php-general Digest 2 Jul 2006 23:48:56 -0000 Issue 4218

Topics (messages 239067 through 239074):

Re: Job Opportunities in Web Design company
        239067 by: Ryan A
        239068 by: tedd
        239069 by: Kevin Waterson
        239070 by: chris smith

Re: global class instance
        239071 by: John Wells

        239072 by: BBC
        239074 by: chris smith

Re: design?
        239073 by: John Wells


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--- Begin Message ---
> > Requirements:
> blah blah blah....
> How much?

Right to the point :)

Also, what benefits? as the applicant will have to
move to Egypt if not already located there (I have not
read the whole email but I don't think Mr Ahmed
mentioned applicants have to already be residents

Will the person who gets the job also have to redesign
the homepage? because it looks/feels quite crappy for
a web design company...IMHO.


- The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard.
- Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster!
- Smile, everyone loves a moron. :-)

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At 6:45 AM +0300 7/2/06, Ahmed Abdel-Aliem wrote:
>Safari Studio Inc. is looking for qualified
>designers/developers for a full time/part time
>position. This is position is available for
>designers/developers that want to work in a company
>that is growing.
>click here to fill in the application form

I certainly could have designed/coded a better page, and site, than that -- 
does that count?

My advice, if you're looking for qualified and experienced help, then reflect 
same in your site.



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This one time, at band camp, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I certainly could have designed/coded a better page, and site, than that -- 
> does that count?
> My advice, if you're looking for qualified and experienced help, then reflect 
> same in your site.

Had not actually looked at the site, ick..
and, umm, some security on those forms would possibly help.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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On 7/2/06, Kevin Waterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This one time, at band camp, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I certainly could have designed/coded a better page, and site, than that -- 
does that count?
> My advice, if you're looking for qualified and experienced help, then reflect 
same in your site.

Had not actually looked at the site, ick..
and, umm, some security on those forms would possibly help.

That would probably explain the job position ;)

Postgresql & php tutorials

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On 7/1/06, sempsteen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi all,
i wonder if there is a way of creating an instance of a class and
reach it direcly from any scope in PHP4. basically what i want is:
i don't want to:
   - declare global $foo,
   - use pre-defined $GLOBALS variable,
   - or use a::print

Well I don't know what the list will feel about this one, but you
*could* create a function (or series of functions) to do what you want
with $a, since functions always live in the global scope.

If you're just looking for a generic get-me-around-scoping solution,
this obviously wouldn't be appropriate.  However if your $a is
special, for example an application-wide configuration object, then
the approach might suit your needs....or wants, as it were.

-John W

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> Did you check if you had the required "gd" extension? I believe someone
already told you and how to check.

Sorry I resent my question unintentionally
I believe no one did.
btw, what is GD extension, and how to install or load it?
I have read my 'php.ini', and then I found this:
But I don't know what's that suppose to mean..
My system is winXP

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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BBC wrote:
Did you check if you had the required "gd" extension? I believe someone
already told you and how to check.

Sorry I resent my question unintentionally
I believe no one did.

Then you didn't look hard enough.

btw, what is GD extension, and how to install or load it?
I have read my 'php.ini', and then I found this:
But I don't know what's that suppose to mean..

Postgresql & php tutorials

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On 6/30/06, Sjef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks, John,
I'm not sure I completely get the idea of a pair class.

As an question and answer are in the same database tabel I now created a
questionDepot class that gets the array from the db, does save and update
operations, and for example, sets a flag in the db tabel when a question is
accepted for the list.

Hi Sjef,

It sounds as if you've got the idea, even if I didn't explain myself
well.  My point was to *not* create a Question class that maintained
an array of questions, which was only _implicitly_ related to a
similarly-structured but disparate Answers class.  An array of
questions sitting beside an array of answers is, in my opinion, not a
proper abstraction of the objects you're dealing with.

Perhaps it is out of experience that I'm harping on this point,
because I've been burned by a similar design before.  One of my first
OO projects was a weblog, and I had built a Post class, and then for
posts with galleries, a separate Gallery class that contained *only*
image information for it's parent Post.

On it's own, this wasn't all bad, but the big mistake I made was how I
handled multiple posts and multiple galleries (like for building out
the homepage where I showed 5 recent posts and a thumbnail from each,
if they were galleries).  Within each Post and Gallery class, I turned
the properties into _arrays_.  So what originally was a string for the
post's title, now became an array of strings for many posts.  Likewise
for the Gallery class.  Arrays of thumbnails became arrays of arrays
of thumbnails.

I'm sure The List will shudder at this design, but hey, I've learned
my lesson.  Be-lieve-me.  Anyway, the point is, your initial approach
was the same (if I read it correctly).  You suggested an array of
questions, and an array of answers, which would only be implicitly
related.  Your design started with the concept of many questions, and
many answers, but my argument is that, abstractly, you should begin
with one question, and one answer.  Then think in terms of a
question-answer pair that *belong to each other*.  And then think of
many question-answer pairs.

Anyway, I'm sure that by the time you've finished reading this
hair-splitting rambling, you've already finished your app and moved on
to something else entirely.  :)

-John W

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