philip          Mon Jan 20 13:11:53 2003 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/en/chapters install.omnihttpd.xml install.iis.xml 
  Implement solution to bug #16111 into a couple faqs.
Index: phpdoc/en/chapters/install.omnihttpd.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/chapters/install.omnihttpd.xml:1.3 
--- phpdoc/en/chapters/install.omnihttpd.xml:1.3        Mon Jan 20 02:24:59 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/chapters/install.omnihttpd.xml    Mon Jan 20 13:11:52 2003
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!-- $Revision: 1.3 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.4 $ -->
   <sect1 id="install.omnihttpd">
    <title>Servers-OmniHTTPd Server</title>
@@ -18,22 +18,9 @@
      <title>Important for CGI users</title>
-      When running PHP as CGI with IIS, PWS, OmniHTTPD or Xitami,
-      you MUST set the <link linkend="ini.cgi.force-redirect">
-      cgi.force_redirect</link> directive to <literal>0</literal>.
-      It defaults to <literal>1</literal> so be sure the directive
-      isn't commented out (with a <literal>;</literal>).
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      It's important that you're 100% sure that &php.ini; is
-      being read by PHP.  To test this, make a call to
-      <function>phpinfo</function> and near the top will be a
-      listing called <literal>Configuration File (php.ini)</literal>.
-      This will tell you where PHP is looking for &php.ini; and
-      whether or not it's being read.  If just a PATH exists
-      than it's not being read and you should put your &php.ini;
-      there.  If &php.ini; is included with the PATH than it is
-      being read.
+      Read the <link linkend="faq.installation.forceredirect">faq
+      on cgi.force_redirect</link> for important details.  This
+      directive needs to be set to <literal>0</literal>.
Index: phpdoc/en/chapters/install.iis.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/chapters/install.iis.xml:1.4 phpdoc/en/chapters/install.iis.xml:1.5
--- phpdoc/en/chapters/install.iis.xml:1.4      Mon Jan 20 02:12:46 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/chapters/install.iis.xml  Mon Jan 20 13:11:52 2003
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!-- $Revision: 1.4 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.5 $ -->
   <sect1 id="install.iis">
@@ -13,22 +13,9 @@
     <title>Important for CGI users</title>
-     When running PHP as CGI with IIS, PWS, OmniHTTPD or Xitami, 
-     you MUST set the <link linkend="ini.cgi.force-redirect">
-     cgi.force_redirect</link> directive to <literal>0</literal>.  
-     It defaults to <literal>1</literal> so be sure the directive 
-     isn't commented out (with a <literal>;</literal>).
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     It's important that you're 100% sure that &php.ini; is
-     being read by PHP.  To test this, make a call to
-     <function>phpinfo</function> and near the top will be a
-     listing called <literal>Configuration File (php.ini)</literal>.
-     This will tell you where PHP is looking for &php.ini; and
-     whether or not it's being read.  If just a PATH exists
-     than it's not being read and you should put your &php.ini;
-     there.  If &php.ini; is included with the PATH than it is 
-     being read.
+     Read the <link linkend="faq.installation.forceredirect">faq
+     on cgi.force_redirect</link> for important details.  This
+     directive needs to be set to <literal>0</literal>.
Index: phpdoc/en/chapters/install.xitami.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/chapters/install.xitami.xml:1.2 
--- phpdoc/en/chapters/install.xitami.xml:1.2   Mon Jan 20 02:24:59 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/chapters/install.xitami.xml       Mon Jan 20 13:11:53 2003
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!-- $Revision: 1.2 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.3 $ -->
   <sect1 id="install.xitami">
@@ -16,22 +16,9 @@
      <title>Important for CGI users</title>
-      When running PHP as CGI with IIS, PWS, OmniHTTPD or Xitami,
-      you MUST set the <link linkend="ini.cgi.force-redirect">
-      cgi.force_redirect</link> directive to <literal>0</literal>.
-      It defaults to <literal>1</literal> so be sure the directive
-      isn't commented out (with a <literal>;</literal>).
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      It's important that you're 100% sure that &php.ini; is
-      being read by PHP.  To test this, make a call to
-      <function>phpinfo</function> and near the top will be a
-      listing called <literal>Configuration File (php.ini)</literal>.
-      This will tell you where PHP is looking for &php.ini; and
-      whether or not it's being read.  If just a PATH exists
-      than it's not being read and you should put your &php.ini;
-      there.  If &php.ini; is included with the PATH than it is
-      being read.
+      Read the <link linkend="faq.installation.forceredirect">faq
+      on cgi.force_redirect</link> for important details.  This
+      directive needs to be set to <literal>0</literal>.
@@ -92,4 +79,4 @@
 vim600: syn=xml fen fdm=syntax fdl=2 si
 vim: et tw=78 syn=sgml
 vi: ts=1 sw=1
\ No newline at end of file

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