[PHP-DOC] constant.xml : clarifying

2001-07-10 Thread Damien Seguy


I ran into this sentence :
You can also use the functionconstant/function-function, for
example if the name of the constant is variable.

which I couldn't understand.
I think Jeroen wrote this : can you give me a hint?

Best regards,
Damien Seguy

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/faq general.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Damien Seguy

damsTue Jul 10 02:54:19 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/faq  general.xml 
  Added refname tag to help Jade.
Index: phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.2 phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.3
--- phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.2   Mon Jul  9 17:14:27 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml   Tue Jul 10 02:54:19 2001
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
   refentry id=faq.general.what
+refnameWhat is PHP ?/refname
 refpurposeWhat is PHP ?/refpurpose
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
   refentry id=faq.general.relation-between-versions
+refnameWhat is the relation between the versions?/refname
 refpurposeWhat is the relation between the versions?/refpurpose
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@
   refentry id=faq.general.differences-php3-php4
+refnameWhat are the differences between PHP 3 and PHP 4?/refname
 refpurposeWhat are the differences between PHP 3 and PHP 4?/refpurpose

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr language-snippets.ent

2001-07-10 Thread Damien Seguy

damsTue Jul 10 03:13:28 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/fr  language-snippets.ent 
  Updated with new snippet
Index: phpdoc/fr/language-snippets.ent
diff -u phpdoc/fr/language-snippets.ent:1.5 phpdoc/fr/language-snippets.ent:1.6
--- phpdoc/fr/language-snippets.ent:1.5 Mon Jul  9 05:35:40 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/language-snippets.ent Tue Jul 10 03:13:27 2001
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-!-- PHPDoc snippets $Id: language-snippets.ent,v 1.5 2001/07/09 09:35:40 dams Exp $ 
+!-- PHPDoc snippets $Id: language-snippets.ent,v 1.6 2001/07/10 07:13:27 dams Exp $ 
-!ENTITY true   'literalTRUE/literal'
-!ENTITY false  'literalFALSE/literal'
+!ENTITY TRUE   'literalTRUE/literal'
+!ENTITY FALSE  'literalFALSE/literal'
 !ENTITY null   'literalNULL/literal'
-!ENTITY warn.experimental  'warningsimparaCe module est 
emphasisEXPERIMENTAL/emphasis. Cela signifie que le comportement de ces fonctions, 
leurs noms et concrtement, TOUT ce qui est documenteacute; ici peut changer dans un 
futur proche, SANS PREAVIS! Soyez-en conscient, et utiliser ce module agrave; vos 
risques et peacute;rils./simpara/warning'
-!ENTITY warn.experimental.func 'warningsimparaCette fonction est 
emphasisEXPERIMENTALE/emphasis. Cela signifie que le comportement de ces 
fonctions, leurs noms et concrtement, TOUT ce qui est documenteacute; ici peut 
changer dans un futur proche, SANS PREAVIS! Soyez-en conscient, et utiliser ce module 
agrave; vos risques et peacute;rils./simpara/warning'
+!ENTITY warn.experimental  'warningsimparaCe module est 
+emphasisEXPERIMENTAL/emphasis. Cela signifie que le comportement de ces 
+fonctions, leurs noms et concregrave;tement, TOUT ce qui est documenteacute; ici 
+peut changer dans un futur proche, SANS PREAVIS! Soyez-en conscient, et utiliser ce 
+module agrave; vos risques et peacute;rils./simpara/warning'
+!ENTITY warn.experimental.func 'warningsimparaCette fonction est 
+emphasisEXPERIMENTALE/emphasis. Cela signifie que le comportement de ces 
+fonctions, leurs noms et concregrave;tement, TOUT ce qui est documenteacute; ici 
+peut changer dans un futur proche, SANS PREAVIS! Soyez-en conscient, et utiliser ce 
+module agrave; vos risques et peacute;rils./simpara/warning'
 !ENTITY tip.ob-capture 'tipsimparaComme toutes les fonctions affichent 
directement des reacute;sultats au navigateur, vous pouvez utiliser link 
linkend=ref.outcontrolles fonctions de gestion des sorties/link pour capturer le 
contenu de cette fonction et le sauver, par exemple, dans une 
 !ENTITY return.success 'Retourne literalTRUE/literal en cas de 
succegrave;s, literalFALSE/literal en cas d'eacute;chec.'
 !ENTITY note.not-bin-safe  'warningsimparaCette fonction n'est pas capable 
de geacute;rer les chaicirc;nes binaires!/simpara/warning'

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/functions zip.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Damien Seguy

damsTue Jul 10 03:28:32 2001 EDT

  Added files: 
  Initial translation

Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/zip.xml
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/zip.xml
reference id=ref.zip
 titleZip (deacute;compression)/title
   Ce module utilise les fonctions de la librairie
   ulink url=url.zziplib;ZZIPlib/ulink, creacute;eacute;e par Guido Draheim 
   lire de maniegrave;re transparente des archives compresseacute;es Zip, et les 
   qu'elles contiennent.
   Notez que ZZIPlib ne fournit qu'une partie des fonctions utilisant
   l'algorithme de compression ZIP : elle ne permet que de lire les
   fichiers Zip. Un utilitaire Zip est neacute;cessaire pour creacute;er ces
   archives, vous ne pourrez pas le faire en PHP.
   Le support de Zip par PHP n'est pas activeacute; par deacute;faut. Vous devez 
utiliser l'option
   link linkend=install.configure.with-zip--with-zip/link
   lorsque vous compilez PHP pour l'activer. Ce module requiert par ailleurs
   la librairie ZZIPlib version gt;= 0.10.6.
 Le support de Zip pour les versions anteacute;rieures agrave; PHP 4.0.7 est 
 Cette section deacute;crit l'extension Zip telle qu'elle existe en PHP 4.0.7
 et plus reacute;cent.
  sect1 id=zip-example
   titleExemple d'utilisation/title
Cet exemple ouvre un fichier ZIP, lit chaque fichier de l'archive, et
affiche son contenu. Le script filenametest2.php/filename utiliseacute; dans
cet exemple est un des fichiers de test de la distribution source de
titleExemple d'utilisation de l'extension Zip/title
programlisting role=php
$zip = zip_open(/tmp/test2.zip);
if ($zip) {
while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
echo Name:. zip_entry_name($zip_entry) . \n;
echo Actual Filesize: . zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry) . \n;
echo Compressed Size: . zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry) . \n;
echo Compression Method:  . zip_entry_compressionmethod($zip_entry) . \n;
if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, r)) {
echo File Contents:\n;
$buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
echo $buf\n;
echo \n;
 refentry id=function.zip-close
   refpurposeFerme une archive Zip/refpurpose
 funcdefvoid functionzip_close/function/funcdef
 paramdefresource parameterzip/parameter/paramdef
functionzip_close/function ferme l'archive zip parameterzip/parameter.
Le paramegrave;tre parameterzip/parameter doit ecirc;tre une archive zip,
creacute;eacute;e par la fonction functionzip_open/function.
Cette fonction ne retourne pas de valeur.
Voir aussi
functionzip_open/function et
 refentry id=function.zip-entry-close
   refpurposeFerme un eacute;leacute;ment d'archive/refpurpose
 funcdefvoid functionzip_close/function/funcdef
 paramdefresource parameterzip_entry/parameter/paramdef
functionzip_close/function ferme l'eacute;leacute;ment d'archive 
Le paramegrave;tre parameterzip_entry/parameter doit ecirc;tre un 
eacute;leacute;ment d'archive valide,
creacute;eacute; par la fonction functionzip_entry_open/function.
Cette fonction ne retourne pas de valeur.
Voir aussi
functionzip_entry_open/function et
 refentry id=function.zip-entry-compressedsize
   refpurposeLit la taille compresseacute;e d'un dossier/refpurpose
 funcdefint functionzip_entry_compressedsize/function/funcdef
 paramdefresource parameterzip_entry/parameter/paramdef
functionzip_entry_compressedsize/function retourne la taille compresseacute;e
de l'eacute;leacute;ment d'archive parameterzip_entry/parameter.
Le paramegrave;tre parameterzip_entry/parameter doit ecirc;tre un 
eacute;leacute;ment d'archive valide, creacute;eacute; par
la fonction functionzip_entry_open/function.
Voir aussi

Re: [PHP-DOC] Manual building

2001-07-10 Thread Damien Seguy

on 9/07/01 21:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 fr and hu is being worked on (I suppose),
Beat me!

Most of today's error are due to new faq section. This will settle down as
soon as faq get on its wheel (soon, I guess).

Some other updates will require more time on the French Manual, as I'm going
throug a major typos eradication campaign, prior to edition. Added to your
own updates.

Best regards,
Damien Seguy

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/functions http.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Damien Seguy

damsTue Jul 10 03:42:19 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Updated the setcookie docs

Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/http.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/http.xml:1.6 phpdoc/fr/functions/http.xml:1.7
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/http.xml:1.6Sat Jul  7 18:22:09 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/http.xmlTue Jul 10 03:42:19 2001
@@ -1,100 +1,104 @@
- reference id=ref.http
-  titleHTTP/title
-  titleabbrevHTTP/titleabbrev
-  partintro
+reference id=ref.http
+ titleHTTP/title
+ titleabbrevHTTP/titleabbrev
+ partintro
-Ces fonctions permettent de travailler sur les informations transmises
-au navigateur, via le protocole HTTP.
+   Ces fonctions permettent de travailler sur les informations transmises
+   au navigateur, via le protocole HTTP.
-  /partintro
-  refentry id=function.header
-   refnamediv
-refpurposeEnvoie un entecirc;te HTTP./refpurpose
-   /refnamediv
-   refsect1
+ /partintro
+ refentry id=function.header
+  refnamediv
+   refnameheader/refname
+   refpurposeEnvoie une en-tecirc;te HTTP./refpurpose
+  /refnamediv
+  refsect1
+   titleDescription/title
+   funcsynopsis
  funcdefint functionheader/function/funcdef
  paramdefstring parameterstring/parameter/paramdef
-  functionheader/function permet de speacute;cifier un
-  entecirc;te HTTP lors de l'envoi des fichiers HTML. Reportez vous
-  agrave; ulink url=spec.http1.1;HTTP 1.1 Specification/ulink
-  pour plus d'informations sur les entecirc;tes HTTP. NB : la fonction
-  functionheader/function doit ecirc;tre appeleacute;e avant la
-  premiegrave;re balise HTML, et avant n'importe quel envoi de commande
-  PHP. C'est une erreur tregrave;s courante que de lire du code avec la
-  fonction functioninclude/function ou avec auto_prepend et d'avoir
-  des espaces ou des lignes vides dans ce code qui produisent un
-  deacute;but de sortie avant que functionheader/function
-  n'ai eacute;teacute; appeleacute;.
+   /funcsynopsis
+   para
+functionheader/function permet de speacute;cifier une
+en-tecirc;te HTTP lors de l'envoi des fichiers HTML. Reportez-vous
+agrave; ulink url=spec.http1.1;HTTP 1.1 Specification/ulink
+pour plus d'informations sur les en-tecirc;tes HTTP.
-  Il y a cependant deux entecirc;tes speacute;ciaux. Le premier est
-  quot;Locationquot;. Non seulement il renvoie un entecirc;te au
-  client, mais en plus, il envoie un statut de redirection agrave;
-  Apache. Du point de vue de l'auteur de script, cela importe peu,
-  mais pour ceux qui connaissent les rouages internes d'Apache, c'est
-  primordial.
-  informalexample
-   programlisting role=php
+ la fonction functionheader/function doit ecirc;tre appeleacute;e avant la
+ premiegrave;re balise HTML, et avant n'importe quel envoi de commande
+ PHP. C'est une erreur tregrave;s courante que de lire du code avec la
+ fonction functioninclude/function ou avec auto_prepend et d'avoir
+ des espaces ou des lignes vides dans ce code qui produisent un
+ deacute;but de sortie avant que functionheader/function
+ n'ait eacute;teacute; appeleacute;.
+   para
+Il y a cependant deux en-tecirc;tes speacute;ciales. Le premier est
+quot;Locationquot;. Non seulement il renvoie une en-tecirc;te au
+client, mais en plus, il envoie un statut de redirection agrave;
+Apache. Du point de vue de l'auteur de script, cela importe peu,
+mais pour ceux qui connaissent les rouages internes d'Apache, c'est
+ programlisting role=php
 header(Location: http://www.php.net;);  /* Redirige le client vers le site PHP */
 exit();  /* Assure que le code ci-dessous n'est jamais exeacute;cuteacute;. */
-  /programlisting
- /informalexample
-  Le deuxiegrave;me type d'appel speacute;cial regroupe tous les
-  entecirc;tes qui commencent par quot;HTTP/quot; (la casse n'est
-  pas importante). Par exemple, si vous avez votre page d'erreur 404
-  Apache qui pointent sur un script PHP, c'est une bonne ideacute;e
-  que de vous assurez que le script PHP geacute;neacute;re une erreur
-  404. La premiegrave;re chose agrave; dans votre script est  :
- informalexample
-  programlisting role=php
+ /programlisting
+   /para
+   para
+Le deuxiegrave;me type d'appel speacute;cial regroupe toutes les
+en-tecirc;tes qui commencent par quot;HTTP/quot; (la casse n'est
+pas importante). Par exemple, si vous avez votre page d'erreur 404
+Apache qui pointe sur un script PHP, c'est une bonne ideacute;e
+que de vous assurer que le script PHP 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /it Translators

2001-07-10 Thread Luca Perugini

peruginiTue Jul 10 04:19:22 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/it  Translators 
Index: phpdoc/it/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/it/Translators:1.27 phpdoc/it/Translators:1.28
--- phpdoc/it/Translators:1.27  Tue Jul 10 04:01:34 2001
+++ phpdoc/it/Translators   Tue Jul 10 04:19:22 2001
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
-ibase.xml  Fabio   tradotto (in revisione)
-icap.xml   Fabio   tradotto (in revisione)
+ibase.xml  Fabio Gandola   tradotto (in revisione)
+icap.xml   Fabio Gandola   tradotto (in revisione)
 image.xml  Umberto Carrara assegnato
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
-pgsql.xml  Fabio   assegnato   
+pgsql.xml  Fabio Gandola   assegnato   

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /it language-defs.ent

2001-07-10 Thread Luca Perugini

peruginiTue Jul 10 04:46:17 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/it  language-defs.ent 
  Updating and
  Removed +!ENTITY available disponibile in
Index: phpdoc/it/language-defs.ent
diff -u phpdoc/it/language-defs.ent:1.3 phpdoc/it/language-defs.ent:1.4
--- phpdoc/it/language-defs.ent:1.3 Mon Jul  9 19:45:14 2001
+++ phpdoc/it/language-defs.ent Tue Jul 10 04:46:17 2001
@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@
 !ENTITY FunctionReference Guida Funzioni
 !ENTITY AppendixesAppendici
 !ENTITY PEAR  PEAR: PHP Extension and Application Repository
-!ENTITY available disponibile in
+!ENTITY FAQ   FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (domande e risposte 

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: Documentation for OCINewCollection ( English )...

2001-07-10 Thread Thomas Fromm

On Tuesday 10 July 2001 00:15, Jeroen van Wolffelaar wrote:
 So I wrote the patch to add collections to the OCI8 extension of PHP.
  I've had every intention of doing the documenation, but I looked today
  and all the functions are there marked comming soon.
 My question is, are those automatically generated?  If not, how would
  I find out who created those so I could get some feedback on the
  documentation/examples that I have written.

at the moment i testing these extension from thies in different cases, when i 
finished it and iam firm with its usage, i want to write the documentation 
with the examples. 
also i have added all not documented functions, to show the user, that there 
are some other functions, but without documentation. (coming soon)
these days was the Linuxtag fair at stuttgart so i had no time to finalize 
the work.
i hope to finish some documentation this week, if you have already produced 
some documentation bout some of the 'coming soon' features, i would be glad 
to add them.

kind regards,

Re: [PHP-DOC] constant.xml : clarifying

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

 I ran into this sentence :
 You can also use the functionconstant/function-function, for
 example if the name of the constant is variable.
 which I couldn't understand.
 I think Jeroen wrote this : can you give me a hint?

I never used this, but I supposed, it should:

define(CONS, 12);

$consname = CONS;

echo CONS;
echo constant($consname);

Here the constants name is in a variable


Re: [PHP-DOC] Manual building

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

  fr and hu is being worked on (I suppose),
 Some other updates will require more time on the French Manual, as I'm
 throug a major typos eradication campaign, prior to edition. Added to your
 own updates.

Yes, hu is worked on :) I would like to translate all
updates, and not just copy them in english. Hope I will
be ready till the end of this week.


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /hu language-defs.ent

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 05:34:21 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/hu  language-defs.ent 
  New entity added, old available entity deleted...
Index: phpdoc/hu/language-defs.ent
diff -u phpdoc/hu/language-defs.ent:1.3 phpdoc/hu/language-defs.ent:1.4
--- phpdoc/hu/language-defs.ent:1.3 Sat Jul  7 08:57:58 2001
+++ phpdoc/hu/language-defs.ent Tue Jul 10 05:34:21 2001
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 !ENTITY FunctionReference  Függvény referencia
 !ENTITY Appendixes Függelékek
 !ENTITY PEAR   PEAR: PHP Extension and Application Repository
-!ENTITY available  elérhetõ
+!ENTITY FAQGYIK: Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések
 !ENTITY url.hu.weblaborhttp://weblabor.hu/;
 !ENTITY email.hu.php   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PHP-DOC] FAQ.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

 the new faq section didn't build yesterday, du to missing tag refname.
 This is commited now, and should work fine now.
 I've a question : how should I configure Jade for it to use the
 faqurls.ent file? As now, it doesn't use it, and generates errors.

faqurls.ent should go to the phpdoc root dir. So we do not
need to update it in every language... And then you can add
it in manual.xml.in as the globals.ent is included. You need
to define a new entity, and use it...

!ENTITY % faq.urls SYSTEM @srcdir@/faqurls.ent


But be aware to produce no conflict with entity naming!
Do not redefine an entity named the same in any other entity
file, because it would cause problems Eg. for simplicity
use the faq. prefix for all entities. See the global.ent file,
about how this is done there (with url. book. email. link.
and spec. prefixes).


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/faq faqurls.ent

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 05:51:27 2001 EDT

  Removed files:   
/phpdoc/en/faq  faqurls.ent 
  Move this to the new place...

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / faqurls.ent

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 05:52:23 2001 EDT

  Added files: 
/phpdoc faqurls.ent 
  Move this to the new place... (using the faq. prefix)

Index: phpdoc/faqurls.ent
+++ phpdoc/faqurls.ent
!-- -*- SGML -*-

 $Id: faqurls.ent,v 1.1 2001/07/10 09:52:23 goba Exp $

 Contains macros for all the XML documents within the FAQ.

!ENTITY faq.php.manual http://www.php.net/manual/;
!ENTITY faq.zend http://www.zend.com/;
!ENTITY faq.zend.articles http://www.zend.com/zend/art/;
!ENTITY faq.zend.introduction http://www.zend.com/zend/art/intro.php;
!ENTITY faq.zend.new http://www.zend.com/zend/whats-new.php;

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / manual.xml.in

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 05:56:08 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc manual.xml.in 
  New faq entities added
Index: phpdoc/manual.xml.in
diff -u phpdoc/manual.xml.in:1.71 phpdoc/manual.xml.in:1.72
--- phpdoc/manual.xml.in:1.71   Mon Jul  9 09:56:35 2001
+++ phpdoc/manual.xml.inTue Jul 10 05:56:07 2001
@@ -8,14 +8,18 @@
-!-- Defaults for entities that should be defined in language-defs --
+!-- All global entities for the XML files --
 !ENTITY % global.entities  SYSTEM @srcdir@/global.ent
+!-- All entities for the FAQ section --
+!ENTITY % faqonly.entities  SYSTEM @srcdir@/faqurls.ent
 !-- These are language independent --
 !ENTITY % build.versionSYSTEM version.ent
 !ENTITY % global.chapters  SYSTEM chapters.ent

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / faqurls.ent

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 05:56:36 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc faqurls.ent 
  Ooops. faq. prefix is reserved for chapters.ent Use faqurl. prefix
Index: phpdoc/faqurls.ent
diff -u phpdoc/faqurls.ent:1.1 phpdoc/faqurls.ent:1.2
--- phpdoc/faqurls.ent:1.1  Tue Jul 10 05:52:23 2001
+++ phpdoc/faqurls.ent  Tue Jul 10 05:56:36 2001
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 !-- -*- SGML -*-
- $Id: faqurls.ent,v 1.1 2001/07/10 09:52:23 goba Exp $
+ $Id: faqurls.ent,v 1.2 2001/07/10 09:56:36 goba Exp $
  Contains macros for all the XML documents within the FAQ.
-!ENTITY faq.php.manual http://www.php.net/manual/;
-!ENTITY faq.zend http://www.zend.com/;
-!ENTITY faq.zend.articles http://www.zend.com/zend/art/;
-!ENTITY faq.zend.introduction http://www.zend.com/zend/art/intro.php;
-!ENTITY faq.zend.new http://www.zend.com/zend/whats-new.php;
+!ENTITY faqurl.php.manual http://www.php.net/manual/;
+!ENTITY faqurl.zend http://www.zend.com/;
+!ENTITY faqurl.zend.articles http://www.zend.com/zend/art/;
+!ENTITY faqurl.zend.introduction http://www.zend.com/zend/art/intro.php;
+!ENTITY faqurl.zend.new http://www.zend.com/zend/whats-new.php;

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/faq general.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 05:58:47 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/faq  general.xml 
  Entity errors corrected, now go for the xml errors...
Index: phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.3 phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.4
--- phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.3   Tue Jul 10 02:54:19 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml   Tue Jul 10 05:58:47 2001
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- From the ulink url=url.php.manual;manual/ulink : 
+ From the ulink url=faqurl.php.manual;manual/ulink : 
  PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 A nice introduction to PHP by Stig Sæther Bakken can be found 
-ulink url=url.zend.introduction;here/ulink on the Zend
+ulink url=faqurl.zend.introduction;here/ulink on the Zend
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@
  PHP/FI 2.0 is an early and no longer supported version of PHP. PHP 3
  is the successor to PHP/FI 2.0 and is a lot nicer. PHP 4 is the latest
- generation of PHP, which uses the ulink url=url.zend;Zend engine/ulink
+ generation of PHP, which uses the ulink url=faqurl.zend;Zend engine/ulink
  under the hood.
   refentry id=faq.general.running-concurent-versions
-refpurposeCan I run several versions of PHP at the same time ?/refpurpose
+refpurposeCan I run several versions of PHP at the same time?/refpurpose
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
-There are ulink url=url.zend.articles;a couple of articles/ulink
+There are ulink url=faqurl.zend.articles;a couple of articles/ulink
 written on this by the authors of PHP4. Here's a
 list of some of the more important new features:
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
  simparaReference counting/simpara
-Please see the ulink url=url.zend.new;What's new in PHP4 overview/ulink 
+Please see the ulink url=faqurl.zend.new;What's new in PHP4 overview/ulink 
 for a detailed explanation of these features and more.

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/faq general.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 06:07:56 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/faq  general.xml 
  XML errors corrected, OK, the english manual will
  build now with the new FAQ section. It will show
  up tomorow morning online :) Please always do make
  test before committing such new things :)
Index: phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.4 phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.5
--- phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.4   Tue Jul 10 05:58:47 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml   Tue Jul 10 06:07:56 2001
@@ -4,34 +4,35 @@
-This section holds the most general questions about PHP : 
+This section holds the most general questions about PHP:
 what it is and what it does.
   refentry id=faq.general.what
-refnameWhat is PHP ?/refname
-refpurposeWhat is PHP ?/refpurpose
+refnameWhat is PHP?/refname
+refpurposeWhat is PHP?/refpurpose
- From the ulink url=faqurl.php.manual;manual/ulink : 
+ From the ulink url=faqurl.php.manual;manual/ulink:
  PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of
  its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique
  PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to
  allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly.
-A nice introduction to PHP by Stig Sæther Bakken can be found 
-ulink url=faqurl.zend.introduction;here/ulink on the Zend
+ A nice introduction to PHP by Stig Saelig;ther Bakken can be found 
+ ulink url=faqurl.zend.introduction;here/ulink on the Zend
+ website.
   refentry id=faq.general.relation-between-versions
 refnameWhat is the relation between the versions?/refname
@@ -42,23 +43,26 @@
  PHP/FI 2.0 is an early and no longer supported version of PHP. PHP 3
  is the successor to PHP/FI 2.0 and is a lot nicer. PHP 4 is the latest
- generation of PHP, which uses the ulink url=faqurl.zend;Zend engine/ulink
- under the hood.
+ generation of PHP, which uses the ulink url=faqurl.zend;Zend
+ engine/ulink under the hood.
   refentry id=faq.general.running-concurent-versions
+refnameCan I run several versions of PHP at the same time?/refname
 refpurposeCan I run several versions of PHP at the same time?/refpurpose
-  Yes. See the filenameINSTALL/filename file that is included in the PHP 4 
-  source distribution.
+  Yes. See the filenameINSTALL/filename file that is included
+  in the PHP 4 source distribution.
   refentry id=faq.general.differences-php3-php4
 refnameWhat are the differences between PHP 3 and PHP 4?/refname
@@ -67,37 +71,39 @@
-There are ulink url=faqurl.zend.articles;a couple of articles/ulink
-written on this by the authors of PHP4. Here's a
-list of some of the more important new features:
- listitem
- simparaExtended API module./simpara
- listitem
- simparaGeneralized build process under UNIX/simpara
- listitem
- simparaGeneric web server interface that also supports multi-threaded web 
- listitem
- simparaImproved syntax highlighter/simpara
- listitem
- simparaNative HTTP session support/simpara
- listitem
- simparaOutput buffering support/simpara
- listitem
- simparaMore powerful configuration system/simpara
- listitem
- simparaReference counting/simpara
-Please see the ulink url=faqurl.zend.new;What's new in PHP4 overview/ulink 
-for a detailed explanation of these features and more.
+ There are ulink url=faqurl.zend.articles;a couple of articles/ulink
+ written on this by the authors of PHP4. Here's a list of some of
+ the more important new features:
+ itemizedlist
+  listitem
+   simparaExtended API module./simpara
+  /listitem
+  listitem
+   simparaGeneralized build process under UNIX/simpara
+  /listitem
+  listitem
+   simparaGeneric web server interface that also supports
+   multi-threaded web servers/simpara
+  /listitem
+  listitem
+   simparaImproved syntax highlighter/simpara
+  /listitem
+  listitem
+   simparaNative HTTP session support/simpara
+  /listitem
+  listitem
+   simparaOutput buffering support/simpara

Re: [PHP-DOC] Manual building

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

Hi Damien!

 Most of today's error are due to new faq section. This will settle down as
 soon as faq get on its wheel (soon, I guess).

The errors are corrected now :) The entities are in the
main phpdoc dir.


[PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

Hi Damien and the others!

I have just built the new manual with the FAQ section...
I was curious :) But the results are not really good...

Maybe refentry is not the best wat to store the faq.
It would be better to generate fewer but longer pages...

I am not saying I would like to see the FAQ on one
page (it is not soo friendly now), but now this is
too splinterd.



Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

 as far as I know DocBook supports QA sections, see:
 I think that would be the best way to do it, as it was made for this

Cool :) Seems usable.


Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Damien Seguy

on 10/07/01 12:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Derick!

 as far as I know DocBook supports QA sections, see:
That is too easy : you read the docs =D

OK, this sound MUCH better to me. Here is an updated version.
Goba : can you test this on your Jade?

Damien Seguy


 reference id=faq.general
  titleGeneral Information/title
titleabbrevGeneral Information about PHP/titleabbrev

This section holds the most general questions about PHP:
what it is and what it 

   qandaentry id=faq.general.what
 paraWhat is PHP?/para
   From the ulink url=faqurl.php.manual;manual/ulink:
 PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of
  its syntax is borrowed 
from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique
  PHP-specific features thrown in. 
The goal of the language is to
  allow web developers to write dynamically 
generated pages quickly.
  A nice introduction to PHP by 
Stig Saelig;ther Bakken can be found 
url=faqurl.zend.introduction;here/ulink on the Zend

   qandaentry id=faq.general.relation-versions
 para What is the relation between the versions ?/para
  PHP/FI 2.0 is an early and no longer 
supported version of PHP. PHP 3
  is the successor to PHP/FI 2.0 and is a lot 
nicer. PHP 4 is the latest
  generation of PHP, which uses the ulink 
  engine/ulink under the hood.

   qandaentry id=faq.general.running-concurent
 paraCan I run several versions of PHP at the same time?/para
   Yes. See the filenameINSTALL/filename 
file that is included
   in the PHP 4 source distribution.
   qandaentry id=faq.general.differences-34
 paraWhat are the differences between PHP 3 and PHP 4?/para
  There are ulink 
url=faqurl.zend.articles;a couple of articles/ulink
  written on this by the 
authors of PHP4. Here's a list of some of
  the more important new features:
simparaExtended API module./simpara
simparaGeneralized build process under 
simparaGeneric web 
server interface that also supports
multi-threaded web servers/simpara
simparaImproved syntax highlighter/simpara
simparaNative HTTP session 
buffering support/simpara
powerful configuration system/simpara
simparaReference counting/simpara
Please see the ulink url=faqurl.zend.new;What's new in
overview/ulink for a detailed explanation of these
  features and more.

 !-- Keep this 
comment at the end of the file
 Local variables:
 mode: sgml

Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread derick

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Damien Seguy wrote:

 That is too easy : you read the docs =D

That's what docs are for :)

 OK, this sound MUCH better to me. Here is an updated version.
 Goba : can you test this on your Jade?

THere are no customizations done in the StyleSheets for this, so it might
look not that good. But it can be changed later on of course.

Derick Rethans

PHP: Scripting the Web - www.php.net - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SRM: Site Resource Manager - www.vl-srm.net

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/language control-structures.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 08:29:36 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/language control-structures.xml 
  Some ugly errors corrected (eg. comment without an end,
  constant definition, do..while added to the break list, etc.)
Index: phpdoc/en/language/control-structures.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/language/control-structures.xml:1.33 
--- phpdoc/en/language/control-structures.xml:1.33  Sat Jul  7 17:27:19 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/language/control-structures.xml   Tue Jul 10 08:29:36 2001
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@
-/* foreach example 5: dynamic arrays
+/* foreach example 5: dynamic arrays */
 foreach(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as $v) {
 print $v\n;
@@ -590,8 +590,9 @@
 literalbreak/literal ends execution of the current
-literalfor/literal, literalwhile/literal,
-literalforeach/literal or literalswitch/literal structure.
+literalfor/literal, literalforeach/literal
+literalwhile/literal, literaldo..while/literal or
+literalswitch/literal structure.
 literalbreak/literal accepts an optional numeric argument
@@ -827,8 +828,8 @@
   sect1 id=control-structures.declare
-The literaldeclare/literal construct is used to is
-used to set execution directives for a block of code.
+The literaldeclare/literal construct is used to
+set execution directives for a block of code.
 The syntax of literaldeclare/literal is similiar to
 the syntax of other flow control constructs:
@@ -1278,7 +1279,7 @@
  programlisting role=php
-define(PHPVERSION, floor(phpversion()));
+define(PHPVERSION, floor(phpversion()));
 function goodTea() {
 return Oolong tea tastes good!;

Re: [PHP-DOC] Manual building

2001-07-10 Thread Luca Perugini

Hi Goba, Damien,
after an cvs update I'm getting this error on make test

nsgmls -i lang-en -s ./phpdocxml.dcl manual.xml
nsgmls:manual.xml:22:0:E: cannot open ./faqurls.ent (No such file or
nsgmls:./en/faq/general.xml:20:27:E: general entity faqurl.php.manual
not defined and no default entity


On 10 Jul 2001 12:11:32 +0200, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:
 Hi Damien!
  Most of today's error are due to new faq section. This will settle down as
  soon as faq get on its wheel (soon, I guess).
 The errors are corrected now :) The entities are in the
 main phpdoc dir.

 Ing. Luca Perugini o Linux Consultant
 Editor PHP Manual Italian language o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SysAdmin   o http://www.uisp.it
 SysAdmin   o http://www.sporty.it

Re: [PHP-DOC] Manual building

2001-07-10 Thread Luca Perugini


I've just exec this

 cvs co phpdoc/faqurls.ent

and everything it's fine now.


On 10 Jul 2001 16:11:44 +0200, Luca Perugini wrote:
 Hi Goba, Damien,
 after an cvs update I'm getting this error on make test
 nsgmls -i lang-en -s ./phpdocxml.dcl manual.xml
 nsgmls:manual.xml:22:0:E: cannot open ./faqurls.ent (No such file or
 nsgmls:./en/faq/general.xml:20:27:E: general entity faqurl.php.manual
 not defined and no default entity
 On 10 Jul 2001 12:11:32 +0200, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:
  Hi Damien!
   Most of today's error are due to new faq section. This will settle down as
   soon as faq get on its wheel (soon, I guess).
  The errors are corrected now :) The entities are in the
  main phpdoc dir.
  Ing. Luca Perugini   o Linux Consultant
  Editor PHP Manual Italian language   o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  SysAdmin o http://www.uisp.it
  SysAdmin o http://www.sporty.it

 Ing. Luca Perugini o Linux Consultant
 Editor PHP Manual Italian language o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SysAdmin   o http://www.uisp.it
 SysAdmin   o http://www.sporty.it

Re: [PHP-DOC] Manual building

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

 I've just exec this
  cvs co phpdoc/faqurls.ent
 and everything it's fine now.

Because it was not a correct update before...


Re: [PHP-DOC] Manual building

2001-07-10 Thread Luca Perugini

I think, for consistency, it's better to put this ENTITY on global.ent
insteed on faqurls.ent

What do you think?


On 10 Jul 2001 16:23:50 +0200, Luca Perugini wrote:
 I've just exec this
  cvs co phpdoc/faqurls.ent
 and everything it's fine now.
 On 10 Jul 2001 16:11:44 +0200, Luca Perugini wrote:
  Hi Goba, Damien,
  after an cvs update I'm getting this error on make test
  nsgmls -i lang-en -s ./phpdocxml.dcl manual.xml
  nsgmls:manual.xml:22:0:E: cannot open ./faqurls.ent (No such file or
  nsgmls:./en/faq/general.xml:20:27:E: general entity faqurl.php.manual
  not defined and no default entity
  On 10 Jul 2001 12:11:32 +0200, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:
   Hi Damien!
Most of today's error are due to new faq section. This will settle down as
soon as faq get on its wheel (soon, I guess).
   The errors are corrected now :) The entities are in the
   main phpdoc dir.
   Ing. Luca Perugini o Linux Consultant
   Editor PHP Manual Italian language o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   SysAdmin   o http://www.uisp.it
   SysAdmin   o http://www.sporty.it
  Ing. Luca Perugini   o Linux Consultant
  Editor PHP Manual Italian language   o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  SysAdmin o http://www.uisp.it
  SysAdmin o http://www.sporty.it

 Ing. Luca Perugini o Linux Consultant
 Editor PHP Manual Italian language o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SysAdmin   o http://www.uisp.it
 SysAdmin   o http://www.sporty.it

Re: [PHP-DOC] Manual building

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

 I think, for consistency, it's better to put this ENTITY on global.ent
 insteed on faqurls.ent
 What do you think?

It is separate, I think because it will be a big one,
with many entitities inside. A big file is hard to manage...
The faqurls.ent will grow rapidly...


Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

  as far as I know DocBook supports QA sections, see:
 That is too easy : you read the docs =D
 OK, this sound MUCH better to me. Here is an updated version.
 Goba : can you test this on your Jade?

Ehm. Erhm. You should read the docs more carefully.
qandaset is not allowed in refentry context


general.xml:12:11:E: document type does not allow element qandaset here
end tag for reference which is not finished

Please try again :)


Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

   as far as I know DocBook supports QA sections, see:
  That is too easy : you read the docs =D
  OK, this sound MUCH better to me. Here is an updated version.
  Goba : can you test this on your Jade?

 Ehm. Erhm. You should read the docs more carefully.
 qandaset is not allowed in refentry context


 general.xml:12:11:E: document type does not allow element qandaset here
 end tag for reference which is not finished

While cvs is down, I made some investigations about this subject.
The possible parent elements for qandaset are:

Appendix, Article, BiblioDiv, Bibliography, BlockQuote, Callout, Chapter,
Glossary, GlossDiv, Index, ListItem, MsgExplan, MsgText, PartIntro, Preface,
Procedure, RefSect1, RefSect2, RefSect3, RefSynopsisDiv, Sect1, Sect2,
Sect3, Sect4, Sect5, Section, SetIndex, SimpleSect, Step.

This is the list we need to choose from.


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /hu Translators /hu/language control-structures.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 09:49:39 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/hu  Translators 
/phpdoc/hu/language control-structures.xml 
  Translation updated, closing two errors in make :) There
  are four more (in install.xml and types.xml) I will correct
  them soon

Index: phpdoc/hu/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/hu/Translators:1.31 phpdoc/hu/Translators:1.32
--- phpdoc/hu/Translators:1.31  Sun Jul  8 13:05:37 2001
+++ phpdoc/hu/Translators   Tue Jul 10 09:49:38 2001
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
  language ---
 basic-syntax.xmlKontra Gergely  1.10
 constants.xml   Kontra Gergely  1.13
-control-structures.xml  Kontra Gergely  1.23  ++
+control-structures.xml  Kontra Gergely  1.34
 expressions.xml Kontra Gergely  1.8
 functions.xml   Kontra Gergely  1.13
 oop.xml Kontra Gergely  1.5   ++
Index: phpdoc/hu/language/control-structures.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/language/control-structures.xml:1.7 
--- phpdoc/hu/language/control-structures.xml:1.7   Sat Jul  7 18:24:15 2001
+++ phpdoc/hu/language/control-structures.xml   Tue Jul 10 09:49:39 2001
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
utasítások általában pontosvesszõvel végzõdnek. Ezenkívül
az utasításokat csoportosítani lehet; utasításblokkba
foglalhatók kapcsos zárójelek segítségével. Az
-   utasításblokkok maguk is  utasítások. A különféle
+   utasításblokkok maguk is utasítások. A különféle
utasítástípusokat ebben a fejezetben tárgyaljuk.
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
  programlisting role=php
-if ($a ==Menõ Manó) {
+if ($a == Menõ Manó) {
print Szervusz Menõ Manó! Rég láttalak!;
 } elseif ($a == 'Víz Elek') { #szimpla idézõjel is használható
print Üdv Víz Elek!;
@@ -158,6 +158,17 @@
   sect1 id=control-structures.alternative-syntax
titleVezérlési szerkezetek alternatív szintaxisa/title
+ simpara
+  Az alternatív szintaxis használata nem javasolt a PHP 4-ben.
+  Egyszerûen olvashatatlanabb kódot eredményez, és túl
+  komplikálttá válik a normál formával vegyítéve. Bár nincs
+  terv ennek a szintaxisnak a megszüntetésére, nem zárható ki,
+  hogy egy nap már nem fog mûködni. Mi figyelmeztettünk téged!  
+ /simpara
+   /para
+   para
 A PHP bizonyos vezérlési szerkezeteihez egy alternatív
 szintaxist is nyújt; név szerint: az
 literalif/literal, literalwhile/literal,
@@ -350,8 +361,7 @@
 Ne aggódj, ha nem érted ezt azonnal, vagy ha egyáltalán nem
 érted. Írhatsz szkripteket, sõt hatékony szkripteket ennek a
-'feature'-nek a használata nélkül is. [én például most
-láttam elõször].
+'feature'-nek a használata nélkül is.
@@ -520,10 +530,17 @@
  Szintén fontos megjegyezni, hogy a literalforeach/literal
  függvény a megadott tömb egy másolatával dolgozik, nem
  magával a tömbbel, ezért az functioneach/function-el
- ellentétben az eredeti tömb mutatója nem változik meg.
+ ellentétben az eredeti tömb mutatója nem változik meg, és
+ a tömbön végzett módosítások sem kerülnek be az eredeti tömbbe.
+   note
+ A literalforeach/literal nem támogatja a @ hiba-elnyelõ
+ operátor használatát!
+   /note
 Talán már tudod, hogy az alábbiak azonosak:
@@ -580,7 +597,7 @@
 /* harmadik foreach példa: kulcs és érték */
-$a = tomb (
+$a = array (
 egy = 1,
 kettõ = 2,
 három = 3,
@@ -590,6 +607,26 @@
 foreach ($tomb as $kulcs = $ertek) {
 print \$tomb[$kulcs] = $ertek.\n;
+/* negyedik foreach példa: többdimenziós tömb */
+$tomb[0][0] = a;
+$tomb[0][1] = b;
+$tomb[1][0] = y;
+$tomb[1][1] = z;
+foreach ($tomb as $belsotomb) {
+foreach ($belsotomb as $ertek) {
+print $ertek\n;
+/* ötödik foreach példa: dinamikus tömbök */
+foreach(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as $ertek) {
+print $ertek\n;
@@ -795,7 +832,9 @@
 Egy különleges eset a default [alapértelmezett]
-címke. Ez a címke mindennel egyezik. Például:
+címke. Ez a címke bármivel egyezik, amivel a korábbi
+literalcase/literal elemek nem egyeztek. Ennek
+kell az utolsó elemnek lennie. Például:
  programlisting role=php
@@ -847,8 +886,113 @@
+  /sect1
+  sect1 id=control-structures.declare
+   titleliteraldeclare/literal/title
+   para
+A literaldeclare/literal egy kódblokk számára
+adott futtatási direktívák beállítását teszi lehetõvé.
+A literaldeclare/literal szintaxisa hasonló a
+vezérlési szerkezetekéhez:
+ programlisting
+declare (direktíva) utasítás

[PHP-DOC] Use `make test' Was: Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/faq general.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Daniel Beckham

Yes.. please do.  I've been guilty of it in the past and I see errors fairly
often.  Everyone please remember... always do a `make test` before
committing anything to the phpdoc tree.  If you do commit incorrectly
written xml to the tree, the manual will not be generated that evening and
other contributors changes will not show up.

I'm not just singling out Damien (as I said, I've been guilty too).
Everyone please remember this.

Thank you,

Daniel Beckham

- Original Message -
From: Hojtsy Gabor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 5:07 AM
Subject: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/faq general.xml

 goba Tue Jul 10 06:07:56 2001 EDT

   Modified files:
 /phpdoc/en/faq general.xml
   XML errors corrected, OK, the english manual will
   build now with the new FAQ section. It will show
   up tomorow morning online :) Please always do make
   test before committing such new things :)

 Index: phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml
 diff -u phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.4 phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.5
 --- phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml:1.4 Tue Jul 10 05:58:47 2001
 +++ phpdoc/en/faq/general.xml Tue Jul 10 06:07:56 2001
 @@ -4,34 +4,35 @@

 -This section holds the most general questions about PHP :
 +This section holds the most general questions about PHP:
  what it is and what it does.

refentry id=faq.general.what
 -refnameWhat is PHP ?/refname
 -refpurposeWhat is PHP ?/refpurpose
 +refnameWhat is PHP?/refname
 +refpurposeWhat is PHP?/refpurpose
 - From the ulink url=faqurl.php.manual;manual/ulink :
 + From the ulink url=faqurl.php.manual;manual/ulink:
   PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of
   its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique
   PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to
   allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly.
 -A nice introduction to PHP by Stig Sæther Bakken can be found
 -ulink url=faqurl.zend.introduction;here/ulink on the Zend
 + A nice introduction to PHP by Stig Saelig;ther Bakken can be found
 + ulink url=faqurl.zend.introduction;here/ulink on the Zend
 + website.
refentry id=faq.general.relation-between-versions
  refnameWhat is the relation between the versions?/refname
 @@ -42,23 +43,26 @@
   PHP/FI 2.0 is an early and no longer supported version of PHP. PHP 3
   is the successor to PHP/FI 2.0 and is a lot nicer. PHP 4 is the
 - generation of PHP, which uses the ulink url=faqurl.zend;Zend
 - under the hood.
 + generation of PHP, which uses the ulink url=faqurl.zend;Zend
 + engine/ulink under the hood.
refentry id=faq.general.running-concurent-versions
 +refnameCan I run several versions of PHP at the same
  refpurposeCan I run several versions of PHP at the same
 -  Yes. See the filenameINSTALL/filename file that is included in
the PHP 4
 -  source distribution.
 +  Yes. See the filenameINSTALL/filename file that is included
 +  in the PHP 4 source distribution.
refentry id=faq.general.differences-php3-php4
  refnameWhat are the differences between PHP 3 and PHP 4?/refname
 @@ -67,37 +71,39 @@
 -There are ulink url=faqurl.zend.articles;a couple of
 -written on this by the authors of PHP4. Here's a
 -list of some of the more important new features:
 - listitem
 -   simparaExtended API module./simpara
 - /listitem
 - listitem
 -   simparaGeneralized build process under UNIX/simpara
 - /listitem
 - listitem
 -   simparaGeneric web server interface that also supports
multi-threaded web servers/simpara
 - /listitem
 - listitem
 -   simparaImproved syntax highlighter/simpara
 - /listitem
 - listitem
 -   simparaNative HTTP session support/simpara
 - /listitem
 - listitem
 -   simparaOutput buffering support/simpara
 - /listitem
 - listitem
 -   simparaMore powerful configuration system/simpara
 - /listitem
 - listitem
 -   simparaReference counting/simpara
 - /listitem
 -Please see the ulink url=faqurl.zend.new;What's new in PHP4
 -for a detailed explanation of these features and more.
 + There are ulink url=faqurl.zend.articles;a couple of
 + written on this by the authors of PHP4. Here's a list of some of

Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Daniel Beckham

Yes, that was part of my reasoning before.. also, the refentry blocks need
a lot of extraneous tags and such that aren't necessary for a faq.  i.e.
Damien had to put a refname tag in his refnamediv block so that he would
conform to the DTD, but it's just duplicated information.


- Original Message -
From: Hojtsy Gabor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 5:32 AM
Subject: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

 Hi Damien and the others!

 I have just built the new manual with the FAQ section...
 I was curious :) But the results are not really good...

 Maybe refentry is not the best wat to store the faq.
 It would be better to generate fewer but longer pages...

 I am not saying I would like to see the FAQ on one
 page (it is not soo friendly now), but now this is
 too splinterd.


Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Daniel Beckham

Damien, you may consider getting openjade and docbook setup on your system.
It's not very hard at all and you can do all sorts of testing and such with
the phpdoc tree.


- Original Message -
From: Hojtsy Gabor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 6:41 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

   as far as I know DocBook supports QA sections, see:
  That is too easy : you read the docs =D
  OK, this sound MUCH better to me. Here is an updated version.
  Goba : can you test this on your Jade?

 Ehm. Erhm. You should read the docs more carefully.
 qandaset is not allowed in refentry context


 general.xml:12:11:E: document type does not allow element qandaset here
 end tag for reference which is not finished

 Please try again :)


[PHP-DOC] Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug #12011 Updated: Safe_mode poor documentation

2001-07-10 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

If you go to conf.php.net/linuxtag and go to slide 31 you can use that
slide as a starting point for documenting safe mode.  If someone uses that
to set up the framework for the safemode docs, I'll fill in the blanks.


On 10 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ID: 12011
 Updated by: goba
 Status: Bogus
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System:
 PHP Version: 4.0.6
 New Comment:

 OK, but the suggestion is good IMHO :)

 Previous Comments:

 [2001-07-10 10:25:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Invalid e-mail address


 [2001-07-10 10:23:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It will be great to describe exactly what safe_mode does. I have been no able to 
find it anywhere in the documentation.

 Thank you in advance


 ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email!
 To reply, use the web interface found at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12011edit=1


2001-07-10 Thread COFOR

Jacarilla 8.7.2001.Publicidad/Enseñanza a Distancia 
  Hola que tal:
  El motivo de la presente carta es informarte de la posibilidad de poder 
realizar algún curso a distancia de tu interés, cursos relacionados con tu 
trabajo inquietudes  y ocio.ect.El conocimiento es el mayor patrimonio de 
que podemos disponer.
  Nos dedicamos desde 1996.a impartir cursos a distancia disponemos 
de una amplia variedad de cursos sencillos  para poder seguirlos 
comodamente desde cualquier parte del mundo y a unos precios muy 

Comercio Electrónico
Redes y Sistemas
Sistemas Servers
Diseño Web
Direccion Empresa Net
Management  Business

Gestor Comercial y Marketing
Marketing Mix 
Relaciones Publicas
Dirección Planificación de Empresa
Recursos Humanos
Comercio Exterior
Direccion Comercial
Gestión Medio Ambiental
Control de Calidad
 Management  Bussines
Dirección de Restaurantes
Superación de Estrés
Dietética y Nutrición
Dieta Mediterránea 
Nutrí terapia y Salud
Nutrición y Deporte
Cocina Sana
Monitor Aeróbic-Fittnes
Monitor Yoga Tai-Chi
Quiromasaje y Reflexoterapia
Cosmética Natural
Hierbas Medicinales
Balnoterapia y Salud
Los cursos  son de 200.horas lectivas el precio standar por curso es de 
35.000.pts.España a plazos.Iberoamerica 150.usa dolar aplazados.
El Diploma:
 Técnico Especialista
 El tiempo aproximado por curso dependiendo de los conocimientos en 
areas similares de que se disponga,es entre 2-6.meses.aprox.
Si desean que les ampliemos información pueden enviar un e-mail les 
contestaremos con la mayor brevedad y les indicaremos nuestro espacio 
web que se encuentra en reformas.
Envie e-mail:
Sin otra que rogarte me envies un e-mail si estas interesado/a
Te enviamos un saludo.
 Merce Sanchez 
Gestión Integral 1.S.L
 C/ Virgen de Belén, 30
 03310 Jacarilla  (Alicante)ESPAÑA
Si desea no recibir mas  e-mail.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /hu Translators /hu/language types.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

gobaTue Jul 10 12:12:12 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/hu  Translators 
/phpdoc/hu/language types.xml 
  Partially updated, still wont build...
  The diff between our translated 1.16 and
  the current 1.35 is 1800 lines :(( 
  I am currently at line 457. More to
  come, but not today...

Index: phpdoc/hu/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/hu/Translators:1.32 phpdoc/hu/Translators:1.33
--- phpdoc/hu/Translators:1.32  Tue Jul 10 09:49:38 2001
+++ phpdoc/hu/Translators   Tue Jul 10 12:12:11 2001
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
 oop.xml Kontra Gergely  1.5   ++
 operators.xml   Kontra Gergely  1.22
 references.xml  Kontra Gergely  [undrcon]
-types.xml   Kontra Gergely  1.16  ++
+types.xml   Kontra Gergely  1.16  ++  (partially updated)
 variables.xml   Kontra Gergely  1.15
  pear ---
Index: phpdoc/hu/language/types.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/language/types.xml:1.6 phpdoc/hu/language/types.xml:1.7
--- phpdoc/hu/language/types.xml:1.6Fri Jan 26 13:10:52 2001
+++ phpdoc/hu/language/types.xmlTue Jul 10 12:12:12 2001
@@ -1,41 +1,97 @@
  chapter id=language.types
-  para
-   A PHP a következõ típusokat támogatja:
+  sect1 id=language.types.intro
+  titleBevezetõ/title
+  simpara
+   A PHP nyolc primitív típust támogat.
+  /simpara
+   para
+   A négy skalár típus:
-  link linkend=language.types.arraytömb/link
+  link linkend=language.types.booleanboolean (logikai)/link
-  link linkend=language.types.doublelebegõpontos szám
-  /link
+  link linkend=language.types.integerinteger (egész szám)/link
- simpara
-  link linkend=language.types.integeregész/link
+ listitem
+  simpara
+  link linkend=language.types.doublefloating-point number
+  (double, float, lebegõpontos szám)/link
-  link linkend=language.types.objectobjektum/link
+  link linkend=language.types.stringstring (karakterlánc,
+  karaktersorozat)/link
+   /itemizedlist
+   A két összetett típus:
+   itemizedlist
-  link linkend=language.types.stringstring/link
+  link linkend=language.types.arrayarray (tömb)/link
+  /simpara
+ /listitem
+ listitem
+  simpara
+   link linkend=language.types.objectobject (objektum)/link
+  /simpara
+ /listitem
+   /itemizedlist
+   Végül két speciális típus:
+   itemizedlist
+ listitem
+  simpara
+  link linkend=language.types.resourceresource (erõforrás)/link
+  /simpara
+ /listitem
+ simpara
+  link linkend=language.types.nullnull;/link
+  note
+   simpara
+Ebben a kézikönyvben gyakran találkozhatsz
+literalmixed/literal paraméterekkel is. 
+Ez a kvázi-típus csak a dokumentációkban létezik,
+annak jelölésére szolgál, hogy többféle lehetõség
+adott arra a paraméterre.
+   /simpara
+  /note
-   A változó típusát rendszerint nem a programozó határozza meg
-   [na azért van beleszólása...], hanem, a PHP futási idõben határozza
-   meg a változó környezetétõl függõen.
+   A változó típusát rendszerint nem a programozó adja meg
+   [na azért van beleszólása...], hanem a PHP futási idõben
+   határozza meg a változó környezetétõl függõen.
Ha egy változó típusát egy adott típusra kell konvertálnunk, 
@@ -51,22 +107,305 @@
a típusokkal/link címû részt.
-  sect1 id=language.types.integer
-   titleEgészek/title
-   para
-Egészeket az alábbi szintaxis bármelyikét használva hozhatunk létre:
- programlisting role=php
-$a = 1234; # decimális szám
-$a = -123; # egy negatív szám
-$a = 0123; # oktális szám (egyenértékû 83 decimálissal)
-$a = 0x12; # hexadecimális szám (egyenértékû 18 decimálissal)
- /programlisting
-Az egész számok mérete platformfüggõ, de a maximális
-érték szokásosan 2 billió (32 bites elõjeles egész).
-   /para
+  sect1 id=language.types.boolean
+   titleLogikai adattípus/title
+ Ez a legegyszerûbb típus. Egy typeboolean/type
+ igazságértéket fejez ki. Lehet vagy true; (igaz),
+ vagy false; (hamis). 
+ simpara
+  A logikai adattípus a PHP 4-esben került bevezetésre.
+ /simpara
+sect2 id=language.types.boolean.syntax
+ titleSzintaxis/title
+ para
+  Egy logikai érték megadásához használhatod a true; 
+  vagy false; szavakat, szükség szerint. Egyik 

Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

 I defenitly need a Jade/docbook somewhere

Yes, yes :)

  Appendix, Article, BiblioDiv, Bibliography, BlockQuote, Callout,
  Glossary, GlossDiv, Index, ListItem, MsgExplan, MsgText, PartIntro,
  Procedure, RefSect1, RefSect2, RefSect3, RefSynopsisDiv, Sect1, Sect2,
  Sect3, Sect4, Sect5, Section, SetIndex, SimpleSect, Step.

 I suggest chapter as best fit. This will make FAQ look like
 'language/chapters' files. This is no appendix, nor section.

 What about you?

Chapter seems ok now, but this should be discussed on the list.
So crossposted to the list.


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /it Translators

2001-07-10 Thread Luca Perugini

peruginiTue Jul 10 14:09:46 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/it  Translators 
  Added FAQ section.
Index: phpdoc/it/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/it/Translators:1.28 phpdoc/it/Translators:1.29
--- phpdoc/it/Translators:1.28  Tue Jul 10 04:19:22 2001
+++ phpdoc/it/Translators   Tue Jul 10 14:09:46 2001
@@ -158,4 +158,7 @@
+--- faq 

[PHP-DOC] Fw: constant.xml : clarifying

2001-07-10 Thread Jeroen van Wolffelaar

- Original Message - 
From: Jeroen van Wolffelaar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Damien Seguy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: constant.xml : clarifying

 What I wanted to say (should be rewritten anyway, if even the phpdoc-ppl
 don't understand me... :):
 $var = 'E_ERROR';
 $value_of_e_error = constant($var);
 I really can't think of any use of it (also not at that time), but _if_
 someone wan't to reference variable constants, it is _possible_. (it's
 always possible via eval()  co, but anyway).
 - Original Message -
 From: Damien Seguy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: php.doc
 Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 8:39 AM
 Subject: constant.xml : clarifying
  I ran into this sentence :
  You can also use the functionconstant/function-function, for
  example if the name of the constant is variable.
  which I couldn't understand.
  I think Jeroen wrote this : can you give me a hint?
  Best regards,
  Damien Seguy

[PHP-DOC] Re: phpdoc /fr/functions array.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Jeroen van Wolffelaar

 -retourne varnamenull;/varname.
 +retourne literalNULL/literal.

Make it simply null;, than it's okay. (if you're talking about the _value_
null, not the type)
In the entities you can specify how it should be rendered (hey, it shouldn't
be in the language-snippets anyway... it's not language-dependent)


[PHP-DOC] Re: phpdoc / faqurls.ent

2001-07-10 Thread Jeroen van Wolffelaar

   Ooops. faq. prefix is reserved for chapters.ent Use faqurl. prefix

What I'm wondering, why not simply use the files there are already?

It are just urls... add a comment to the section where the urls only used in
the FAQ begin, and it's okay, IMO...


Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Jeroen van Wolffelaar

 While cvs is down, I made some investigations about this subject.
 The possible parent elements for qandaset are:

 Appendix, Article, BiblioDiv, Bibliography, BlockQuote, Callout, Chapter,
 Glossary, GlossDiv, Index, ListItem, MsgExplan, MsgText, PartIntro,
 Procedure, RefSect1, RefSect2, RefSect3, RefSynopsisDiv, Sect1, Sect2,
 Sect3, Sect4, Sect5, Section, SetIndex, SimpleSect, Step.

 This is the list we need to choose from.

I think it should be sect1, since it is chapter, not a reference thing.
(from a 'meaning' viewpoint).

Also, I think the FAQ should come on one of these places:

Install etc

And not after the functions. I think [1] fits best.


Re: [PHP-DOC] faqfiles [refentry is not so good]

2001-07-10 Thread Jeroen van Wolffelaar

 Damien, you may consider getting openjade and docbook setup on your
 It's not very hard at all and you can do all sorts of testing and such
 the phpdoc tree.

Indeed, with the current README.win32 it is really a plug and play think, if
you do what they say, it works immediately.

I would also like it to be the same for linux, but I haven't been able to
get it running there... (install jade, install this, install that... and I
don't have root :( )



[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / manual.xml.in /en/features safe-mode.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Jeroen van Wolffelaar

jeroen  Tue Jul 10 16:33:01 2001 EDT

  Added files: 
/phpdoc/en/features safe-mode.xml 

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc manual.xml.in 
  Quick and dirty xml-ation of the safe-mode sheet by Rasmus.
  Doesn't build because of FAQ :(
Index: phpdoc/manual.xml.in
diff -u phpdoc/manual.xml.in:1.72 phpdoc/manual.xml.in:1.73
--- phpdoc/manual.xml.in:1.72   Tue Jul 10 05:56:07 2001
+++ phpdoc/manual.xml.inTue Jul 10 16:33:01 2001
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@
+  features.safe-mode;
  part id=funcref

Index: phpdoc/en/features/safe-mode.xml
+++ phpdoc/en/features/safe-mode.xml
 chapter id=features.safe-mode
  titleSafe mode/title

   Safe Mode is an attempt to solve the shared-server security problem. It is
   architecturally incorrect to try to solve this problem at the PHP level, 
   but since the alternatives at the web server and OS levels aren't very 
   realistic, many people, especially ISP's, use safe mode for now. 
   The configuration directives that control safe mode are: 
   programlisting role=ini
safe_mode = Off 
open_basedir = 
safe_mode_exec_dir = 
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_ 
safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
disable_functions = 
   When safe_mode is on, PHP checks to see if the owner of the current script 
   matches the owner of the file to be operated on by a file function. For 
-rw-rw-r--1 rasmus   rasmus   33 Jul  1 19:20 script.php 
-rw-r--r--1 root root   1116 May 26 18:01 /etc/passwd 
   Running this script.php 
   programlisting role=php
   results in this error when safe mode is enabled: 
Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 500 is not 
allowed to access /etc/passwd owned by uid 0 in /docroot/script.php on line 2
   If instead of safe_mode, you set an open_basedir directory then all file 
   operations will be limited to files under the specified directory. For 
   example (Apache httpd.ini example): 
   programlisting role=ini
lt;Directory /docrootgt; 
php_admin_value open_basedir /docroot 
   If you run the same script.php with this open_basedir setting then this is 
   the result: 
Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in 
/docroot/script.php on line 2 
   You can also disable individual functions. If we add this to our php.ini 
   programlisting role=ini
disable_functions readfile,system  
   Then we get this output: 
Warning: readfile() has been disabled for security reasons in /docroot/script.php on 
line 2 

!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables:
mode: sgml

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /it/faq general.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Simone Cortesi

cortesi Tue Jul 10 19:17:22 2001 EDT

  Added files: 
/phpdoc/it/faq  general.xml 
  initial import into CVS and translation

Index: phpdoc/it/faq/general.xml
+++ phpdoc/it/faq/general.xml
 reference id=faq.general
  titleInformazioni Generali/title
  titleabbrevInformazioni Generali sul PHP/titleabbrev

Questa sezione contiene le domande piugrave; generali riguardanti il PHP:
cos'egrave; e cosa fa.

  refentry id=faq.general.what
refnameCos'egrave; il PHP?/refname
refpurposeCos'egrave; il PHP?/refpurpose
 Dal ulink url=faqurl.php.manual;manuale/ulink:
 PHP egrave; un linguaggio di script immerso nel HTML. Molta della sua sintassi
 egrave; presa in prestito dai linguaggi C, Java e Perl, a cui sono state 
aggiunte alcune 
 specifiche caratteristiche del PHP. L'obiettivo del linguaggio egrave; di 
 semplificare il lavoro dei webmaster nella realizzazione di pagine  
 Una buona introduzione al PHP, a cura di Stig Saelig;ther Bakken, puograve; 
essere trovata
 ulink url=faqurl.zend.introduction;qui/ulink sul sito
 web di Zend.

  refentry id=faq.general.relation-between-versions
refnameQual'egrave; la relazione fra le varie versioni?/refname
refpurposeQual'egrave; la relazione fra le varie versioni?/refpurpose
 PHP/FI 2.0 egrave; una vecchia versione di PHP non piugrave; supportata. PHP 3
 egrave; il successore di PHP/FI 2.0 ed egrave; molto piugrave; gradevole. PHP 
4 egrave; l'ultima
 generazione di PHP, che al suo interno fa uso del ulink 

  refentry id=faq.general.running-concurent-versions
refnameSi possono avere in esecuzione contemporaneamente diverse versioni di 
refpurposeSi possono avere in esecuzione contemporaneamente diverse versioni di 
  Sigrave;. Fare riferimento al file filenameINSTALL/filename incluso nella
  distribuzione comprendente il codice sorgente di PHP 4.

  refentry id=faq.general.differences-php3-php4
refnameQuali sono le differenze fra PHP 3 e PHP 4?/refname
refpurposeQuali sono le differenze fra PHP 3 e PHP 4?/refpurpose
 Sono disponibili ulink url=faqurl.zend.articles;un paio di articoli/ulink
 scritti dagli autori stessi di PHP 4. Questa egrave; una lista di alcune
 delle piugrave; importanti nuove caratteristiche:
   simparaModulo API esteso/simpara
   simparaSotto UNIX, processo di compilazione generalizzato/simpara
   simparaInterfaccia generica verso i web server, anche verso quelli che 
   il multi-threading/simpara
   simparaMigliore evidenziatore di sintassi/simpara
   simparaSupporto nativo per le sessioni HTTP/simpara
   simparaSupporto per il buffering dell'output/simpara
   simparaSistema di configurazione piugrave; potente/simpara
   simparaReference counting/simpara
 Per favore fare riferimento a ulink url=faqurl.zend.new;panoramica delle 
novitagrave; in
 PHP 4/ulink per una esposizione dettagliata di queste nuove
 caratteristiche e altro ancora.

 !-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
 Local variables:
 mode: sgml

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: phpdoc / faqurls.ent

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

Ooops. faq. prefix is reserved for chapters.ent Use faqurl. prefix

 What I'm wondering, why not simply use the files there are already?

 It are just urls... add a comment to the section where the urls only used
 the FAQ begin, and it's okay, IMO...

As I said before, the faqurls.ent will be a large file, and
IMHO we should not merge them with global.ent, as they are
not global...


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: phpdoc /hu Translators /hu/language types.xml

2001-07-10 Thread Hojtsy Gabor

Modified files:
  /phpdoc/hu Translators
  /phpdoc/hu/language types.xml
Partially updated, still wont build...
The diff between our translated 1.16 and
the current 1.35 is 1800 lines

I am currently at line 457. More to
come, but not today...

 :) that was me...

 Even 'worse': I'm not finished with that file. I still need to update
 double, null, and type-juggling. So maybe you could better skip them for
 (though they haven't really changed - are probably already translated...)

 The file was just very outdated... and a bit vague too.

The hu source wont build if if wont translate things here. So
please don't stop me doing this I don't want to just copy-paste
the english version here, because it won't help the hungarian people.
So this will  be updated this week, and I won't stop doing it :))


[PHP-DOC] Bug #12011 Updated: Safe_mode poor documentation

2001-07-10 Thread jeroen

ID: 12011
Updated by: jeroen
Old Status: Open
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: 
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: jeroen
New Comment:


Well, you'll need to wait for www.php.net to get updated, but when the date is later 
than today, it is in the docs.

Still missing: a list of restricted functions. Working on that.

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-10 14:59:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So reopening, I'll take a look at it. This is a true suggestion...

Rasmus wrote:
If you go to conf.php.net/linuxtag and go to slide 31 you can use that
slide as a starting point for documenting safe mode.  If someone uses that
to set up the framework for the safemode docs, I'll fill in the blanks.


[2001-07-10 10:27:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, but the suggestion is good IMHO :)

[2001-07-10 10:25:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Invalid e-mail address

[2001-07-10 10:23:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It will be great to describe exactly what safe_mode does. I have been no able to find 
it anywhere in the documentation.

Thank you in advance

ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email!
To reply, use the web interface found at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12011edit=1

[PHP-DOC] Bug #7888 Updated: decrement syntax should be -- instead of -

2001-07-10 Thread jeroen

ID: 7888
Updated by: jeroen
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: NT  win98 using apache (phptria
PHP Version: 4.0.2
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

Resurfacing... I also once saw something like  being rendered strangely in PDF.

Previous Comments:

[2000-11-20 12:00:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

but it _is_ a documentation problem, even if it only affects part of the output 
formats (it should be visible in the postscript version too)

so let's do not close it until it is solved

[2000-11-20 11:14:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Forwarded to the doc group, it's only a mistake in the pdf version of tha manual.

[2000-11-20 07:41:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i guess it is in the PDF version?

it is a known problem (at least to me ) that the
TeX backend converts a '--' into a 'long -'

[2000-11-20 06:27:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Where exactly in the manual do you find this? I couldn't find it.

[2000-11-20 06:23:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's a typo in the manual. Fixing it now.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email!
To reply, use the web interface found at http://bugs.php.net/?id=7888edit=1