[PHP-DOC] German Translators

2001-08-03 Thread Friedhelm Betz

actually I'm translating openssl. This function maybe not very
interesting compared to mysql. So I think, it makes more sense to do
some work on mysql to get this function updated in the german translation.
Uwe Steinmann is assigned to mysql, but I don't know if he's going on
to work on that function. I would like to stop the work on openssl and
update the mysql.

[PHP-DOC] Messevorbereitung - Übersetzungen

2001-08-03 Thread Die Übersetzer

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RE: [PHP-DOC] Looking for Win32 build/compile documentation

2001-08-03 Thread Hojtsy Gbor
Title: RE: [PHP-DOC] Looking for Win32 build/compile documentation

I'm looking for documentation about building/compiling PHP4 
and extensions on the Win32 platform. I have searched the
PHP site extensively, plus I've looked for any third-party
docs that might help, but none appear to exist.
If someone has this info, please send it to me.

So you are looking for windows installation instructions.
What should you try? This page:

 http://php.net/install-windows :))

contains information about building and compiling too.


[PHP-DOC] Looking for Win32 build/compile documentation

2001-08-03 Thread Aaron Pavely

I'm looking for documentation about building/compiling PHP4 and extensions
on the Win32 platform.  I have searched the PHP site extensively, plus I've
looked for any third-party docs that might help, but none appear to exist.
If someone has this info, please send it to me.

- Aaron

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions fbsql.xml

2001-08-03 Thread Frank M. Kromann

fmk Fri Aug  3 13:06:20 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Removed experimental warning
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/fbsql.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/fbsql.xml:1.16 phpdoc/en/functions/fbsql.xml:1.17
--- phpdoc/en/functions/fbsql.xml:1.16  Thu Aug  2 13:36:55 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/fbsql.xml   Fri Aug  3 13:06:20 2001
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-!-- $Revision: 1.16 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.17 $ --
  reference id=ref.fbsql
   titleFrontBase functions/title
-   warn.experimental;
 These functions allow you to access FrontBase database servers. In
 order to have these functions available, you must compile php

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions pgsql.xml

2001-08-03 Thread Jeroen van Wolffelaar

jeroen  Fri Aug  3 15:24:40 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Resurrected pgsql, hopefully not reserved anymore

Index: phpdoc/en/functions/pgsql.xml
diff -u /dev/null phpdoc/en/functions/pgsql.xml:1.42
--- /dev/null   Fri Aug  3 15:24:40 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/pgsql.xml   Fri Aug  3 15:24:40 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,1458 @@
+!-- $Revision: 1.42 $ --
+ reference id=ref.pgsql
+  titlePostgreSQL functions/title
+  titleabbrevPostgreSQL/titleabbrev
+  partintro
+   para
+Postgres, developed originally in the UC Berkeley Computer Science 
+Department, pioneered many of the object-relational concepts now
+becoming available in some commercial databases.  It provides
+SQL92/SQL3 language support, transaction integrity, and type
+extensibility.  PostgreSQL is an open source descendant of this
+original Berkeley code.
+   /para
+   para
+PostgreSQL is available without cost. The current version is
+available at ulink url=url.pgsql;www.PostgreSQL.org/ulink.
+   /para
+   para
+Since version 6.3 (03/02/1998) PostgreSQL uses unix domain sockets.
+A table is shown below describing these new connection possibilities.
+This socket will be found in filename/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432/filename.
+This option can be enabled with the '-i' flag to commandpostmaster
+/command and it's meaning is: listen on TCP/IP sockets as well as
+Unix domain sockets.
+ titlePostmaster and PHP/title
+ tgroup cols=3
+  thead
+   row
+   entryPostmaster/entry
+   entryPHP/entry
+   entryStatus/entry
+   /row
+  /thead
+  tbody
+   row
+   entrypostmaster amp;/entry
+   entrypg_connect(dbname=MyDbName);/entry
+   entryOK/entry
+   /row
+   row
+   entrypostmaster -i amp;/entry
+!--   entrypg_connect(, , , , dbname);/entry --
+   entrypg_connect(dbname=MyDbName);/entry
+   entryOK/entry
+   /row
+   row
+   entrypostmaster amp;/entry
+   entrypg_connect(host=localhost dbname=MyDbName);/entry
+   entry
+Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: connectDB() failed:
+Is the postmaster running and accepting TCP/IP (with -i)
+connection at 'localhost' on port '5432'? in
+/path/to/file.php3 on line 20.
+   /entry
+   /row
+   row
+   entrypostmaster -i amp;/entry
+   entrypg_connect(host=localhost dbname=MyDbName);/entry
+   entryOK/entry
+   /row
+  /tbody
+ /tgroup
+   /para
+   para
+One can establish a connection with the following value pairs
+set in the command string:
+command$conn = pg_Connect(host=myHost port=myPort tty=myTTY
+options=myOptions dbname=myDB user=myUser password=myPassword );
+   /para
+   para
+The previous syntax of:
+command$conn = pg_connect (host, port, options, tty,
+has been deprecated.
+   /para
+   para
+To use the large object (lo) interface, it is necessary to enclose
+it within a transaction block. A transaction block starts with a
+commandbegin/command and if the transaction was valid ends
+with commandcommit/command or commandend/command.  If the
+transaction fails the transaction should be closed with
+commandrollback/command or commandabort/command.
+ titleUsing Large Objects/title
+ programlisting role=php
+$database = pg_Connect (dbname=jacarta);
+pg_exec ($database, begin);
+$oid = pg_locreate ($database);
+echo ($oid\n);
+$handle = pg_loopen ($database, $oid, w);
+echo ($handle\n);
+pg_lowrite ($handle, gaga);
+pg_loclose ($handle);
+pg_exec ($database, commit);
+ /programlisting
+   /para
+  /partintro
+  refentry id=function.pg-close
+   refnamediv
+refpurposeClose a PostgreSQL connection/refpurpose
+   /refnamediv
+   refsect1
+ funcprototype
+  funcdefbool functionpg_close/function/funcdef
+  paramdefint parameterconnection/parameter/paramdef
+ /funcprototype
+ Returns false; if connection is not a valid connection index, true;
+ otherwise.  Closes down the connection to a PostgreSQL database
+ associated with the given connection index.
+ This isn't usually necessary, as non-persistent open
+ links are automatically closed at the end of the script's
+ execution.
+ functionpg_close/function will not close persistent links
+ generated by functionpg_pconnect/function.
+   /refsect1
+  /refentry
+  refentry id=function.pg-cmdtuples
+   refnamediv
+refpurposeReturns number of affected tuples/refpurpose
+   /refnamediv
+   refsect1