list thinks/thought.. etc...
> You can post job requests for stuff like this on,
> and I'm sure hundreds of other places.
> I don't think this list is the appropriate place for it really but
> that's just my opinion.
> --
> Postgresql & php tutorials
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

</Daniel P. Brown> || ||
50% Off All Shared Hosting Plans at PilotPig: Use Coupon DOW10000

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
At 2:46 PM +0100 4/7/09, Nick Cooper wrote:
Sorry to side track the issue, but when did this happen to you on GoDaddy?
I have never experienced this problem. I have been using them for two years
and I often leave domains in the checkout and come back sometimes days later
and they're still $7.95.

This is of interest to me as well.

My old registrar was sold to and the new guys have some serious problems.

I've been thinking about combining my ~70 domain names into a single registrar and GoDaddy looks good thus far.

So, I would like to know what problems people have-had/are-having with GoDaddy.

I already know what problems I'm having with my current registrar -- which has been a giant step backwards in services at an increased cost. How can people screw up something they bought? Beats me.




--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
2009/4/7 tedd <>:
> At 2:46 PM +0100 4/7/09, Nick Cooper wrote:
>> Sorry to side track the issue, but when did this happen to you on GoDaddy?
>> I have never experienced this problem. I have been using them for two
>> years
>> and I often leave domains in the checkout and come back sometimes days
>> later
>> and they're still $7.95.
> This is of interest to me as well.
> My old registrar was sold to and the new guys have some
> serious problems.
> I've been thinking about combining my ~70 domain names into a single
> registrar and GoDaddy looks good thus far.
> So, I would like to know what problems people have-had/are-having with
> GoDaddy.
> I already know what problems I'm having with my current registrar -- which
> has been a giant step backwards in services at an increased cost. How can
> people screw up something they bought? Beats me.

I use and can't say enough good things about them - never
had a problem in nearly 10 years!



--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
tedd wrote:
At 2:46 PM +0100 4/7/09, Nick Cooper wrote:
Sorry to side track the issue, but when did this happen to you on GoDaddy? I have never experienced this problem. I have been using them for two years and I often leave domains in the checkout and come back sometimes days later
and they're still $7.95.

This is of interest to me as well.

My old registrar was sold to and the new guys have some serious problems.

I've been thinking about combining my ~70 domain names into a single registrar and GoDaddy looks good thus far.

So, I would like to know what problems people have-had/are-having with GoDaddy.

My only problem is that their interface is crappy and inconsistent.
However, managing domain names is cake - they do it well.

Their domain manager web app is fairly well done.

Buying domains can be a PITA as they try to sell you all kinds of stuff with it, and their pages are really busy so you have to scroll down to the continue button for continue after deciding you don't want any of their superfluous stuff.

Anyway - within 15 minutes of changing what nameserver should be used with a registered domain name, my ISP nameserver starts using it, every time - and never a problem.

e-mail support has been answered within 24 hours, and once with a phone call because the tech didn't understand my question.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Michael A. Peters <> wrote:

> tedd wrote:
>> At 2:46 PM +0100 4/7/09, Nick Cooper wrote:
>>> Sorry to side track the issue, but when did this happen to you on
>>> GoDaddy?
>>> I have never experienced this problem. I have been using them for two
>>> years
>>> and I often leave domains in the checkout and come back sometimes days
>>> later
>>> and they're still $7.95.
>> This is of interest to me as well.
>> My old registrar was sold to and the new guys have some
>> serious problems.
>> I've been thinking about combining my ~70 domain names into a single
>> registrar and GoDaddy looks good thus far.
>> So, I would like to know what problems people have-had/are-having with
>> GoDaddy.
> My only problem is that their interface is crappy and inconsistent.
> However, managing domain names is cake - they do it well.
> Their domain manager web app is fairly well done.
> Buying domains can be a PITA as they try to sell you all kinds of stuff
> with it, and their pages are really busy so you have to scroll down to the
> continue button for continue after deciding you don't want any of their
> superfluous stuff.
> Anyway - within 15 minutes of changing what nameserver should be used with
> a registered domain name, my ISP nameserver starts using it, every time -
> and never a problem.
> e-mail support has been answered within 24 hours, and once with a phone
> call because the tech didn't understand my question.
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:
I like and have used for the last three years. Its got a nice
interface and domains are $10/year



Cat, the other other white meat

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I hate the bulky interface of its too tough for slower
connections to work with GoDaddy's control panels. Their domain charge seems
bit high as well.

But I'm liking it has good cPanel and controls are
good. Their support are very sprint.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 10:36:23AM -0700, Michael A. Peters wrote:

> tedd wrote:
>> At 2:46 PM +0100 4/7/09, Nick Cooper wrote:
>>> Sorry to side track the issue, but when did this happen to you on
>>> GoDaddy?
>>> I have never experienced this problem. I have been using them for two
>>> years
>>> and I often leave domains in the checkout and come back sometimes days
>>> later
>>> and they're still $7.95.
>> This is of interest to me as well.
>> My old registrar was sold to and the new guys have
>> some serious problems.
>> I've been thinking about combining my ~70 domain names into a single
>> registrar and GoDaddy looks good thus far.
>> So, I would like to know what problems people have-had/are-having with
>> GoDaddy.

I know a bunch of engineers at the company which hosts my LUG's lists
and website. These guys are UBERgeeks. At one time they recommended
GoDaddy, but no more. These guys register and maintain many many more
domains than I ever will. I trust their judgment.

See the above link for various reasons why GoDaddy is a poor choice.


Paul M. Foster

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Peter Ford wrote:

> O. Lavell wrote:
>> Peter Ford wrote:


>>> I do accept that the metadata should be machine-readable: that part of
>>> your project is reasonable and I'm fairly sure that ought to be
>>> possible with something simple. The best bet I found so far is PDFTK
>>> ( which is a command-line tool that you
>>> could presumably call with exec or whatever...
>> Like I said, this is what I am already doing with the pdfinfo utility
>> from xpdf.
> Sorry - I guess I didn't read that bit carefully enough...

No problem at all, I was really glad someone wanted to share their 
thoughts anyway after it first seemed that no one was interested.


>> So thank you again for pushing me in that direction, even if
>> unintentionally and despite the fact that what I am doing goes against
>> your judgement ;)
> As I know only too well, you can't always choose your customers
> (especially if they choose you...) and you certainly can't control all
> of the sources of data you have to deal with!


> I have spent many hours/days/possibly longer hacking through files that
> are in one form to get data into another, and PDF is the one that always
> makes me nervous :(

So far you, Tedd and I agree on this. The so-called portable document 
format is a rather convoluted thing.

> My judgement is certainly not final, or even particularly important: if
> I had time I would also look into at least getting the metadata with
> pure PHP.
> Good luck...

Thank you. If I did have the time (to spare) I would feel almost obliged 
to try to figure it out. Perhaps in a week or two...

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

On Apr 4, 2009, at 6:51 PM, TG wrote:

Anyway, just some thoughts.  Good luck!

        Thanks to TG, Bastien, and Marc.  I appreciate the input.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> Maybe ask on the zend list - 
> since they will be 
> familiar with it.
> Still sounds like a url is being used for a require/include but *shrug*.

The issue resolved "itself" when I moved the domain to a different server. I
had to do this for other reasons and now the previously described issues no
longer occur.


--- End Message ---

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