Hi all,

My name is Moacir de Oliveira, i am a undergraduate Computer Engineering
student in Brazil.
This is my first GSoC and i'm working in a PHP project called PhD[1].

Phd is the software that renders the DocBook based documentation of both PHP
and PEAR Manual.

In this summer, i'm going to do a Plugin System to PhD. The idea is simplify
the creation
of new themes, and make PhD generic enough to be useful for non-php.netprojects.
After, i'm planning to do some examples of theme package, for example the
book Producing
Open Source Software[2], or DocBook 5.0: The Definitive Guide[3].

Another example of theme would render the funcindex.xml file from the PHP
documentation source.[4]

I'm waiting for comments.

I will post my progress here:


[1] - http://wiki.php.net/doc/phd
[2] - http://producingoss.com/
[3] - http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/
[4] - http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47651

Moacir de Oliveira

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