[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2013-09-19 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Thu Sep 19 08:06:37 BST 2013 Starting en
===> Thu Sep 19 08:06:37 BST 2013 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 330577 2013-06-20 23:22:04Z bjori $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element listitem content does not follow the DTD, expecting (itemizedlist |
 orderedlist | procedure | simplelist | variablelist | segmentedlist | glosslist
 | bibliolist | calloutlist | qandaset | caution | important | note | tip |
 warning | example | figure | table | equation | informalexample | 
 | informaltable | informalequation | sidebar | blockquote | address | epigraph 
 mediaobject | screenshot | task | productionset | constraintdef | msgset |
 programlisting | screen | literallayout | synopsis | programlistingco | 
 | cmdsynopsis | funcsynopsis | classsynopsis | methodsynopsis |
 constructorsynopsis | destructorsynopsis | fieldsynopsis | bridgehead | remark 
 revhistory | indexterm | anchor | para | formalpara | simpara | annotation)+,
 got (parameter CDATA)
 Element listitem content does not follow the DTD, expecting (itemizedlist |
 orderedlist | procedure | simplelist | variablelist | segmentedlist | glosslist
 | bibliolist | calloutlist | qandaset | caution | important | note | tip |
 warning | example | figure | table | equation | informalexample | 
 | informaltable | informalequation | sidebar | blockquote | address | epigraph 
 mediaobject | screenshot | task | productionset | constraintdef | msgset |
 programlisting | screen | literallayout | synopsis | programlistingco | 
 | cmdsynopsis | funcsynopsis | classsynopsis | methodsynopsis |
 constructorsynopsis | destructorsynopsis | fieldsynopsis | bridgehead | remark 
 revhistory | indexterm | anchor | para | formalpara | simpara | annotation)+,
 got (parameter CDATA)
 Element listitem content does not follow the DTD, expecting (itemizedlist |
 orderedlist | procedure | simplelist | variablelist | segmentedlist | glosslist
 | bibliolist | calloutlist | qandaset | caution | important | note | tip |
 warning | example | figure | table | equation | informalexample | 
 | informaltable | informalequation | sidebar | blockquote | address | epigraph 
 mediaobject | screenshot | task | productionset | constraintdef | msgset |
 programlisting | screen | literallayout | synopsis | programlistingco | 
 | cmdsynopsis | funcsynopsis | classsynopsis | methodsynopsis |
 constructorsynopsis | destructorsynopsis | fieldsynopsis | bridgehead | remark 
 revhistory | indexterm | anchor | para | formalpara | simpara | annotation)+,
 got (parameter CDATA classname CDATA)

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2013-06-21 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Fri Jun 21 12:06:20 BST 2013 Starting en
===> Fri Jun 21 12:06:20 BST 2013 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 330577 2013-06-20 23:22:04Z bjori $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element para is not declared in para list of possible children

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2013-05-20 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue May 21 00:06:28 BST 2013 Starting en
===> Tue May 21 00:06:28 BST 2013 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 328371 2012-11-15 22:48:10Z philip $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... failed.

ERROR (file:local/src/phpdoc-all/en/language/wrappers/file.xml:26:19)
 Entity 'reftitle.usage' not defined

Previous errors too severe. Stopping here.

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2013-04-26 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Fri Apr 26 12:08:09 BST 2013 Starting en
===> Fri Apr 26 12:08:09 BST 2013 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 328371 2012-11-15 22:48:10Z philip $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element table content does not follow the DTD, expecting ((info? , (title ,
 titleabbrev?) , indexterm* , textobject* , (mediaobject+ | tgroup+)) | (caption
 , (col* | colgroup*) , thead? , tfoot? , (tbody+ | tr+))), got (title thead
 tbody )

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2013-03-26 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Mar 26 12:06:19 GMT 2013 Starting en
===> Tue Mar 26 12:06:19 GMT 2013 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 328371 2012-11-15 22:48:10Z philip $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... failed.

ERROR (file:local/src/phpdoc-all/en/reference/pthreads/setup.xml:16:42)
 Entity 'reference.pthreads.entities.configure' not defined

Previous errors too severe. Stopping here.

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2013-03-05 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Mar  5 20:11:20 GMT 2013 Starting en
===> Tue Mar  5 20:11:20 GMT 2013 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 328371 2012-11-15 22:48:10Z philip $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element refsect1 content does not follow the DTD, expecting (((title |
 titleabbrev | subtitle)* , info?) , (((itemizedlist | orderedlist | procedure |
 simplelist | variablelist | segmentedlist | glosslist | bibliolist | 
 | qandaset | caution | important | note | tip | warning | example | figure |
 table | equation | informalexample | informalfigure | informaltable |
 informalequation | sidebar | blockquote | address | epigraph | mediaobject |
 screenshot | task | productionset | constraintdef | msgset | programlisting |
 screen | literallayout | synopsis | programlistingco | screenco | cmdsynopsis |
 funcsynopsis | classsynopsis | methodsynopsis | constructorsynopsis |
 destructorsynopsis | fieldsynopsis | bridgehead | remark | revhistory |
 indexterm | anchor | para | formalpara | simpara | annotation)+ , refsect2*) |
 refsect2*)), got (title function CDATA)

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-12-20 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Thu Dec 20 08:06:20 GMT 2012 Starting en
===> Thu Dec 20 08:06:20 GMT 2012 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 328371 2012-11-15 22:48:10Z philip $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "book.x-commerce"
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "book.x-commerce"
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "book.x-commerce"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-11-28 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Nov 28 20:06:28 GMT 2012 Starting en
===> Wed Nov 28 20:06:28 GMT 2012 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 328371 2012-11-15 22:48:10Z philip $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml...  Namespace default prefix was not found
 Namespace default prefix was not found
 Namespace default prefix was not found
 Namespace default prefix was not found
 Namespace default prefix was not found
 Namespace default prefix was not found

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element varname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element literal namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element varname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element literal namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element varname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element literal namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element varname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element literal namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element varname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element literal namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element varname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element literal namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classname namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element para namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD
 Element classna

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-10-27 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Sat Oct 27 20:18:17 BST 2012 Starting en
===> Sat Oct 27 20:18:17 BST 2012 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... failed.

ERROR (file:local/src/phpdoc-all/en/reference/pthreads/book.xml:17:29)
 Entity 'reference.pthreads.worker' not defined

Previous errors too severe. Stopping here.

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-09-21 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Fri Sep 21 16:08:52 BST 2012 Starting en
===> Fri Sep 21 16:08:52 BST 2012 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element className is not declared in para list of possible children
 No declaration for element className

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-09-21 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Fri Sep 21 12:09:32 BST 2012 Starting en
===> Fri Sep 21 12:09:32 BST 2012 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element className is not declared in para list of possible children
 No declaration for element className

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-09-05 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Sep  5 16:05:13 BST 2012 Starting en
===> Wed Sep  5 16:05:13 BST 2012 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... failed.

 Entity 'xslt.parameter.xh' not defined

Previous errors too severe. Stopping here.

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-08-06 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Mon Aug  6 08:04:45 BST 2012 Starting en
===> Mon Aug  6 08:04:45 BST 2012 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... failed.

 Entity 'reference.gearman.entities.gearmanexception' not defined

Previous errors too severe. Stopping here.

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-07-24 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jul 24 08:04:54 BST 2012 Starting en
===> Tue Jul 24 08:04:54 BST 2012 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... => Something happenend when 
snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-21 Thread noreply
The kr build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Thu Jun 21 08:33:26 BST 2012 Starting kr
===> Thu Jun 21 08:33:26 BST 2012 Configuring kr
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... kr
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "constant.trait"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting kr
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-20 Thread noreply
The kr build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Thu Jun 21 04:33:17 BST 2012 Starting kr
===> Thu Jun 21 04:33:17 BST 2012 Configuring kr
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... kr
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "constant.trait"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting kr
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-20 Thread noreply
The kr build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Thu Jun 21 00:33:00 BST 2012 Starting kr
===> Thu Jun 21 00:33:00 BST 2012 Configuring kr
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... kr
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "constant.trait"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting kr
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-20 Thread noreply
The kr build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Jun 20 20:34:16 BST 2012 Starting kr
===> Wed Jun 20 20:34:16 BST 2012 Configuring kr
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... kr
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "constant.trait"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting kr
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-20 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Jun 20 16:35:02 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Wed Jun 20 16:35:02 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-20 Thread noreply
The kr build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Jun 20 16:34:31 BST 2012 Starting kr
===> Wed Jun 20 16:34:31 BST 2012 Configuring kr
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... kr
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "constant.trait"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting kr
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-20 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Jun 20 12:33:33 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Wed Jun 20 12:33:33 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-20 Thread noreply
The kr build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Jun 20 12:33:00 BST 2012 Starting kr
===> Wed Jun 20 12:33:00 BST 2012 Configuring kr
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... kr
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "constant.trait"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting kr
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-20 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Jun 20 08:33:40 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Wed Jun 20 08:33:40 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-20 Thread noreply
The kr build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Jun 20 08:33:08 BST 2012 Starting kr
===> Wed Jun 20 08:33:08 BST 2012 Configuring kr
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... kr
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "constant.trait"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting kr
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Jun 20 04:38:22 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Wed Jun 20 04:38:22 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Wed Jun 20 00:37:50 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Wed Jun 20 00:37:50 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 20:36:16 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Tue Jun 19 20:36:16 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The de build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 20:11:16 BST 2012 Starting de
===> Tue Jun 19 20:11:16 BST 2012 Configuring de
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... de
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting de
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The ro build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 16:24:20 BST 2012 Starting ro
===> Tue Jun 19 16:24:20 BST 2012 Configuring ro
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... ro
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting ro
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 16:23:54 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Tue Jun 19 16:23:54 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The es build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 16:10:32 BST 2012 Starting es
===> Tue Jun 19 16:10:32 BST 2012 Configuring es
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... es
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting es
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The en build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 16:10:12 BST 2012 Starting en
===> Tue Jun 19 16:10:12 BST 2012 Configuring en
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... en
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting en
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The da build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 16:05:39 BST 2012 Starting da
===> Tue Jun 19 16:05:39 BST 2012 Configuring da
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... da
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... 
ERROR (/local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml:15:20)
 failed to load external entity "/local/src/phpdoc-all/da/language-snippets.ent"

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children
 Element simpara is not declared in para list of possible children

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting da
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 12:37:50 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Tue Jun 19 12:37:50 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-19 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 08:37:57 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Tue Jun 19 08:37:57 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-18 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 04:38:20 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Tue Jun 19 04:38:20 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-18 Thread noreply
The pt_BR build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Tue Jun 19 00:37:36 BST 2012 Starting pt_BR
===> Tue Jun 19 00:37:36 BST 2012 Configuring pt_BR
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... pt_BR
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "ini.curl.cainfo"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting pt_BR
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-11 Thread noreply
The fr build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Mon Jun 11 08:25:18 BST 2012 Starting fr
===> Mon Jun 11 08:25:18 BST 2012 Configuring fr
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... fr
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "mysqlinfo.concepts.charset"

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting fr
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-10 Thread noreply
The es build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Sun Jun 10 08:21:13 BST 2012 Starting es
===> Sun Jun 10 08:21:13 BST 2012 Configuring es
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... es
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 ID constant.php-output-handler-start already defined
 ID constant.php-output-handler-cont already defined
 ID constant.php-output-handler-end already defined

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting es
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-09 Thread noreply
The es build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Sun Jun 10 04:20:41 BST 2012 Starting es
===> Sun Jun 10 04:20:41 BST 2012 Configuring es
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... es
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 ID constant.php-output-handler-start already defined
 ID constant.php-output-handler-cont already defined
 ID constant.php-output-handler-end already defined

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting es
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] This PHP Manual build is broken

2012-06-09 Thread noreply
The es build of the PHP Manual is broken, so it does not validate or build. 
Please fix it! ;)

Attached is the full log

The docs.php.net server
===> Sun Jun 10 00:20:14 BST 2012 Starting es
===> Sun Jun 10 00:20:14 BST 2012 Configuring es
configure.php: $Id: configure.php 316520 2011-09-12 09:54:52Z shein $
PHP version: 5.3.3

Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base
Checking for output filename... 
Checking whether to include CHM... no
Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php
Checking for language to build... es
Checking whether the language is supported... yes
Checking for partial build... no
Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no
Checking libxml version... 2.7.6
Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes
Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done
Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done
Iterating over extension specific version files... OK
Saving it... OK
Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done
Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no
Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no
Loading and parsing manual.xml... done.
Validating manual.xml... failed.

The document didn't validate, here are the errors I got:
(If this isn't enough information, try again with --enable-xml-details)
 ID constant.php-output-handler-start already defined
 ID constant.php-output-handler-cont already defined
 ID constant.php-output-handler-end already defined

Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above.
=> Something happenend when snapshotting es
Failed completely
=> Please have a look!

[PHP-DOC] The PHP documentation activity report

2011-12-07 Thread noreply


This lists some of the activity found within the PHP documentation over at 
php.net. Of course numbers mean nothing alone, but they do show general 
activity around the PHP documentation. Dates of activity include: 2011-11-30 to 

Those who made SVN commits:
  (php.net svn modules: phpdoc, phd, web/doc-editor)

   irker 9
  takagi 6
 khp 5
   vrana 5
  philip 3
   rquadling 3
 edwincartagenah 3
 salathe 2
gooh 2
 saltybeagle 1
jorgeeolayap 1
   jesusruiz 1
dave 1
jvenegasperu 1
 andresdzphp 1
 hradtke 1

Those who closed documentation bugs:
  (bug categories: problem, translation, phd, editor)

 yannick 2
gooh 1
   seros 1
   irker 1

Those who handled user notes:
  (actions: delete, reject, edit)

joey 1

See also: 
 - Edit the documentation online: https://edit.php.net/
 - Documentation HOWTO: https://doc.php.net/dochowto/

[PHP-DOC] The PHP documentation activity report

2011-07-25 Thread noreply


This lists some of the activity found within the PHP documentation over at 
php.net. Of course numbers mean nothing alone, but they do show general 
activity around the PHP documentation. Dates of activity include: 2011-06-26 to 

Those who made SVN commits:
  (php.net svn modules: phpdoc, phd, web/doc-editor)

 yannick   106
kristina 9
   chuso 8
joey 8
 edwincartagenah 7
  jpauli 6
  juanmi 5
  felipe 4
  moacir 4
lytboris 4
 mgf 4
sixd 3
 seprize 3
  jesus_cova 3
 jguerin 2
 chx 2
   kalle 2
   ircmaxell 2
yago 1
 gui 1
   dragoonis 1
jvenegasperu 1
 fat 1
  cataphract 1
   cyberline 1
  mfonda 1
danbrown 1
stas 1
laruence 1
nohn 1
  fa 1
   argosback 1
chunsong 1
lyma 1
  rasmus 1
  nikola 1
  x1v4nx 1

Those who closed documentation bugs:
  (bug categories: problem, translation, phd, editor)

  frozenfire 9
   nikic 5
 yannick 4
  philip 2
   bjori 2
 salathe 1
   RQuadling 1
  fa 1
 aharvey 1
   shein 1
   kalle 1

Those who handled user notes:
  (actions: delete, reject, edit)

danbrown   303
  philip 4
  Thiago 4
   vrana 1
  frozenfire 1
laruence 1
   bjori 1
  colder 1

See also: 
 - Edit the documentation online: https://edit.php.net/
 - Documentation HOWTO: https://doc.php.net/dochowto/

[PHP-DOC] The weekly PHP documentation activity report

2011-06-09 Thread noreply


This lists some of the activity found within the PHP documentation over at 
php.net. Of course numbers mean nothing alone, but they do show general 
activity around the PHP documentation. Dates of activity include: 2011-06-02 to 

Those who made SVN commits:
  (php.net svn modules: phpdoc, phd, web/doc-editor)

 salathe 8
   bjori 8
  moacir 7
  superb 6
 mgf 4
   satoruyoshida 3
  takagi 3
   wiesemann 3
  philip 2
   seros 2
  lehmer 1
 chx 1
   jpberdejo 1
  frozenfire 1
  sh_mashaqi 1
yago 1
   mkoppanen 1

Those who closed documentation bugs:
  (bug categories: problem, translation, phd, editor)

  philip 2
   wiesemann 2
   rquadling 1
  frozenfire 1
 salathe 1

Those who handled user notes:
  (actions: delete, reject, edit)

 salathe 1

See also: 
 - Edit the documentation online: https://edit.php.net/
 - Documentation HOWTO: https://doc.php.net/dochowto/

[PHP-DOC] Last weeks PHP documentation activity report

2011-06-01 Thread noreply


This lists some of the activity found within the PHP documentation over at 
php.net. Of course numbers mean nothing alone, but they do show general 
activity around the PHP documentation. Dates of activity include: 2011-05-26 to 

Those who made SVN commits:
  (php.net svn modules: phpdoc, phd, web/doc-editor)

 yannick 6
   jpberdejo 3
 julionc 2
  moacir 2
 salathe 2
jvenegasperu 2
  x1v4nx 2
  patrickallaert 1
  rasmus 1
   satoruyoshida 1
 dtajchreber 1
  rbowen 1
jorgeeolayap 1
 edwincartagenah 1
  superb 1

Those who closed documentation bugs:
  (bug categories: problem, translation, phd, editor)

  rasmus 1
 salathe 1

Those who handled user notes:
  (actions: delete, reject, edit)

   arash 1
joey 1

See also: 
 - Edit the documentation online: https://edit.php.net/
 - Documentation HOWTO: https://doc.php.net/dochowto/

[PHP-DOC] Last weeks PHP documentation activity report

2011-05-25 Thread noreply


This lists some of the activity found within the PHP documentation over at 
php.net. Of course numbers mean nothing alone, but they do show general 
activity around the PHP documentation. Dates of activity include: 2011-05-19 to 

Those who made SVN commits:
  (php.net svn modules: phpdoc, phd, web/doc-editor)

 yannick 9
  superb 8
   rquadling 8
   joeaccord 8
   shein 5
kristina 4
   bjori 3
  x1v4nx 2
   satoruyoshida 2
  moacir 1
jvenegasperu 1
pdezwart 1
   masakielastic 1
   vrana 1
  philip 1

Those who closed documentation bugs:
  (bug categories: problem, translation, phd, editor)


Those who handled user notes:
  (actions: delete, reject, edit)

   rquadling 1

See also: 
 - Edit the documentation online: https://edit.php.net/
 - Documentation HOWTO: https://doc.php.net/dochowto/

[PHP-DOC] Last weeks PHP documentation activity report

2011-05-18 Thread noreply


This lists some of the activity found within the PHP documentation over at 
php.net. Of course numbers mean nothing alone, but they do show general 
activity around the PHP documentation. Dates of activity include: 2011-05-11 to 

Those who made SVN commits:
  (php.net svn modules: phpdoc, phd, web/doc-editor)

 dtajchreber 8
  superb 8
   satoruyoshida 6
  philip 4
ianb 3
kristina 3
   jpberdejo 2
   rquadling 2
   seros 2
   bjori 1
  moacir 1
raphaelm 1
danbrown 1
  cubrid 1
jvenegasperu 1
   joeaccord 1
  nilgun 1
 edwincartagenah 1

Those who closed documentation bugs:
  (bug categories: problem, translation, phd, editor)

 dtajchreber 8
 yannick 4
raphaelm 1
   bjori 1

Those who handled user notes:
  (actions: delete, reject, edit)

danbrown   101
  thiago 1

See also: 
 - Edit the documentation online: https://edit.php.net/
 - Documentation HOWTO: https://doc.php.net/dochowto/

[PHP-DOC] Last weeks PHP documentation activity report

2011-05-11 Thread noreply


This lists some of the activity found within the PHP documentation over at 
php.net. Of course numbers mean nothing alone, but they do show general 
activity around the PHP documentation. Dates of activity include: 2011-05-04 to 

Those who made SVN commits:
  (php.net svn modules: phpdoc, phd, web/doc-editor)

   shein 7
   jpberdejo 6
   seros 4
  nikola 4
 salathe 3
jvenegasperu 3
  sh_mashaqi 2
   satoruyoshida 2
   bjori 2
  colder 1
  uw 1
  cubrid 1
  philip 1
sixd 1
 aharvey 1
  honestqiao 1
 agarzon 1
pierrick 1
  takagi 1
 edwincartagenah 1
tony2001 1

Those who closed documentation bugs:
  (bug categories: problem, translation, phd, editor)

 salathe 2
 yannick 1
  philip 1
   bjori 1
pierrick 1

Those who handled with user notes:
  (actions: delete, reject, edit)

  thiago 9
 salathe 3
   rquadling 2

[PHP-DOC] Build is not broken

2010-12-20 Thread noreply
Just testing if this box can actually send mail to the list :)

[PHP-DOC] Build is not broken

2010-12-20 Thread noreply
Just testing if this box can actually send mail to the list :)