
    I downloaded PHP version 4.20 source and php manual in English dated 20 April 2002. But manual is always not up to date. For example many new ./configure options are available and there is no mention of these anywhere in the manual. Options like --with-tokenizer, --with-sablot-js, --enable-mbregex and --enable-aggregate. There may be many more like using libxslt instead of sablot. Even configure --help should mention which one of the two options cannot be used together. There are many confusing options like --enable-xslt and --with-xslt-sablot and one doesn't know whether both should be used to enable xslt support in php. More confusion is added by libxslt. Difference between  --with-xxx-dir --with-xxx=[DIR] also isn't clear.
    Even if new extensions/configure options are experimental, there should be at least mention of these options in manual topic which provides "Complete list of configure options" so that others can know what a particular option does. Only then others can experiment with these options. It won't take much time to add details of a particular option in two three lines. Although it would have been better to also provide details of a functions available in a particular extension etc.

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