Have you checkout your sv molude with following command at /phpdoc/?
    cvs checkout phpdoc-zv-dir

and you may have a try after translating the files at root dir of

Well, this also happened when we began to work with zh molude, and that goes
well after Goba made the configure.in file support 'zh'...


"Jome" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I ran cvs update on my machine and reran ./configure --with-lang=sv as I've
been told, but it gives me the following error:

ERROR: Missing argument[s], cannot generate file-entities.entcreating
entities/missing-entities.ent and entities/missing-ids.xml

I've tried without --with-lang=sv but that does seem to matter, same error.
make test fails, of course.

What have I done wrong now? ;-)


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